IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

I failed to speak more than 1.5 min on part 2. Will it affect my band score?

by Harry


I failed to speak more than 1.5 min on part 2. will it affect my band score? Rest was quite normal.

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Nov 01, 2015
Not speaking for 2 minutes
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Harry,

It's not really possible to answer how band scores might have been affected without hearing your whole test.

There is no specific band reduction for not speaking for 2 minutes.

There are lots of different criteria you are graded on so the the examiner will take account of many things throughout the whole test and decide the band score based on that.

So I wouldn't worry about it. If you did well throughout the test it may not be an issue.

Good luck

Nov 05, 2015
Don't worry
by: Anonymous

Hi buddy,
Just so you know, it doesn't matter if you are unable to speak for 2 minutes exactly in the second part of the speaking test. I found myself in the same situation but anyhow achieved a perfect 8. If you speak fluently and don't take unnecessary pauses, you are most probably going to score an 8 or even 9.

Dec 03, 2015
It happened to me too
by: Camila

The same thing happened to my. My topic was to describe a situation where I had to wait for something, so I started talking about waiting for the speaking test (because I arrived early). I finished pretty quickly and the examiner signalled me to keep on talking but I couldn't come up with anything more. I think that was a hard question, so I am posting so you can practice what you would answer.

Overall, I was very fluent and I think I spoke good, but I am worried about my result..

Dec 12, 2015
bad day
by: Anonymous

Please Camilia, This same happened to. me as well, so update me about your results, I took the exam yesterday

Dec 17, 2015
Gone off the topic...
by: Ahsan

I was fluent, didn't stopped talking.My grammer was correct I spoke with an american accent..does it matter if your answer to the question is wrong?

I asked her to repeat the question and she did but then again i got off the topic or my answer was not justifying her question.

Dec 21, 2015
upload your results plz
by: Swetang Patel

The same thing happened with me so please upload ur results so that i can calm my self!

Jan 04, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hi mate,

I consider that the confusion which happens during thinking about the question does not make any difference as long as you can show the examiner how fluent you are

And i would mention an important note - you can make up stories as it is not essential to be honest if you look for a high band.

Jan 09, 2016
I got 6 bands
by: Anonymous

I had the same problem. In the exam, I spoke on cue card for 45 seconds and very slowly after that i stopped. Examiner asked me to speak up more but my fluency and grammar was good. So i got 6 bands

May 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hello, in my speaking test I have done good in part 1 & 3 but in my cue card I spoke in past and she has asked me in present then what will happen how many bands she will give. Plz help me

May 31, 2016
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to predict your band score. You are marked for your performance over the whole speaking test, not just part 2.

Sep 19, 2016
ielts test
by: Anonymous

I overall score got 4.5. Because of speaking test. I am getting confused in speaking part. That's why I just got 3.5 in speaking part. That's very shameful :(

Jan 06, 2017
IELTS Speaking Test
by: Anonymous

I just finished my speaking test this morning, but unfortunately my examiner had a terrible accent so I asked her to repeat two of the questions. Even in part 2, the time was up before I could say all of what I have planned and the same happened with one of the questions in part 3. For those who have experience, what are your expectations about my result.
And thank you.

Jan 06, 2017
IELTS Speaking Test
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to give any kind of band prediction based on what you said.

But really, what you mentioned doesn't seem like a problem to me. There is nothing wrong with asking for a question to be repeated a few times or not finishing what you wanted to say in one question in part 3, and you spoke for the full 2 minutes in part 2.

Jan 12, 2017
Common mistakes
by: Anonymous


I was seated for ielts speaking test the last week, and I see some common troubles that happened with me as well.

I couldn't complete the 2 mins of part 2, I kept speaking one min by minimum. The examiner forced me to keep speaking for the 2 mins but unfortunately I couldn't.

What is more, I got very nervous and this was clear on my voice even. I ended up by repeating the same ideas until the examiner asked me, in a very low voice, to change the topic which I selected. So I quickly started to talk about another topic but the time was up before I clarified it.

In general, I think I've done well despite the fact that I struggled using the words brand and branding, also I was not confident when I formed a sentence like "I would've have..."

If anyone had similar experience, then please let me know your speaking band score.

May 09, 2017
less than 2 minutes
by: Anonymous

Hi Camila
what was your score?

Jun 01, 2017
spoke too little
by: Anonymous


I just sat for my speaking test less than 30 mins ago.

I really hope that GOD will help me because I feel I did badly: I spoke out of topic because the one that was given to me, I really have zero knowledge nor idea what to say.

Plus I think I might have spoken for less than 10 mins overall because the examiner asked me a lot of questions. Gosh. I need at least a band 6.

Sep 13, 2017
yes .but speak slow with small pauses...
by: kreatives

Yes it will harmful for your result. I Must suggest you and all other people out there for IELTS:

tip 1# speak slowly
tip 2# take small pauses
tip 3# coin new stories related to your topic e.g. search from your home friends and family for that related material

Jan 28, 2018
ielts speaking
by: moon

Hi everybody i'm doing well. In part 1 and part 3 and speak without hesitation but in part 2 I didn't speak fluently. What you should say about this?

Aug 05, 2018
IELTS speaking wrong topic
by: Anonymous

Hello guys,

My topic name was "describe a piece of technology but not a computer" as I was very nervous I spoke about smartwatch which is one type of wearible computer device is it right or wrong? Please help me will I get low band score?

Aug 11, 2018
IELTS speaking wrong topic
by: IELTS buddy

No a watch would not be classed as a computer.

Oct 26, 2018
deviation in cue card
by: Anonymous

My speaking test got over early and apart from that i did task deviation in cue card. Will that problem affect my band?

Please help me out with my query.


Oct 27, 2018
deviation in cue card
by: IELTS buddy

It's really impossible to judge your speaking test without hearing it.

Feb 24, 2019
Ielts speaking test
by: Anonymous

My topic, was describe a time when someone lost something,

I was nervous and described how we lost our grandfather and our luggage in a station which was crowded.
Do let me know if this is correct or wrong

Jul 05, 2019
1st part
by: Anonymous

I inturrept the mentor while she was asking question is it ok?

Jul 05, 2019
1st part - interrupted the examiner
by: Anonymous

I interrupted the examiner while she was asking question, is it ok?

Jul 06, 2019
1st part - interrupted the examiner
by: IELTS buddy

It shouldn't make any difference, though I'm not sure why you interrupted.

Aug 09, 2019
by: Anonymous

Hello i was good in part 1 and 3 but not as in part 2. Does the score are assign at that movement or few days after exam ?
Also does all the three part has separate points or evaluation ?
Kindly answer

Oct 10, 2019
Can you predict my score.
by: Anonymous

Can you predict my score?.
I answer all the questions of 3 parts with few grammatical mistakes and short stops.
I asked many times to repeat the question.
The speaking involved strong vocabularies but not much variety. I was not prepared for the cue card/a singer/ but I answered 44 minutes.

Jan 29, 2020
Anybody please help
by: Anonymous

I attended the exam on 28th jan 2020
And my cue card was describe about an event that you were was not there in the makkar pdf what to do if they ask topics like this?

Feb 01, 2020
Anybody please help
by: IELTS buddy

I don't understand your question. I don't know what 'makker pdf' is. They can ask lots of different questions on the cue cards. That one you got is perfectly normal. You wouldn't get to see the topic before the test.

Jul 12, 2020
speaking part 2
by: Anonymous

Hi. I appeared yesterday in speaking IELTS and my cue card was about "Describe an exciting event"
I think I did not finish the full 2 minutes because I ended my story at around 1 min 30 seconds. My examiner was quite flat affect. He did not even gave me a signal that I need to continue. After I finished my story, he paused for like 5 seconds. Asked me one follow up question "Who do you invited?", I answered and we proceeded to part 3. Now, I'm totally worried because most of my friends told me that if I did not finish the 2 minutes, it will affect my score. Is there any possibility to get a band score of 7 even if you only talked for 1 min and 30 secs? I guess I answered fluently in part 1 and 3.

Jan 09, 2021
I think i spoke very less in part 2
by: Ken Adams

I just came back from my speaking exam. In part - 2 I accurately answered all the points and in fact part 1 and part 3 were smooth as i don't have hesitation in my speech. However, the examiner didn't ask me to speak more but I felt an awkward silence. Do you think it's bad?

Jul 03, 2021
Spoke wrong content in cue card
by: Anonymous

How will my band scores be effected if i spoke wrong cue card?

Jul 15, 2021
Spoke wrong content in cue card
by: IELTS buddy

There is a lot of flexibility about the part 2 because it's very subjective. It's really not possible to comment on scores without hearing your talk.

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I didn't do well in the speaking test - Can I still get a band 5?

by Tim

Hi everyone!

Unfortunately I didn't do parts 2 and 3 well. I answered all the questions in part one but spoke for one minute in part 2 and could answer only 3 questions out of 6 in part 3.

Can I hope for 5?

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Mar 20, 2015
Getting a 5
by: IELTS buddy


It is really not possible to predict what score you may get, but yes it is still possible to get a 5 based on what you have said.

It really depends how well you did with the questions you did answer and how you did in the minute you spoke for in Part 2.

You'll really just have to wait and see.

Good luck

Feb 06, 2020
Will affect my score band, if I question my evaluator for more clarity.
by: Asmita

I just completed my IELTS speaking test, couple of minutes ago. There few things I realized after the exam.
I questioned my evaluator to get more clarity about the question and on what I should speak.
I was not aware of the time in the part 2, I completed my answer in 1 minute. When prompted by evaluator, I spoke for another minute. Will this be considered as long pause?
As far as I remember, my sentences were grammatically correct; yet there were few words repeated frequently.
To what extent will, these factors affect my IELTS speaking test score?

Feb 06, 2020
Question my evaluator for more clarity
by: IELTS buddy

No it doesn't matter if you asked the examiner to clarify something (though they can only do that in part 3 - for part 1 they will repeat the question).

It doesn't matter if the examiner prompted you to speak more in IELTS speaking part 2 as long as you then went on to speak for the required time.

It's not possible to comment on your grammar or vocabulary without hearing your test.

Feb 20, 2020
what if i had not answered the question *When*
by: Vrushal

I still do not remember that i have answered the question or not

it was when did you watched the movie

topic was describe a movie you would like to share to your friends

Jul 27, 2022
Ielts speaking bad experience
by: Anonymous

In my speaking test I was fluent with basic grammar but i stopped before 1 min and the examiner asked me to say more , I spoke anything which was gibberish but i answered all the questions in part 1&3 with the counter questions how much band will I score?

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Will finishing before the two minutes in part 2 of the speaking test affect my score?

by Stavros

On the second part of my IELTS speaking test, i finished before she told me to stop. i have spent around 1.30 seconds.

Until then my speech was fluent. She asked me to continue but finally after two sentences she told me to stop, no extra time.

The fact that i finished before the two minutes will affect a lot my grade?

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Nov 02, 2014
Finishing before the two minutes
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Stavros,

It is really difficult to tell someone if something like that would affect the overall final score.

You are graded on a lot of things and your performance throughout the whole test.

However, you say you spoke for 1.30 minutes and then when you were asked to speak you carried on till the time was up. So that is 2 minutes so it is not likely it would really impact on your score.

Nov 14, 2014
Ambiguity about your speaking
by: Dr.Prabhakar Reddy

If you have answered your part 2 in speaking coherently, naturally, fluently without any fumbling and if your grammar is accurate, I don't find any reason why you would be degraded though had run out of your steam before the scheduled time of 2 mins. Have no worry. Feel positive. You will succeed.

Jan 12, 2016
Part 2 was completed before 2 min by me
by: Anonymous

Same problem ..i spoke for less than 2 mins of the prompts were covered by me... actually i speak with fluency and speed but with accurate grammar...due to good speed of speaking..i really didn't realise that my 2 mins were not done there any problem..will it affect my bands badly.

The rest, the examiner was happy with my part 1 and part 3.

Jan 12, 2016
Less than 2 mins
by: IELTS buddy


I can only really refer you back to the comments I left Stavros.

It's really not possible to say anything about your score.

As an example, if someone spoke excellently for 1.5 minutes, but someone spoke for the full 2 mins but very badly, the first person's part 2 is likely to get viewed more positively. But the rest of the test needs to be taken into account anyway.

The point is you are marked on many criteria over the whole test so it is not possible to know the impacts, if there even is an impact, of one thing in one part of the test.

Sep 13, 2017
Failed to answer Speaking Task 2
by: jZ

Hi there,

I just want to share that I took my Speaking exam today. I realized only after the exam that I failed to read the 3 questions under the main question for Task 2. :(

I did answer the main question but I worry that my answer isn't what the examiner expected. I feel that I did well for the rest of the questions.

What could my band score for Speaking be? Thanks

Sep 17, 2017
Failed to answer Speaking Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to predict your score without hearing your test. You are marked on lots of things.

Missing a point on the card is not going to be an issue. What important is the factors you are graded on - grammar, lexis, fluency, pronunciation.

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I didn't speak at all in part 2 in speaking

by barnawi

I didn't speak at all in part 2 in speaking. How bad can that effect my score?

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Sep 20, 2015
by: IELTS buddy


It will affect your score as that is a whole section that you did not speak for.

However, it is not possible to know in what way as we have no idea how you did in the rest of the test.

If you did very well in the rest of the test, it will push your score up, but if you did badly in all the test, it will push your score down.

So I am afraid it is impossible to answer your question and you will have to wait for your result.

Good luck

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Did I speak enough in IELTS Speaking Part 2?

by anarov orkhan


I had a speaking exam 3rd july. I want to know what if I failed to speak more in 2nd part.

He asked me to speak about a thing that I want to buy in the future. I told him just about a red Ferrari because its my childhood dream. I collected its pics from chewing gums. I prefer it because of speed and comfort.

I just don't know what to say more and talk around all these stuffs. There was a silence approximately 3-5 seconds. Then he asked me questions from 3rd part.

I just wonder what do u think?

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Jul 05, 2015

by: IELTS buddy

Hi Anarov,

It's really not possible to know if it was enough or not.

There is not a fixed point in time whereby your score will get reduced. You are graded on your performance in various aspects over the whole test so it's not really possible to know if anything you did in that one part affected your score.

If what you did say was spoken well, but then you were sightly short it is not likely to impact on your score negatively.

If he went onto part 3 it may be that you were nearly at the end of your part 2 time anyway.

You really just need to wait for your result.

Good luck

Jul 19, 2015
will it effect on band score
by: manu

I just gave my speaking on 17 July my first and 2nd part was good but last was not soo good.I gave all answer but not properly will it effect on my bands.examinar write 6 after my passport no.what does it mean?

Jul 19, 2015
IELTS Speaking
by: IELTS buddy


It is not possible to know how you did in your test without hearing it, which obviously I can't do.

I have no idea why your examiner wrote 6, but they will not let you see your band score. There could have been another reason for it, such as writing down the timing in the test.

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My IELTS Speaking Test Experience

by mazhar bilal
(islamabad, pakistan)

British Council IELTS: Speaking issue!

Hope all of you are fine.
I appeared in speaking test today.

The first section (short run) goes well.

Then comes the second section (long turn) and I am really disappointed from my performance. I speak only 1 min. and then stopped.

My mind was all blank and I think examiner was expecting me to speak more. However, I think the topic assigned to me was a bit difficult:

"what positive thing u have learned from your family member?"

Will stopping while speaking be penalised or not.

The third section (cross questioning) also goes well.


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Oct 22, 2012
by: Jahanzaib

I'm going to give my Speaking exam on 1st of November. Any suggestion for me?

And your topic was a bit difficult one, really hard to describe, but any way wish you good luck. hopefully you will get good band.

"was the examiner Gora or Desi"
I have also exam in Islamabad.

Sep 25, 2014
Will stopping while speaking be penalised or not
by: IELTS buddy


It is impossible to know whether your issue of stopping affected your score without hearing your whole test and knowing how long you really spoke for.

You should try to speak for the full 2 minutes. However, if you did very well in the other two parts of the test it may not really affect it.

Your performance over the whole test is graded, so it is not really that you do one thing and then your score suddenly drops. It is not as simple as that.


Sep 04, 2015
interviewer cut off answer
by: Anonymous

hi there,

i just settled my IELTS examination recently, but i'm too curious and worried with my speaking part.

The interviewer asked rapid questions and somehow my point was cut off by him/her in the middle, where i think i don't have enough time to complete my sentence.

Is it ok, or how they evaluate actually? Can i get best score for my speaking part?

Sep 07, 2015
interviewer cut off answer
by: IELTS buddy

I think you are worrying too much.

If the examiner cut you off then they will just have wanted to move onto the next question.

Some candidates don't say enough, but if you were getting cut off you must have been saying plenty.

It's really impossible to give any comment on your score or evaluation though or to know if they way you spoke was having any impact on this.

May 08, 2018
Section 3, didn't answer one question
by: Anonymous

Hi All,

Just now I completed my speaking test and I managed to talk more than 2mins for my cue card. But, in section three, I couldn't answer one question. I was thinking for an appropriate answer, but I couldn't get any. so the examiner went on to next question.. will this affect my band score?

May 10, 2018
Section 3, didn't answer one question
by: IELTS buddy

You are misunderstanding the marking. You are graded over the whole test with a variety of criteria so you can't pick one thing out and work out how it may have affected your score.

Sep 20, 2021
Spoke less in part2
by: Bharath

Hi, I know it is a long time. Can I know your score? I am also in the similar situation right now and I am worried

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can I get an IELTS band 6? I only spoke for 1 minute in part 2.

by Sumit


Will it be easy for me to get 6 bands in speaking?
I do part 1 and part 2 pretty well but I only speak for about 1 min in part 2
I make few grammatical errors.

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Jun 16, 2014
Speaking for one minute in IELTS Speaking Part 2
by: IELTS buddy


Nobody can predict what score you will get, but speaking for less than two minutes in part 2 doesn't automatically mean you can't get a band 6.

You are assessed on your performance across the whole speaking test. It will depend on lots of things, so you'll just have to wait for your score and see.

Good luck

Jul 09, 2014

i have completed IELTS but i can not get good score for speaking. what should i do..

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Is my IELTS speaking band 6 because I could not speak for 2 minutes?

by Rajesh


I have given IELTS academic test 2 times and have scored 6 and 6.5 in my speaking.
I remember that in both the exams I was short on my cue card topic.

What I can recollect is that the test in which I got 6, I finished my topic much earlier and examiner was still waiting for me to go on talking which I tried after a long pause in a very nervous state.

My other sections were fine except that I fumbled at places and repeated few phrases.
My target score is 7 in each section.

Could you tell me the reason for my poor score in speaking? Is it because I could not speak for 2 min?

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Sep 20, 2015
Not speaking for 2 minutes
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Rajesh,

As I've said to numerous people who have asked a question in this forum about making an error in one part of the test, it is really not possibly to judge how this may affect your score.

You are given a band for your performance over the whole test, so it is really not possible to know exactly how your score may be influenced if you did not do your best in one part or in answering one question.

So this means for anyone to know anything about your score they would need to listen to your whole test, which obviously we can't do.

However, it does seem unlikely that your band score would drop from 7 to 6 just because you did not speak for the full 2 minutes.

This suggests that you are doing things throughout your test that are leading the examiner to grade you as a band 6.

This means you may well be a band 6 speaker, so you need to carry on practicing so you can get up to a band 7.

Good luck

Sep 25, 2015
Speaking pour
by: Ashok

My english is very bad 3 time ielts req 5 bend but note speaking note good.

Sep 30, 2015
i could not speak for 2 minutes
by: Anonymous

My english very poor

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I only covered one of the points in the IELTS speaking part 2. Is this a problem?

by kissy
(montreal, quebec, canada)


I just finished my speaking test today.
I feel horrible about my part two because i didn't have time to cover all the 3-4 questions, in fact i was still at question 1 when the evaluator stopped me!!!

I am fluent in english and I heard that It's good to elaborate my answers in this test, but I didn't know how short 2 minutes can be!

I was horrified when the evaluator told me my time was up, OH GOSH i really need a 7 for my speaking and i don't have time to retake this exam because my application for my visa will expire this month.

HOW much do i get penalized if i only covered 1/3 of the questions in part 2? Can someone give me an idea? Should I book for the re-test right now??

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Jan 10, 2015
IELTS Speaking Part 2
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Kissy,

I think you are worrying too much about this. That wouldn't necessarily stop you getting a 7. The examiner will look at your performance across the whole speaking test.

Also, if you look at the IELTS public band descriptors you'll see there is not a specific penalty for not speaking about all the points on the card.

Looking at it in a more positive way, the fact that you managed to talk about only part of the prompt for so long suggests you are competent at speaking so you may have performed well overall.

Good luck

Jan 14, 2015
A Non Issue
by: Anonymous

Absolutely a non issue regarding answering all the prompts for part 2 speaking. Examiners are clearly trained to not consider this as important. Examiners are looking for ratable language which can be gotten even if you spent the whole two minutes on one prompt -- so don't worry about not getting to all the prompts. Trust me, I know.

Jan 17, 2015
by: kissy

Thank you guys!!!

It's such a comfort reading your comments, I really hope you are right and that the evaluator won't look too much into it :(

The result should come out next friday so we will know by then, the wait is BRUTAL, I'm so anxious and i keep checking the website for result even though I know it won't be available for another week...

It sucks that IELTS doesn't have an express result kind of service, I would gladly pay an extra fee to get my result ASAP!

Cheers ;)

Feb 06, 2015
Band score
by: Anonymous

What score did you get?

May 23, 2015
taught block while speaking
by: jinu

Hi I had finish my speaking module today but I feel little worry about the warm up and discussion where I faced Lack of ideas. will that will affect the band score bcoz I need 7

Nov 09, 2019
Should I have to cover all questions of part 2 to get at least band 6 ?
by: Anonymous

I really require solid suggestions in this regard

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Please help - I'm worried about two things that happened in the speaking test.

by nnenna


pls. I just had my speaking test last Sunday. On the 2nd part, she had to tell me that I should speak more. Pls, what did that imply. Secondly, she kept scribbling figures which were on 3 columns. Any idea what that meant? Because, I saw the marks of people before me. Was @ tenterhooks.

Please,explain :(

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Nov 01, 2013
Speaking for less than 2 minutes in the speaking test.
by: IELTS buddy


It may have been that you spoke for less than the 2 minutes. They ask you to speak for 1-2 minutes but you should aim to speak for the full 2 minutes if you can.

So the examiner will have been encouraging you to speak for longer. If she does this then you should try to say more. It doesn't mean your score it getting reduced.

Obviously I don't know what she could have been writing. You shouldn't see yours or other people's scores. It may have been timings as the examiner obviously has to keep track of things to make sure the test does not over run.

Jun 15, 2016
Speaking Test Help!
by: Fatima


I just took my speaking exam today and I noticed that the examiner kept interrupting me between my answers and wouldn't accept any of my opinions.

For instance, she asked me whether people would prefer watching television or reading the newspaper for the daily news and I said that TVs are better because you can hear the audio and watch the it along with the video but she kept interrupting me and then asked me why not newspapers? And I repeated my answer, but then I mentioned that maybe it just depends on the person.

If they connect more with words and like to read, they can do that too. But she wouldn't accept that! I even asked her to repeat the question!

During Part 2, I believe I spoke for at least one minute but she kept signalling me to speak more, but my topic wasn't all that elaborate to speak about.

Also even in task 3, she wouldn't let me speak enough to really "show off" my English skills and voice my opinion. She never let me finish any of my sentences! Even the last question! Just as I was about to end my answer, she just spoke over me saying "This is the end of the speaking test"

I'm so nervous! I don't want to spend another $170!

Jun 15, 2016
Speaking Test Help!
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Fatima,

In part one they examiner may just ask you some 'why' questions to get you to extend your answer. It's nothing to worry about and nothing to do with agreeing or disagreeing with you.

In part two you should speak for the full 2 minutes - that is why you would have been signaled to carry on. As long as you spoke till she stopped you it's ok.

In part 3 that examiner may have to interrupt you just to move the test on to the next question. That probably just means you said enough, not that there was a problem.

The test finished at a fixed time so the fact she ended it does not mean there was a problem either.

It doesn't sound like you need to worry - just sounds like a normal test.

Jul 06, 2016
Speaking Test Help!
by: Fatima

Thank you ieltsbuddy! I received an 8.5 in speaking, and 8.5 overall thanks to your website!

Jul 07, 2016
Speaking 8.5
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Fatima,

Great! well done.

Nov 26, 2016
Second part
by: Anonymous

I sat for Ielts exam recently. In my speaking test, I was not able to talk for long. Examiner waited for some time before moving to other parts. I think I did well in part one and two. Will this affect my mark. I need to get 7.


Nov 27, 2016
Second part
by: IELTS buddy

It's not clear which part you are saying you did not do well in as you say you did well in parts 1 and 2 in your message but you gave you message the title 'second part'.

But anyway, it's really impossible to predict a score without hearing the test so you really need to just wait for the result.

Jan 20, 2017
Can I get atleast 5 band
by: Anonymous


I also faced same thing I completed topic within 2 mins by repeating same words. Actually I was scared when I was doing my speaking test. I was unable to complete the part 2. I answered all the questions in part 3. Hope so I could get 5 band.


Feb 13, 2017
I lose mark for answer I don't know.
by: Anonymous

I said I don't know after 1 second I answered l lose mark for this.

Jan 04, 2018
by: Anonymous

I spoke for less than 2 minutes in part two and in part three for last question I gave a long pause. Will this imapct my score? Rest of the test I did well.

Jan 09, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

Everybody pauses now and again when they speak so pausing once in part three certainly is not relevant.

You are marked anyway over the whole test so you can't pick one thing out like that and assess how it will affect your score.

And those goes the same for part two. Speaking less than two minutes doesn't necessarily affect your score but again you are marked over the whole test, and anyway what is less than two minutes? If you were slightly short of two minutes it's not going to make much different but if you spoke for 30 second then spoke no more it could have an impact.

Dec 18, 2018
speaking test 15 Dec. IDP Egypt
by: Ahmed

In part 2, after I've finished my thoughts I said " That's it" with a smile, then the examiner looked at the watch and paused for 5 seconds then we moved to part 3. Does that mean that I was close to the 2 min. or what?

In part 3, when She asked me the last question and I started to answer she didn't wait to even complete the first sentence of the answer and told me 'that is the end of the speaking test'.
Why do think she did that and didn't wait to complete my answer.

Aug 25, 2021
I spoke less than 2 minutes in part 2
by: Anonymous

I gave my IELTS speaking test today in the morning. In part 2, I asked my examiner how much time is left when I was done with the cue card part. Is it gonna get me in trouble?

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Couldn't speak for two minutes

by Sandeep

Hi while speaking I couldn’t speak for 2 minutes on the given topic then the examiner pointed on one of the topic in the paper and asked me to speak on that and then completed the task will it affect my score

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Nov 02, 2019
Speaking for less than two minutes
by: IELTS buddy

No it won't affect your score as long as you continued speaking when the examiner prompted you to.

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