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Comments for IELTS Letter to a Friend

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Apr 29, 2019
by: Anonymous

Love it

Jun 02, 2019
Informal letter
by: Anonymous

Dear Neha,

Hope you are doing well. Thanks for seeking my advice before you start your driving lessons. I am too happy to know that finally you agreed to learn driving.

Let me explain you why driving license is important and beneficial to have. As you are planning for further studies in Canada, you can purchase your own car and commute by that. So driving license is mandatory in that case. If you don’t have DL, you won’t be able to own a car. Also in many places you can show your DL as ID proof.

I would also suggest you to join Zahir Driving School which is near your place. Many of my friends have learnt driving from that place. Specifically book Mr. Zen as your coach; I have heard good reviews about him. Just a month class, and then you would be easily able to drive car by yourself.

Won’t you like to have some extra tips from me? So here it goes.. Always put your street belt while you drive car. Also make sure that person sitting in the front seat have put street belt. Never drive car at high speed. Last but not the least do follow traffic signals and sign boards while driving.

Share with me your experience of driving lessons.

Enjoy!Stay in touch.


Jul 19, 2019
IELTS Letter to a Friend
by: Anonymous

Write a letter to your friend who is interested in learning how to drive. In your letter

 Say why a driving license is advantageous
 Recommend a driving school
 Give any extra guidance /tips

Word count- 180

Dear Tom,

I hope you're doing well! I'm just writing to let you know about the fundamentals of driving a vehicle.

As you know the driving license is a must while driving any vehicle. There are the number of benefits of having the driving license, which enables you to drive your car independently anytime anywhere. As this will not only saves you time but also more convenient than travelling through public transport.

You may join the Expert Driving school as this is the oldest school in the town and all of their drivers are very kind and helpful to everyone learning this skill. This school also provide a special weekend class for working professionals, which I think suits you the best.

Would you have the traffic rules book in your home? If you don't have the book, let me know I'll send you mine. The book is having complete information about the different traffic rules and signals, which are essential to learn for driving safely without breaking any traffic law.

Let me know if you need any further help.

Your friend,

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