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Percentage of People Aged 65 and Above

by Tanushree Sharma

The graph shows the percentage of people aged 65 and above, in three countries, over the span of a 10 years. It can be inferred from the graph that though Japan had the least proportion of individuals aged 65 and above, compared to Sweden and USA in the beginning, it managed to surpass both the countries by the end of the decade.

In the beginning, Sweden and USA started with nearly the same proportion of senior citizens – at a little less than 10%. These countries saw a steady increase in the population over the years; Although USA saw a slight decline between 2000 and 2020 and Sweden showed a sharp incline during the same time, both the countries are expected to end the decade at more or less 25% .

On the other hand, Japan started the time period with people at age 65 and above constituting 5% of the population; after a slight decline, the country showed a steady proportion between 1960 and 1990. Increasing steadily from there, it is expected to show a sharp increase in 2030 and ending the term with the highest percentage of senior citizens at just over a quarter of the population.

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