IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

IELTS Task 1 Writing: Bar Chart
Oil Production Capacity

by rocky

The graph shows  oil production capacity for several Gulf countries between 1990 and 2010.

The graph shows oil production capacity for several Gulf countries between 1990 and 2010.

The graph compares changes in the Oil Production Capacity in millions of barrels per day in six countries.

Overall, it is clear that oil production capacity increased in all countries over a period shown. However, the most dramatic rise was apparently seen in Saudi Arabia than any of the other countries.

In 1990, Saudi Arabia produced well above 8 millions barrels per day, and this rose significantly to little above 12 million barrels per day in 2005 before soaring its output to just above 14 million barrels per day by the year 2010. In contrast, the lowest oil producing nation was Qatar under 1 million barrel per day throughout the given years although there was a modest increase in 2000.

Oil production capacity in Iran increased gradually from about 3 million barrel per day to well above 4 million barrel per day in 2010. Although the production of oil in UAE, Kuwait and Iraq tended to rise between 1990 and 2010, their production capacities reached under 4 million barrels per day by the year 2010.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

The graph compares changes in the Oil Production Capacity in millions of barrels per day in six countries.

Overall, it is clear that oil production capacity increased in all countries over the period shown. However, the most dramatic rise was apparently seen in Saudi Arabia, which rose more than any of the other countries.

In 1990, Saudi Arabia produced well above 8 millions barrels per day, and this rose significantly to a little above 12 million barrels per day in 2005 before soaring its output to just above 14 million barrels per day by the year 2010. In contrast, the lowest oil producing nation was Qatar at under 1 million barrels per day throughout the given years although there was a modest increase in 2000.

Oil production capacity in Iran increased gradually from about 3 million barrels per day to well above 4 million barrels per day in 2010. Although the production of oil in UAE, Kuwait and Iraq tended to rise between 1990 and 2010, their production capacities reached under 4 million barrels per day by the year 2010.



It's a good answer for the following reasons:

  1. You introduce the graph by paraphrasing the rubric (not copying it)

  2. You have an overview at the introduction identifying the main trends

  3. You organize the information well by identifying similarities and differences and grouping them together (i.e. Iraq, Kuwait, UAE - similar so grouped together, the others explained separately).

  4. Good grammar as there are not too many mistakes and you use the correct tense (past).

  5. You describle all the main features but do not go into excessive detail

Comparative Structures

Be careful with these. You say this:

...the most dramatic rise was apparently seen in Saudi Arabia than any...

You can't use most with than. The structure is more than. See how I changed it.

Complex Sentences

You could try and put a few more of these in. You have 'although' twice but it would benefit by having some more (for example I put in 'which' at the beginning).


Comments for IELTS Task 1 Writing: Bar Chart
Oil Production Capacity

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Apr 04, 2013
describing the chart
by: Mahyar

The bar chart provides information about oil production capacity over a period of 20 years between 1990 and 2010. This graph is based on countries which are located at near Gulf.

A glance at four indicators for Saudi Arabia reflects that country is the best producer for oil production in every time. For instance, Saudi Arabia produced more than hefty 14 millions Barrels in 2010. Iran is another producer which it's rate for oil production capacity stands at approximately 4 millions Barrels in four selected years. Notwithstanding, Iraq had lower oil production than Iran before 2010, but it is anticipated that it will can surpass from Iran after 2010. This rang of oil production capacity for Qatar is negligible and it can be clearly seen that oil production capacity for this country did not achieve to 0.5 million per day at each year.

It is noticeable that oil production capacity for these countries increase from 1990 to 2010. But there is an exception for Qatar that rate constant with a small fluctuation.

(172 words)

Aug 21, 2013
by: Ghina Fardani

please help me to do the ielts practice

Sep 30, 2013
Describing the chart
by: Anonymous

This is my first time to practice and to write this kind of information. Please check it for me. It will be very helpfule for me and others as well.
Thanks in advance.

The bar chart illustrates the productivity of oil in six contries in every ten years starting from 1990 to 2010.

At first glance it was an upward tendency in all contries except in Qatar that was steady. Especially in the Saudi Arabia that has the highest productivity.

This graph can be divided into three level which are low, moderate and high. The first group is the Qatar which is classified in low level. The oil amount was not exceed 1 million of V Barrels per day in each period. The socond group in the moderate level consists of the Iran, Iraq, UAE and Kuwait. The highest capacities that they could produce were 4.3, 3.9, , 3.85 and 3.75 million of V Barrels per day respectively. Besides the lowest amount was ordered in the same contries except the Irag and UAE had interchanged. The final country is Saudi Arabia which provided the most oil up to 14.3 million of V Barrels per day in 2010 even the lowest amount was 8.2 by approximately still be higher than others."

Oct 29, 2013
Please show me your view about this writing. Thank a lot
by: Toan

The bar chart illustrates the amount of oil produced by 6 Gulf countries from 1990 to 2010, and it is measured in millions of barrels per day. It clearly can be seen that apart from Qatar, oil production capacity of other countries increased over the period and the number of oil barrels came from Saudi Arabia was the highest compared to others.

To begin, in 1990, Saudi Arabia produced 8 millions of V oil barrels per day while it was approximately half of a million in Qatar- the lowest oil producing nation. The oil production capacity of Saudi Arabia then sharply increased over the period until it reached a peak in 2010 of just over 14 million barrels per day. In contrast, apart from a slightly rising in 1990, the number of oil barrels came from Qatar almost leveled off during the period.

With far lower than Saudi Arabia, Iran began with nearly 3 million oil barrels per day in 1990 gradually increasing to just over 4 million barrels per day. Iraq, Kuwait and UAE oil production had the same pattern with Iran’s, as they grew from approximately 2 millions of barrels in 1990 to slightly below 4 millions in 2010./

Jan 13, 2014
oil production capacity
by: Moumita

The bar chart illustrates oil production capacity for several gulf countries between 1990 and 2010.

In 1990,the bar chart shows oil production capacity for Iran was more than 2 millions of V Barrels Per Day. In this year ,oil production capacity for Saudi Arabia was highest among these six countries,this was approximately more than 8 millions of V Barrels Per Day.On this year the lowest amount of oil produce in Qatar,this was less than 1 millions of V Barrels per day.Oil production capacity for Iraq and UAE was almost same,this was 2 millions of vV Barrels per Day snd more than 2 millions of V Barrels per Day respectively.In 2000,oil production capacity for these countries this year,oil production capacity for Saudi Arabia was highest,it was nearly 9 millions of V Barrels per Day and oil production capacity for Qatar was lowest,it was 1 millions of V Barrels per Day.In 2005,oil production capacity for Saudi Arabia was highest and Qatar was lowest,this was more than 12 millions of V Barrels per Day and less than 1 millions of V barrels per Day respectively.In Iraq and Kuwait,there was no remarkable change occur in oil production capacity.oil production capacity for Iraq was more than 2 millions of V Barrels per Day.Oil production capacity for UAE was as same as Iraq.In 2010 ,oil production capacity for Saudi Arabia reached its peak on more than 14 millions of V Barrels per day.

To conclude,it can be said that ,oil production capacity for several countries increased over this 25 years.

Jan 22, 2014
oil production
by: huda

The bar graph shows compares changes in the Oil Production Capacity in millions of barrels between 1990 and 2010 as it indicate x-axis . The production of oil measured as barrels per day as it indicate on y-axis .

Overall, it is immediately apparent that higher rate of production capacity was for Saudi Arabia than any of the other countries , whereas the lowest oil producing was Qatar under 1 million barrel per day.

During 1990 to 2010 Saudi Arabia significantly increased from 8 million barrels per day to 15 million barrels per day . On other hand, Oil production capacity in Iran increased gradually from about 3 million barrel per day to 4 million barrel per day in 2010.

By contrast, Iraq, Kuwait and UAE also increased but this increase was slightly. Their production capacities reached under 4 million barrels per day by the year 2010.

To conclude, it can be said that ,oil production capacity for several countries increased through the years .

Mar 24, 2014
Muhammad Ali Dar
by: Anonymous

THE BAR CHART illustrates the consumption of oil capicity in different countries. In saudi arabia 1990, the consumption oil is 2 millions.and increase gradully in the next following years

Apr 05, 2014
correct me plz
by: najla

The bar chart compares between six countries in production of oil and these are locate near Gulf as well it indicate x-axis.The y-axis is indicate as the production of oil measured.

Overall, the legend illustrate the changes are happen in oil production capacity during period shown .However,the most significant increase was discernible seen in Saudi Arabia .In 1990,Saudi Arabia was the production of oil around 9 million barrels per day and it rose minimal above 9 million barrels per day.After 5 years ,it was rapid in the production of oil capacity above 12 barrels per day.After 10 years ,it grow above 14 barrels per day.Compared to Qatar was lowest in production of oil capacity through the period shown.

moreover,in Iran was grow up the production of oil capacity through 16 years above 4 million barrels per day.

subsequently,the other countries tended to go up the production of oil capacities between 1990 and 2010 and their the production of oil reached under 4 million.

The sum,the legend shows a summary comparison between six countries in the production of oil capacity.

May 21, 2014
Oil production in gulf countries
by: sngham

The bar chart shows the oil production between 1990 and 2010 by major oil exporting countries in gulf region.

It raises eyebrows on seeing the trends of Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait. Though the gulf war has largely impacted the normal life in Kuwait and Iraq, but to everyone's surprise the oil production did not decline in these two countries. Also it is very clear that Saudi is the largest oil producer among these 6 countries. Let's analyse the production one by one in the order shown in the graph.

Iran produced 3.5 million barrels per annum in 1990 during the peak time of Iran-Iraq war. In 2000, it creased the production levels marginally by 400000 barrels per day than 1990s. In 2005 it was further increased and touched 400000 barrel per annum and in 2010 it reached the peak of 4.5 million barrels. Roughly, in two decades it increased production capacity by 1.5 times.
Iraq produced 2 million barrels in 1990 just prior to the war. In 2000 during the civil war, it creased the production levels marginally by 500000 barrels. i.e increased by 1/4th in 2000. In 2005 it was further increased and touched overall 500000 barrel per annum and reached 3 million barrels per annum capacity. And in 2010 it reached the peak of 4 million barrels. Surprised to see that in spite of ongoing civil war Iraq has almost double the production capacity in the last two decades which is really astonishing.

On the other hand tiny Kuwait is almost competing with its neighbour and much bigger nation – Iraq. Iraq. In 1990, its production was 1.8 million barrels per annum right before the war. And in 2000, at the end of war it increased the production by 700000 barrels per annum. And in 2000 it reached 2.8 million barrels per day. That is almost 1/3 times of its 1990 production capacity. At the end of 2010 it touched 3.5 million barrels per day. That is it doubled its production in two decades.

Qatar graph provides interesting insight. Though the overall need for petrol is increased worldwide the trend in qatar shows decline in its capacity from 2000 level. And even in 2010 it could not reach to its peak of2000 level
Saudi has almost doubled its capacity between 1990 and 2010 and retains it’s position as a largest oil producer. In 1990 it produced slightly higher than 8.2 million barrels per annum. In 2000, it had marginally increased its capacity by 400000 barrels. In 2005 it increased capacity exponentially by 4 million barrels and in 2010 it crossed 14 million barrels per annum. i.e it doubled its capacity between 1990 to 2010.
UAE is gradually increasing. UAE produced 2.5 million barrels in 1990 and 2000. In 2005 it slightly increased it by 500000 barrels and in 2010 it was further increased and touched 3.8 million barrels.

Note: Time taken to complete this essay is 32 minutes, which is not acceptable as you know.

Jun 08, 2014
Please correct my mistakes
by: Lourenço K. João

The chart shows oil production capacity in millions of barrels per day in six selected countries between 1900 and 2010. All of them increased considerably except Qatar . overall, it is evident from the chart that Saudi Arabia was the most productive country throughout this period of nine years.

In the beginning Saudi Arabia produced nearly 9 million barrels a day, which is the double of Iran and the triple of Iraq and UE. It production grew dramatically to almost 15 million in 2010 while Iran as well as Iraq reached in their production approximately 4 million per day, which is nearly the the sixth part produced by Saudi Arabia this year.

Between 1900 and 2000 UEA produced the same amount, about 2.5 million and this number went up to almost 4 million barrels per day. Qatar peaked in 2000 with 1 milliom and therefore it wasthe less productive country during all this period.

Nov 11, 2014
Hello...I am very much satisfied with your page.
by: Anonymous

If it is possible I want to practise the writing too in your page, it will be useful because i have the ielts exam next month.;)

Mar 11, 2015
plz chk
by: Anonymous

The graph illustrates about the production of oil around the different countries in the world b/w the period 1990-2010.

It is clear that the production of oil was much more high in saudi arabia during 1990-2010. on an average basis it was 12 million barrel /day, while the lowest production seen in qatar during the same periods...on an avg basis it was 1 million barrel/day.

while looking the other countries, they were gradually increased their oil production between 1990-2010, but the in case of UAE constant production of oil seen in 1990 and 2000...after that increased rapidly...

May 23, 2015
Plz check -IELTS Task 1 Writing: Bar Chart Oil Production Capacity
by: Haneen

The oil producing capacity of six Gulf countries in millions of barrels per day is represented in the bar graph within 1990 to 2010.

It can be seen that overall saudia Arabia produced the maximum barrels of oil and Qatar was the lowest oil producing country.

To begin with,Iran appeared to be the second major oil producing nation.Its production was nearly two million barrels per day in 1990,which doubled by year 2010.On the other hand Iraq,Kuwait and UAE showed comparatively similar capacity of less than 4 millions barrels within twenty year time scale.

However in Saudi Arabia a dramatic rise was observed.It started at slightly more than 8 million barrels in 1990 to 12 millions until 2005.This continued to climb to more than 14 millions even after five years.

It can be concluded that on the whole the oil production capacity of all these gulf countries had shown positive output between 1990 to 2010.

Jun 16, 2015
by: Anonymous

is it okay to put the paragraph like this to explain

the vertical line shows the production of oil per day and the horizontal line shows the oil producing countries .

Jun 17, 2015
X and Y Graph Axis IELTS
by: IELTS buddy


No we don't say that.

We refer to the horizontal line as the X axis and the vertical line as the Y axis.

However, it is not always necessary to mention that much information. You would normally just say something like it says in the introduction of the first answer at the top:

The bar graph illustrates the amount of oil produced in million barrels per day in six given countries from 1990 and 2010.

As you can see, there was no need to mention the X and Y axis.

Aug 30, 2015
Academic Task 1
by: Zeph

The bar graph illustrates the amount of oil produced in millions of barrel per day by six Gulf countries from 1990 to 2010, a period of two decades. Overall, majority of the countries displayed an increasing trend in oil production whereas Qatar showed an erratic pattern for this period.

Among all the countries, Saudi Arabia had the lead in oil production. It started off at over 8 million barrels per day in 1990. This then rose slightly to around 9 million a decade after but this figure soared significantly to over 12 million in 2005 and reached a peak of over 14 million barrels per day in 2010.

The other four countries, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and UAE displayed the same increasing patterns in oil production at around 2 million to over 4 million. In UAE, however, oil production had plateaued in the beginning from 1990 to 2000 at 2 million barrels of oil produced per day.

Qatar had the least number of oil produced with inconsistent pattern and it barely reached a million barrels of oil per day for 20 years.

(181 WORDS)

Sep 15, 2015
by: Anonymous

The graph shows the estimation of oil production capacity from five different Middle East countries over a period of ten years from 1990 to 2010 and these five countries are Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE. Overall, all countries generally have increased their oil production since 1990 except for Qatar, which has shown no growth in that period.

The most amount of oil production capacity produces in all years is Saudi Arabia and can consider this country as the largest oil producer amongst the other four countries. It has produced about 8.5 millions of barrels per day in 1990 and 14.5 millions of barrels per day in 2010 in accordance to the graph shown.

Following behind Saudi Arabia is Iran, the second largest oil producer as the graph indicated. Iran had a gradually steady growth in its oil production in that period. Its oil production has increased from an estimated of 3 millions of barrels per day in 1990 to about 4.2 millions of barrels per day in 2010.

The least amount of oil produces is Qatar with an estimated average of 0.8 millions of barrels per day at every 5 years and can simply consider that there is no increased of oil production for that period. For the remaining countries; Iraq, Kuwait and UAE, they are an average oil producers and all three countries have the similar growth pattern in their oil production. Their oil production capacity in 2010 are in between 4 millions of barrels per day and 3.5 millions of barrels per day.

Jan 01, 2016
Model answer
by: Faryad

The bar chart provides information about oil production capacity over a period of 20 years between 1990 and 2010. This graph is based on countries which are located at near Gulf.

A glance at four indicators for Saudi Arabia reflects that country is the best producer for oil production in every time. For instance, Saudi Arabia produced more than hefty 14 millions Barrels in 2010. Iran is another producer which it's rate for oil production capacity stands at approximately 4 millions Barrels in four selected years. Notwithstanding, Iraq had lower oil production than Iran before 2010, but it is anticipated that it will can surpass from Iran after 2010. This rang of oil production capacity for Qatar is negligible and it can be clearly seen that oil production capacity for this country did not achieve to 0.5 million per day at each year.

It is noticeable that oil production capacity for these countries increase from 1990 to 2010. But there is an exception for Qatar that rate constant with a small fluctuation.

Jun 21, 2016
About the introduction part
by: Anonymous

Is it necessary to add some details like units and graph type to the 1st paragraph? Is paraphrasing the question is enough?

Jul 01, 2016
by: Anonymous


The given bar chart illustrates the amount of oil produced by six gulf countries(namely Iran,Iraq,Kuwait,Saudi arabia and U.A.E)in 1990,2000,2005 and 2010.Units are measured in millions of barrels per day.

Overall analysis indicate that Saudi arabia ranks highest amongst other countries with a dramatic rise in the production of oil over the years.Whilst countries like Iran,Iraq,Kuwait and U.A.E also a steady growth in oil production.On the other hand,Qatar had the least amount of oil produced over the given period of time.

Jul 14, 2016
by: Anonymous

The bar graph illustrates the oil producing capacity of 6 different countries over 20 years period. The graph reveals that Saudi Arabia has been the largest oil producer during these years.

In the beginning Saudi Arab has produced little over 8 million of barrels per day with slight increase in next 5 years. In the year 2005 there has been indispensable increase in the oil production capacity which continued until end of year 2010. The Saudi Arabia has maintained the highest position all over these years reaching approximately 15 millions barrels a day.

In contrast, the 5 countries Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar and Uae has shown modest rise in the oil production capacity. Iran has been the second largest oil producing country in the given period. Iraq and UAE has shown almost similar growth pattern with Iraq ending at little more with 4 million of barrels in 2010.

The oil production capacity of Qatar has been very low which produced only half a million of barrels a day and has not shown much rise over the 20 years period.

Sep 13, 2016
Please Review my description - Oil Production Capacity
by: Darpan Patel

The bar graph shows the comparison between the oil production capacity of the six different gulf countries from 1990 to 2010.

Looking at the graph, it can be seen that the overall production capacity of all the mentioned countries has increased except one, Qatar.

Saudi Arabia, the clear dominant in terms of oil production out of the six, had approx 8.5 million barrels of oil produced per day in 1990 followed by approx 9 million in 2000. It was in the 21st Century when Saudi Arabia's oil production had sharply increased to just over 12 million in 2005 reaching to a staggering level of almost 15 million barrels a day.

However, countries like, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and UAE did see rise in the production but it was not as promising as Saudi Arabia. Iran produced about 3 million barrels a day in 1990 and raised its production to just above 4 million in two decades. Production of Iraq, Kuwait, and UAE was almost similar in terms of barrels a day from around 2 million to almost 4 million in the given period of time.

On the other hand, it was only Qatar, which could not increase its oil production capacity staying below the 1 million barrel mark in the mentioned period.

Dec 23, 2016

by: Sifariya

The bar graph shows a changes the amount of oil production capacity in millions of Barrels per day, from 1990 to 2010 in six countries.
It is clear to see that the capacity of oil is increased every period in each country except Qatar. Overall, a much larger amount of oil production in Saudi Arabia in comparison with Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and UAE experienced the fastest growth in oil productivity.

In 1990 the amount of oil production in Saudi Arabia was around 8,5 millions of barrel and it increased significantly in 2010 around 14,5 millions of barrel per day. On the other hand, oil productivity in Qatar had no increase. It was around 0,7 millions of Barrels in 1990 to 2010
The increased oil capacity in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and UAE in 1990 to 2010 was similar. It was around 1,2 - 2 million barrels. Started from 1990, in Iran, the oil productivity is about 3 million and it was increased to 4,2 in 2010. In Iraq, Kuwait, and UEA the amount of oil in 1990 is around 2 million and in 2010 it was increased into 4, 3.8, AND 3.9 millions of Barrels per day respectively.

Jan 23, 2017
Oil Production
by: Omid Ahmadi

The bar chart illustrates the oil production of countries adjacent to Persian Gulf during 1990 to 2010. It demonstrates the millions of gallons produced per day by countries such as Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Having contemplated all these countries except Qatar, the bar chart shows that these countries have increased their oil production capacity during these 20 years. It is worthy to mention that Saudi Arabia has had the most oil production compared with other countries especially Qatar that had the least oil production. In 1990, Saudi Arabia had more than 8 millions of barrels and in 2010 the production was noticeably higher than other countries approximately more than 14 millions of barrels.

During these 20 years Iran has been the most stable country in oil production, since there is not any dramatic fluctuation in the number of barrels. As the bar chart shows, in 1990 the barrels were about 3 millions and in 2010 there were above 4 millions; however, Saudi Arabia's oil production has been markedly accompanied with the highest fluctuation.

177 words

Jul 14, 2017
Plz correct my answer and put a score out of 9

The bar chart depicts information about oil production capacity of 6 countries (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and UAE) in 4 different years such as 1990, 2000, 2005 and 2010.The units are measured in millions of barrels per day.

Overall, in the given 4 years, Saudi Arabia occupied the highest production in the oil production compared to the other 5 countries.On the contrary, Qatar produced the least amount of oil in this same period of time.

In 1990 Saudi Arabia produced approximately 8 million barrels of oil and the production gradually rose to about 12 million barrels per day in the year 2005.By 2010 it reached above 14 million barrels per day.

In the case of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and UAE, a gradual growth in the oil production can be noticed in the given period of time.However, by the year 2000, the oil production of all these countries reached almost 4 million barrels per day.

Sep 21, 2017
Correct use of this word please?
by: Deen lobe

Pls how best can I use this word 'apparent'.

"What is apparently seen is. ........."


"What is apparent is. .........."

Thank you buddy in anticipation of your quick response. I have a test coming up in 2 weeks time. Thank you.

Sep 24, 2017
Correct use of this word please?
by: IELTS buddy

It can be used in these ways:

"It is apparent that the number of people...."

"It is apparent from the graph that...."

"What is apparent from the data is that...."

"What is apparent from the graph is that...."

Those are just some examples. I'm sure there may be some slight variations.

Nov 13, 2018
I hope I will get a feedback from IELTS buddy
by: Zholdas (Kazakhstan)

The chart illustrates information about the oil production capacity of Middle East countries regarding 4 year periods between 1990 and 2010. Estimated production is in barrels per day. Overall, only Qatar had shown up and down production column and kept the same estimated amount of oil production in the two-decade period, while the other countries of Persian Gulf had increased sufficiently their production capacity over the years.

According to the data on the table chart, Saudi Arabia was an avant-garde in oil production as estimated capacity increased significantly from 8,5 millions of barrels per day to 14,5 million and the dramatic rise was implemented in the second decade.

Iraq, Kuwait, and the United Arab Emirates had shown a steady growth by adding up around 2 million barrels per day in given period of time, but UAE had kept the same amount of producing oil in the first decade. In turn, only data columns of Qatar differentiates it from other countries by doubling its production in the first ten-year period and down turning it to the same estimated amount as it was at the beginning, But then there was a slight increase in last five-year period.

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IELTS Task 1 Writing: Line Graph
Oil Production Capacity

by rama

The bar chart shows the oil production capacity of six different countries between 1990 and 2010

The bar chart shows the oil production capacity of six different countries between 1990 and 2010

The bar graph illustrates the amount of oil produced in million barrels per day in six given countries from 1990 and 2010.

It can be seen that oil production capacities increased over the period shown. Overall, Saudi Arabia had the greatest increases in the amount of oil produced, while Qatar had the lowest producing nation.

Saudi Arabia produced well above 8 million barrels per day in 1990, which is as much as oil produced from the combined production from Iraq, Kuwait and UAE, accounting at nearly 8 million barrels per day. Over the subsequent years, oil production capacities in Saudi Arabia increased dramatically to just above 12 million barrels per day in 2005, and this even rose further to well above 14 million barrels per day by the year 2010. However, compared to Qatar, this country was the lowest oil producing region , under 1 million barrels per day .

Oil outputs in Iran was nearly 3 million barrels per day in 1990, and this rose gradually, reaching little above 4 million barrels per day in 2010. Simultaneously, the figure for Iran increased in twofold, rising from 2 million barrels per day in 1990 to 4 million barrels per day in 2010. oil production capacities in both UAE and Kuwait rose by 2 million barrels of oil in total between 1990 and 2010, although former had a slightly higher figure than latter in 1990.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

The bar graph illustrates the amount of oil produced in millions of barrels per day in six given countries from 1990 and to 2010.

It can be seen that oil production capacities increased over the period shown. Overall, Saudi Arabia had the greatest increases in the amount of oil produced, while Qatar had was the lowest producing nation.

Saudi Arabia produced well above 8 million barrels per day in 1990, which is as much as oil produced from the combined oil production from Iraq, Kuwait and UAE, accounting at nearly 8 million barrels per day (I deleted this as you have already said it). Over the subsequent years, oil production capacities in Saudi Arabia increased dramatically to just above 12 million barrels per day in 2005, and this even rose further to well above 14 million barrels per day by the year 2010. However, compared to Qatar Saudi Arabia, Qatar this country was the lowest oil producing region, at under 1 million barrels per day.

Oil production in the remaining countries was very similar. Oil outputs in Iran were nearly 3 million barrels per day in 1990, and this rose gradually, reaching a little above 4 million barrels per day in 2010. Simultaneously, the figure for Iran Iraq increased in twofold, rising from 2 million barrels per day in 1990 to 4 million barrels per day in 2010. Oil production capacities in both UAE and Kuwait rose by 2 million barrels of oil in total between 1990 and 2010, although the former had a slightly higher figure than the latter in 1990.


Your answer is fine, though I would make reference more to the similarities of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and UAE.

A good answer will clearly highlight key differences and similarities (as you did with Saudi Arabia and Qatar).

You give details about the other countries, but your second paragraph would benefit from a topic sentence explaining how they followed the same pattern (as I added in) to make it clear you area aware of this.

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IELTS Bar Chart - Oil Production Capacity

by Kimsiang Lim

The bar chart shows the oil production capacity of six different countries between 1990 and 2010

The bar chart shows the oil production capacity of six different countries between 1990 and 2010

The bar chart illustrates the capacity of oil production in millions of barrels per day for 6 Gulf nations over a 20-year-period.

It can be seen that the oil production capacity increased in all of the countries over the period mentioned. However, the most dramatic rise was seen in Saudi Arabia.

In 1990, most of the countries produced two to three millions barrels of oil per day, except Saudi Arabia and Qatar, which produced 8 millions of barrels per day and less than 1 million of barrels per day. By the year 2000, Saudi Arabia was still in the lead in oil production capacity of 9 millions of barrels per day, while the UAE' oil production capacity remained stable of 3 millions barrels per day.

All of the countries' oil production capacity increased gradually, except Qatar, which oil production capacity dropped to barely 1 million barrels per day again. Whereas, Saudi Arabia's capacity of oil production rose dramatically to nearly 15 millions barrels per day in 2010.


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IELTS Bar Chart - Oil Production

by Nguyen Ngoc Thoai Nhi
(Ho Chi Minh,Vietnam)

The graph shows oil production capacity for several Gulf countries between 1990 and 2010.

The graph shows oil production capacity for several Gulf countries between 1990 and 2010.

The bar chart compares the amount of oil manufactured in millions of barrels per day in 6 different countries between 1990 to 2010.

Overall, it is clear that the oil produced in Saudi Arabia was the highest which surpassed others within 20 years. However, the amount of oil manufactured was lowest in Qatar whereas the other countries had the oil production capacity increased from 1990 to 2010.

In 1990, Saudi Arabia produced a large amount of oil above 8 million barrels, and then it rose steadily to above 12 million barrels per day in 2005 before growing remarkably to peak at above 14 million barrels per day at the end of the period. In contrast, the oil produced in Qatar was just under 1 million barrels in 1990, and it was more or less stable over 20-period, though there were some slight shifts.

The oil production capacity of Iran, Iraq, Kuwait saw a similar pattern. In 1990, Iran manufactured approximately 3 million barrels of oil per day, followed by Iraq and Kuwait at 2 million and 1.8 million barrels per day respectively. Iran witnessed a gradual increase from 3 million to above 4 million in 2010. Compared to the Iran figure, Iraq and Kuwait were both just under 4 million. The UAE figure stayed at approximately 2 million barrels of oil from 1990 to 2000 and began to grow slowly by almost 4 million barrels of oil by the year 2010.

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