IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Not Finishing the IELTS Writing Task 1

by meki


I've done the ielts test this morning. I had no problems with all the sections, but writing test one: I ran out of time and I didn't finish the first task. Now, are there any chances for me to achieve good marks (5.5 at least) in this section?

Task 2 was ok, I did everything coherently, so I wonder: how much the previous one could penalize my mark?

Thank you in advance


Comments for Not Finishing the IELTS Writing Task 1

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Feb 10, 2015
Ran out of time for the Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Dom,

It is still possible to get a 5.5 but it is impossible to say much more than this as it depends on so many other things.

For instance, an incomplete Task 1 with very good grammar, coherency etc is going to still get a better score than an incomplete Task 1 which is also poor in other respects.

Also, it depends to what extent it was incomplete. What data were being described? How much of it was not described etc?

All these kinds of things get taken into account, not just the fact that it was under-length itself.

And of course it will also depends on how well you did in the Task 2. That is weighted more heavily, so obviously that will go in your favour if you think you did well on that.

Really you will just have to wait for your score.

Good luck

May 18, 2015
My experience
by: Michael

When I first took the IELTS exam, I didn't finish my Task 1 as well, but I did get 6 on writing. I think, if you wrote a clear and good Task 2, it will pull up your score.

Also, if you were able to include the main points in your Task 1, then I think you can get 5.5 even if you did not finish your essay.

Jul 23, 2015
I didn't finish the IELTS Task 1. Can I still get a band score of 7?
by: Anonymous


Is it possible to get a band score of 7, if I wasn't able to complete task 1?

I have missed out only on the last part but I was able to properly convey the required points.

Also, I have completed task 2 properly and I feel pretty much confident about it.

Do let me know. Thanks

Jul 27, 2015
Not finishing task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Not finishing one of the tasks doesn't automatically mean you can't get a 7, so it is possible, but it is impossible to say for sure as there are so many factors that can influence your score.

If the part you didn't complete meant that you didn't describe something important in the graph then it can have quite a negative affect on your score, but you seem to say you described the key points.

Also, if you went below 150 words, this could impact your score as 150 is a requirement of the task.

Of course your task 2 is important as well because this is weighted more heavily than the task 1 so if you got say an 8 in this it may compensate for a slightly lower score in the task 1.

So really you need to just wait for your result.

Jul 09, 2016
Couldn't do the IELTS Task 1
by: Anonymous

Today I had ielts exam but I could not write task 1 at all.

What will happen in that case. Is it possible to get 5 or more than 5 score?

Jul 10, 2016
Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's really not possible to give you any kind of prediction on this because saying "could not write task 1 at all" is too vague.

It depends what you did do but we can't know that without seeing your answer.

Sep 04, 2016
Didn't put similar things together
by: Anonymous


I was supposed to put 2 similar looking data in BP1 and the 3rd thing in BP2. But, somehow I ended up writing 2 non similar things in BP1 and third thing in next BP.

Writing task 2 was OK. Just curious to know whether this thing could lead to a score of less than 6?? Sentence formation was OK allover. Please help

Sep 04, 2016
Didn't put similar things together
by: IELTS buddy

The marking really doesn't work in that way.

There isn't something in the marking criteria that says "Candidate did not put similar data together in the paragraphs = band 5".

You are graded on the way you organise things, and grouping similar trends together helps to make a coherent answer that is easy to read. But it's really not possible to know how well you organised your answer without seeing it.

So in theory yes you could still get a 6, but whether what you did was good enough overall to get a 6 is impossible to know. You are graded on many different factors.

Nov 26, 2016
Penalty for doing task 2 only
by: Anonymous


if one only completes task 2 and does not attempt to write the answer for task 1 at all, does this mean getting a zero for task 1 when calculating the writing score?


Nov 26, 2016
Penalty for doing task 2 only
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you would get no score if you wrote nothing, and so of course it would considerably reduce your overall writing score as it is an average of both.

Nov 28, 2016
Writing band score
by: Anonymous

I gave my IELTS exam on 26th November. I completed my writing task 2 with good discussion of both sides because it's a discussion essay. I'm slightly weak in preposition.

But, I wrote only the introduction and 1 more sentence in writing task 1. Is it possible to get a 6 in writing?

Dec 01, 2016
Not finishing the IELTS Task 1 Writing
by: IELTS buddy

To be honest it may be very difficult if you wrote that little amount on the Task 1. You will get a very low score for just an introduction then one sentence.

It's possible but you'd have to get a great score, like 8 or 9 on the Task 2 to even have a chance as they average it out.

Dec 05, 2016
Ran short of words in task 2
by: Anonymous

Hi, Just want to ask how much score you can lose if you run short of words in task 2. Can I still get 7 band?

Jan 27, 2017
Not enough words in Task 2
by: Anonymous

Completed writing task 2 but short of the word limit. What will be the score in that case?

Feb 02, 2017
Not enough words in Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to predict scores even with knowing how many words you wrote. You are marked over several criteria then given the average so it really can't be worked out at all what you may have got.

Feb 11, 2017
Task 1 under length and one bullet point not mentioned.
by: Anonymous

Hello sir,

I am so tense about the writing task that I took today. In the task 1:

Firstly, I wrote 126 words only.

Secondly, I was unable to address the last point resulting to forget to write about one bullet point.

Lastly, I made 5-6 paragraphs because I panicked as I ran out of time. But managed to conclude the task 1.

But, in the task 2:

I have written very well covering all the aspects and crossing 250 words with good vocab and grammar and all.

How will this affect/effect my score either band wise or individual score? I request for a reply, please.

Feb 14, 2017
Task 1 under length and one bullet point not mentioned
by: IELTS buddy

I understand your concerns but it really is impossible to predict how your overall score could be affected by the points you mention without seeing the whole response for both parts.

There are many other factors taken into account apart from the ones you mentioned and all those things will be put together to give the result. So you can't really pick out one or two things and work out what may be the impact.

You will just have to wait for your result unfortunately.

Good luck

Mar 18, 2017
Overthinking IELTS writing word count
by: Anonymous

Hi, yesterday I took my IELTS exam. In the writing section, I did really well; however, I didn't have time to check how many words I wrote. I filled up 1 and a 1/4 pages in task 1 and 1 and 1/3 pages in task 2. Also, I have small to medium sized handwriting. Do you think I'll be okay? <_<

Mar 19, 2017
Overthinking IELTS writing word count
by: IELTS buddy

I'm sure that much for the Task 1 is ok. I'm not so sure about the Task 2 but it's really difficult to know.

Mar 29, 2017
my bad lol
by: Anonymous

Oh, I'm sorry! I meant 1 and 3/4 pages. My bad @_@
(Just for further clarification: if I were to write another paragraph, I'd run out of space. haha. Thanks :3)

Jun 17, 2017
Incomplete conclusion in writing task 1
by: Anonymous

I just took my IELTS exam today. In the writing section,I did first the writing task 2 because it has much percentage than writing task 1. I was able to express my thoughts in the essay and was able to have more than 250 words.

However, I feel so anxious after the exam because I was not able to finish my conclusion in Writing task 1 although I know that I already had 150 words but still not enough conclusion.

Mr./Ms., do you think I would still be able to get a band 7 in the Writing section even if I have incomplete conclusion in task 1. Thank you in advance.

Jun 17, 2017
Incomplete conclusion
by: Navroop

Hi I have my exam few mins before. I did task 2 appropriately but incomplete conclusion of task1 (ielts). I already mention overview, but too much mess up in conclusion. Will realy effect my writing scores 😞😞

Jun 18, 2017
Incomplete conclusion in writing task 1
by: IELTS buddy

In answer to both the last questions about conclusions:

Firstly, you do not need a conclusion in the Task 1. What you must have is an overview - a statement which identifies the main trend/s in the graph or diagram, map etc.

So as long as you have that (and it could appear in various places in the graph, including in a conclusion, as long at it is very clear it is an overview) it will be ok.

If you don't have an overview or it is unclear, it will bring down your score for Task Achievement (please refer to the Public Band Descriptors which you can find online).

Jul 29, 2017
wrong chart name
by: Anonymous

I have written wrong chart name instead of writing pie I wrote bar chart. Will all my task 1 get wrong?

Aug 01, 2017
wrong chart name
by: IELTS buddy

That won't make it all 'wrong' - that is just one mistake with your vocabulary.

Aug 19, 2017
Didn't end the letter with any signature
by: Anonymous


I recently gave my IELTS General and the writing portion was finished all successfully on time. However, just realised I forgot to end with the signature, like, Yours Sincerely at the end.
Albeit, I have given my best to both the tasks.
How much will it affect my band, please revert.


Aug 20, 2017
Didn't end the letter with any signature
by: IELTS buddy

There isn't anything specifically in the marking that sets a certain band score or penalty for not writing a signature at the end.

An examiner could take it into account as affecting the 'tone' of the letter as that would mean it was not ended politely but the tone of the whole letter would be taken into account along with this, so you can't focus on one aspect and predict a band.

The tone of the whole letter would need to be looked at.

Aug 26, 2017
Writing task1
by: Anonymous


I couldn't finish only my last sentence in task 1. Will it influence much to my score. Other things ok.


It's impossible to know - it depends whether missing that last sentence meant that there was anything important about the graph you did not say. Or whether it was your 'overview', which you must have.

If it was neither of those it may not really have much impact.

IELTS buddy

Aug 26, 2017
without mentioning the graph name
by: Anonymous

Can anyone say that if we do not mention the name of the graph in task 1 do u loose the score? Or how it is please suggest me as i forgot to mention it in task 1 name of the graph?


You mean as in 'bar graph' or 'line graph'? That probably won't make much difference if you still wrote a good description.

IELTS buddy

Aug 26, 2017
Task 1 incomplete, and Task 2 able to finish
by: Anonymous

Hi IELTS buddy, I'd like to know where I can improve on.

On task 1, i felt I wasn't able to finish and explain the graph well. I only had 2 paragraphs, first paragraph is the paraphrase, the 2nd paragraph about 2-3 sentence about the trend and just wrote on the first page.

On Task 2 I think I did well and able to finish it. However, i got Band 5 overall in writing. What could possibly go wrong? Where do you think I should focus on? Thank you.

Aug 27, 2017
Task 1 incomplete, and Task 2 able to finish
by: IELTS buddy

You might have issues with grammar etc but of course I don't know whether that is the case or not so I can't advise you on that.

But the issue you talk about is time, and not having enough.

That is all about planning and practice under timed conditions.

So for example you need to practice analysing different types of graph questions and essay questions so you are familiar with them and don't waste precious time at the beginning confused over something you have never seen before.

And also the practice under timed conditions means you will get to know how quickly you can write and what you can get done in time.

Also make sure you are not writing too much on the Task 2 - stick to around 260 words so you have plenty of time for Task 1.

I'd go through the lessons and model essays / graphs on my site then do lots of timed practice till you are confident about doing a Task 2 in 40 mins and a Task 1 in 20 minutes.

Sep 21, 2017
task 1
by: ajay

task 1 is incomplete due to time period but instead i just write introduction and overall only how much i can get scored??

Sep 24, 2017
Intro and Overview
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to predict your score, but I'm afraid for your Task 1 it will be quite low if all you did was an introduction and overview.

Your score will be reduced for Task Response but also on the other criteria - if you wrote very little then you can't score highly for grammar, vocab or coherence and cohesion either because you won't have demonstrated your skills in these areas.

The score though will get averaged with your Task 2, so that will push the overall score up for your writing.

Sep 30, 2017
by: sahil

i done my task 2 very well even i use lot of synonyms but i do not get enough time for task 1 but i completed it and also give a overview but i explains the graph not in pattern i explain very fastly from anywhere any line i panic and describe any line is i get 6 band in wriitng or 5.5 or even less

Nov 03, 2017
forgot to write pages
by: Anonymous

hello, i just took my ielts academic on nov 2. i finished both my writing tasks, but I kinda forgot to write the page on my writing task 2 (I used 2 forms) will that affect my score?

Nov 06, 2017
forgot to write pages
by: IELTS buddy

No it's not relevant to your score. Assuming you had your examination number on both sheets and they were collected in together then they should be able to link them up.

Dec 03, 2017
Wrote writing task 1 in the wrong tense all throughout
by: Anonymous

I took my IELTS last December 2, 2017. Task description said:

'The plans show a coal mine before and after redevelopment into a visitor attraction'.

And it showed 2 pictures (picture 1: plan 1 - before redevelopment, picture 2: plan 2 - after redevelopment).

I was supposed to use past and present tense as i later realized but i think i misunderstood the task because of the word 'plans' and thought it was supposed to be in the future tense. That's why i used the future tense all throughout task 1.

I had 10 mins to proof read both task 1 and 2 to check for grammar & spelling mistakes and i was able to correct all of them so i'm sure my grammar was great.

I finished both tasks with more than enough of the required number of words. Is a 7 still possible even if i wrote in the wrong tense (but with great grammar & vocab) throughout task 1?

Dec 06, 2017
Wrote writing task 1 in the wrong tense all throughout
by: IELTS buddy

The tense would depend on the date of the plans. If the first one referred to how it is now it would be present and if the other referred to the future (as it is a plan), it would of course be future.

Or as you say if it was comparing what is used to be to what it is now it would be past and present.

It's impossible for me to know that without seeing the task.

Yes it's possible to still get a 7 but impossible to have any idea if you have achieved that. You may get marked down on your 'grammatical range and accuracy' or even 'task response' for that error, but if you did very well in the Task 2 or other criteria such as 'coherence and cohesion' for the Task 1 it could push your score up.

So a 7 is possible but your potential scores can't be predicted.

Dec 12, 2017
writing task
by: Nav

i have taken my exam on 2nd dec. MY TASK 2 is quite well whereas in task 1 introduction and overview is good but i put the wrong data in bp 1 and 2. How much overall score can i get??

Dec 12, 2017
Wrong data
by: IELTS buddy

The wrong data can bring your score down for Task Response, but it's impossible to predict an overall score as you are marked on various criteria and then given an average.

Dec 14, 2017
Task 1 last two sentence
by: Tim

Hi, i recently took the exam today, i think did quite well in finishing task 2 with and established where i stand on the topic, whereas for task 1,it showed a pie and a bar chart, i did give a paraphrase for paragraph for both, then an overall impression as well, described the trend in the bar graph, but the last sentence i was only able to describe the two highest values on the pie chart but i wwsnt able to mention the other percrntages due to lack of time, i think im missing atleast two or three snetences, will i be punished heavily for this? Im hoping to get a 7.

Mar 24, 2018
Writing less than 250 words in Task 2
by: Anonymous

Hello! I took my Ielts today and I started with task 1 which was pretty good built, in my opinion. Afterwards, the task 2 was a little hard for me, so I wrote only 220 words instead of 250. Do you think that I will be penalized very much? I need 5.5 at writing task..


Mar 28, 2018
Writing less than 250 words in Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

5.5 isn't that high a score so it's still possible you could get that if you wrote a very good essay but it was a bit under length.

But it's not possible to tell you to what extent your score may have been reduced by it being too short.

By being too short it would affect your essay score in terms of the fact that your ideas would be less developed and you would have less chance to show your vocabulary and grammar skills and your ability to make your essay coherent.

But as I say without seeing your essay it's not possible to know the extent to which those were impacted.

Apr 08, 2018
Regarding task 1
by: Sanjeev sanjeev i appeared my ielts exam on 7th april.. exam was nice ... i did well in task 2 however... i did not understand task 1 .. then i understood task 1 as much possible i wrote it now im worry about my score... i think although i used correct tense wrote all data and completed task1 but i supposed top three exporters exported fruits into these nation . But these countries were top exporters of fruits😣

Apr 16, 2018
Writing positive or negative development task 2
by: Memu

Hi, in the IELTS exam There was a question like what are the reasons? and is this a positive or negative development in your opinion?

So I structred my essay like it can result both positive and negative because of several reasons and in body 1 I put positive resulted reasons and in body 2 I put negative resulted reasons.

I think I couldn't achieve the task but I believe it was a good essay with word count and grammer.

So do you think I can get 6, please answer, I have no time If it's not possible I need to reserve the next exam..... Thank you

Apr 17, 2018
Writing positive or negative development task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to give you an kind of score prediction without seeing your essay.

The easiest way to answer a question like that is just have one body paragraph giving reasons and another stating that it is either positive for negative and explaining why.

You have then fully answered all the tasks. But that is not to say there is anything wrong with arguing it's both positive and negative. It's probably more difficult as in the limited time you have you will have to write about more ideas and make sure they are all explained.

I'm not quite sure what you are saying you did in terms of organisation. It sounds like you mixed up reasons and your opinion. That might have made it a bit confusing but it could be fine the way you did it.

As I said it's really not possible to say without seeing it.

May 24, 2018
Missed to complete Task 1 General
by: Anonymous

I just missed to put the concluding sentence and salutation for task 1 General. To what extent my TA score would be reduced?

May 27, 2018
Missed to complete Task 1 General
by: IELTS buddy

There isn't anything in the marking that specifically refers to that. For TA band 5 it says 'the format may be inappropriate in places'. or 6 'there may be inconsistencies in tone'.

In theory an examiner could deem that inappropriate or inconsistent. It's really difficult to predict if it did in any way and it may not have. You really have to wait for your result.

Jul 07, 2018
Ielts writing
by: Kavya

If I write wrong numbers like 1.2 billion instead of million how much that affects my score in ielts writing task 1?

Jul 08, 2018
1.2 billion instead of million
by: IELTS buddy

You are marked on various factors over the whole script so it's not possible to pick a few things and predict a score.

However, errors on presenting what is actually on the graph are penalised in the Task Achievement criteria.

But if / or how much you were penalised would really depend on how often you made such mistakes. Often would of course affect it quite a bit but one minor error may only make a small difference, if at all.

Aug 12, 2018
Ielts writing
by: Anonymous

Hi, i just took ielts. I finished both writing task 1 & 2. But i forget to write the number of page i used (i used both side of paper). Is there any chance of the examiner didn’t check the other side of page? (Only check half of my writing task 2) Should i contact the ielts test center to confirm this?

Aug 16, 2018
Ielts writing word length
by: IELTS buddy

They always read both sides - it's not possible to fit a task on one side (maybe the Task 1 can be) so they would have to read both sides anyway.

Sep 08, 2018
Ran out of time for Task 1
by: Ajith


I gave my IELTS exam today i worte only Introduction and overall view of the data. I did not describe data. I wrote Task well.

My question is it effects my bands score. How much
band can i get.. plzz help me from this..

Sep 08, 2018
Ran out of time for Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to predict scores without seeing someone's test.

However, if you only wrote the introduction and overview for your Task 1 that will bring your score down considerably as your final writing score is an average of the Task 1 and Task 2 (though Task 2 is weighted slightly more).

With so little written on your Task 1 you may well only get around a band 3 for that task. Overall will depend on how you did for Task 2.

Sep 09, 2018
Wrong tense
by: Anonymous

I used wrong tense for task 1 in writing. Data reffered to past and future times. I just used past tense. I fairly did in task 2. I guess i will score at least 6 in task 2. Can u give me an idea of band score for writing task 1? Will i able to receive at least 5.5 ?

Sep 09, 2018
Wrong tense
by: IELTS buddy

Yes it would still be possible to get 5.5. That issue with tense would only affect one criteria - you are marked on four overall which are then averaged.

Sep 15, 2018
Writing modules
by: Anonymous

I have completed my writing task 2 with approx 340 words & relavent point & completeded my task 1 as well but does not go well

Is there any possibility of scoring atleast 6 bands?

Thank you in advamce

Sep 18, 2018
Forgot to write the description of second diagram
by: Prashanth Tirumalasetty

Actually in task 1 I have written the introduction well but coming to the body I have compared and written the discription of the first diagram but forgot to write the second one.

How much of my score will be affected? Will I get at least of 6 band overall writing test and I written task 2 good and I even checked my grammar too?

Please tell me how much score can I expect?

Sep 22, 2018
Forgot to write the description of second diagram
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to predict your scores without seeing what you wrote.

But missing one whole diagram could bring your score down for Task Achievement for the Task 1 quite a lot. Maybe even a 4, but possibly a 5.

Yes you could still get a 6 overall in theory, but your overall score depends on what you get for the other three criteria in the Task 1 and your score for the Task 2, but those things are impossible to know.

Oct 13, 2018
Question about Task 2
by: Anonymous

I just took my IELTS. Reading and Listening went well.

In Writing, Task 2 question was if marrying and having children after one's thirties is a positive development compared to marrying and having kids in one's twenties.

I answered the question, only to realise after submitting the paper that I missed including the bit about "children."

How much is that going to cost me????
Thank you!!

Oct 14, 2018
Question about Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's too difficult to answer that without seeing your essay but I can say in general terms that you are penalised for not fully answering the question in Task Response.

If you missed out a key part of the essay that should have been there you could possibly get limited to a band 5 or 4 for TR. However if in someway you did appear to touch on all the points is still possible for a 6.

Really you just have to wait for your result.

Jan 08, 2019
Not finishing task 1
by: Anonymous

I've taken my IELTS recently and in the writing task 1 there's been a table with 4 graphs but I've explained only 2 of them. Can I get at least 6.0.

Jan 13, 2019
Not finishing task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's always impossible to answer questions when someone is concerned about one criteria (task achievement) because you are marked over four.

So it's an average and if you do worse in one criteria the other ones will bring that score up or down.

If you didn't finish the task 1 because of the reason you state it could very easily bring your score for task achievement down to band 4 as that is the penalty for not describing the key points.

So you could still get 6 but you would have to have done very very well in the other criteria in order to achieve an overall 6.

Apr 17, 2019
grammar mistake
by: Ap

Sir, i did mistake in task 1
task 1 given in past tense form but i wrote in present tense
so how many band i will get?

Apr 20, 2019
grammar mistake
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to say what band you may get because you are marked on many things, not just the tense you use. Also it would depend to what extent using the wrong tense impacted on the response.

The examiner may bring your score down for 'Grammatical range and accuracy' but where they bought it down to would depend on any other grammatical issues in your work.

Apr 20, 2019
ielts task 2 general writing
by: Anonymous

Good day, i had an essay that required i discussed and gave my opinion.

i wrote on the two sides and gave my opinion that the both was neccessary in the thesis and conclusion but i didn't create a third paragraph for the opinion, can i still make a 7. my letter was okay

Apr 21, 2019
ielts task 2 general writing
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you can. There is not a requirement to have a separate body paragraph explaining your opinion in those types of essay.

Apr 27, 2019
1 part of the task was answered incorrectly
by: Aryan

Writing task 2 for general training was answered without any problems. For task 1, the choice of letter was correct and also ended properly but for 3 questiones asked to address in the letter, the last one was answered incorrectly.

They were asking about a cafeteria impact on company while I described the impact on the employees.

How much marks do we loose for getting 1 part wrong, keeping in mind that rest 2 were answered correctly. Is there still a chance to score 7 band in the writing section?

May 25, 2019
Writing task 1 words less than 150
by: Tahsin

I did well in task 2. But in task 1 my words are may be less than 150 may be 145 or 146 though I wrote all the bullet point. Is there any possibility to pass

May 26, 2019
Writing task 1 words less than 150
by: IELTS buddy

You don't 'pass' IELTS you are just aiming for a certain score and I don't know what score you need.

But yes, you could still achieve the score you want if it was just under 150 words.

Jun 13, 2019
Under Word task 1
by: Anonymous

sir, I have given my ielts exam and my word count for task 1 was about 145 and my task 2 was very good can i get 7 or 6.5 ?

Jun 20, 2019
Completely a wrong synonym
by: Anonymous

Hello all,
I used a wrong synonym which has quite different meaning to that which i was trying to say in task 1 but I'm pretty confident that i elaborated the table correctly and finished task 1. Could anybody tell me how much this single mistake (wrong synonym) can affect my score. Thanks

Jun 22, 2019
Wrong data in task 1
by: Gurpreet

Hi could any kindly advise me how much I can score

As u did both task of writing with good grammar but my data for task 1 was wrong

I have picked wrong series from graph for percentages which was supposed to be used for some other purpose

How much I can get

Jun 23, 2019
Wrong data in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Making mistakes with the data can affect your Task Achievement. From your post I don't really understand what you did wrong. It could though limit you to a band 5 for TA but it's impossible to say without seeing your answer.

Jul 07, 2019
Related to task 1
by: Dhruv


I am Dhruv

I made grammar mistakes in 3 sentences especially in task 1..... mistake (salaries of police officers was )
For these mistakes there any chance for me to get 6 band in task 1 ? ... please tell me

Jul 07, 2019
Related to task 1
by: IELTS buddy

The marking of grammar doesn't work like that. You don't get a band based on specific numbers of grammar errors.

Varoius aspects of grammar are looked at, such as range and mix of complex sentences, not just density of errors.

So it's really not possible to have any idea of what band you may get for grammar without seeing your essay.

And also, how do you know you only have those three mistakes? You could have others.

Aug 19, 2019
Question regarding task 1
by: Yash Patel

I have done both the task properly but the mistake I did was I had not mentioned the data properly as it was in million but I wrote in metric tones .... so could I can get above 6 band in writing ????

Aug 24, 2019
Writing Task 1
by: Shreya Kochar


I have done good in writing task 2 and even in task 1 which is a pie chart and did it very well but after submitting my answer sheet then I realized that I misunderstood the question...
There were 2 pie charts,one for percentage of forest in world and second one is percentage of wood production and I wrote the task with with the productions..
So is it possible to get 6 band?

Sep 08, 2019
Tax chievement for letter writing
by: Anonymous

I have written the letter regarding a request for the book from a book seller, question was why you want to read it, the purpose and other things. I wrote for wanting it for another person. Will this affect my band score.

Oct 19, 2019
Task 2 not satisfied
by: Manpreet kaur

I did task 1 well... but task 2 was not good...but complete it accurately .. how much I will get?

Nov 23, 2019
Task-1 grammar mistake.
by: Anonymous

Hallo, I wrote all things right but I don't know why I didn't use "Ed" in any sentences of task -1 , so I wrote full process diagram information with silly mistake of grammar. Now , the question is how much I can get in task -1 . Out of 3.

Nov 27, 2019
Task-1 grammar mistake.
by: IELTS buddy

I'm not sure what you mean by 'ed' in the process. We do use the passive voice if it is a man-made process, so I guess you mean that e.g. 'the chocolate is meltED'.

But it's not always 'ed', as the past participle takes other endings.

Either way, it's not possible to tell you have you may have done because you are marked on so many other factors, not just the mistake you mention.

Dec 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

In my ielts writing task 2 .I wrote everything in detail (277 words) expressed my opinion but I didn't put examples and experiences but I finished my Task 1 (159words).. Can I get band 7

Dec 17, 2019
Ielts Listening Capitalization Rules
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to know what score you might have without seeing your writing that you did.

You must have had some kind of support for your ideas, even if it wasn't using specific examples or things from your personal experience.

Jan 11, 2020
Didn't finish task 2
by: Bruna


I just did my IELTS academic and didnt finish writing my conclusion for task 2 due to lack of time. It ended up with only one phrase and probably didnt reach 250 words, even though I developed well the essay theme. Any idea on how low my grade could go? Thank you

Jan 12, 2020
Didn't finish task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to say without actually seeing your essay and what your 'phrase' was in the conclusion.

If there is no conclusion it is possible that the examiner may view it to 'lack a sense of overall progression' which could restrict it to band 5 for coherence and cohesion.

But as I say, it's really all guesswork without seeing your essay.

Feb 09, 2020
Could you please help me?
by: Bianca

I forgot to write the conclusion in WT2 ("Answer two questions"). I wrote 450 words and i think I used the words correctly and I was consistent. I also believe I have done wt1 well. is it possible that I get 7 in the writing?

Feb 09, 2020
Could you please help me?
by: IELTS buddy

It's possible if you did very well in the other criteria or wrote a very good Task 1 which brings your score up.

Not writing a conclusion for task 2 IELTS writing could affect your CC score. It could be seen to not have an overall progression through the essay which can limit you to a band 5.

But really there are too many unknowns to make any predictions. You'll just have to wait for your score.

Feb 22, 2020
Misunderstood the title
by: Navdeep

Today i have done my ielts exam and the writing task 2 was: Some people think that to be successful, you need to get in university education, whereas others say it is not true. Discuss both ideas and give your own opinion. I did a mistake by misunderstanding the title. In 2nd body paragraph i wrote other ways of studying like self and online study. I want to ask how much it affects my band.

Feb 24, 2020
Forgot to write Yours Faithfully in task 1
by: Anonymous

I forgot to write 'Yours faithfully' in my sign off in Task 1, how much it can affect my score, say if everything else is pretty much ok. Can i get 7 in all, task 2 was also ok.

Aug 22, 2020
I was not able to mention the last few characteristics of the graph(writing task 1).)
by: Ganesh

IELTS buddy, yesterday morning i gave the IELTS exam. I wrote my task 2 well, but the task 1 i didn't end it with the last few characteristics.
Actually the graph is about the "Bed time activities done by the children" of 1-3yrs, 4-5yrs, 6-8 yrs, respectively, and they gave six different habits. the habits are on the X axis while the percentage of children does the activity is mentioned on the Y-axis.
I do mentioned all the 6 habits for the 1-3yrs and 4-5 years. But, i am out of time to mention the last two habits of the 6-8yrs kids, so i was nearly about to complete the writing task 1, if i could have written those last 8 words which will mention the last 2 habits of the 6-8yrs age grouped children.
forgot to mention that i was around 135 words by the last word i typed.
Can i get 7 .
please answer me, i am so worried.

Aug 29, 2020
I took my ielts today but i did not give conclusion to task2 eassy only wrote introduction and other information , and i did good in task one report what do u think will i be able to get 6 in total
by: Anonymous

I took my ielts today but i did not give conclusion to task2 eassy only wrote introduction and other information but did good in part 1 easy with good grammer and linking words will i be able to get 6 in total writing are there any chances to get more then 5.5 because I need 6 in each band for entrance I know I will get more then 6 in all but have doughts in writing what do u think

Feb 10, 2021
About writing
by: Harpreet

Writing topic was difficult (Nuclear energy) but I somehow managed to write some basic ideas but due to anxiety I messed up first line in introduction (50%)
And about task 1 it was fine
Actually LRS- I performed extremely well for theses I am expecting 8,8.5,7
Can I het 6 bands in writing am so worried about it...

Feb 25, 2021
Did not finish task 1
by: Anonymous

I had my exams today. I was able to write task two but then for task 1, I was able to give the introduction and overview and touch on the first year figure although it seemed I listed the values mechnically because I was pressed for time. I was not able to touch in the second year at all. I didn’t make any comparisons or similarities because I couldn’t go further to the second year. Does it look so bad?

May 04, 2021
Writing Task 2
by: Syam Babu

I wrote ielts resently. In the writing section task 2 , an outweigh question was asked. I forgot to include any disadvantages into that, apart from that i think i have full filled all other criteria and task 1 was also explained quite desently. Will i get a band score of atleast 6 after considering my mistake !

Jun 24, 2021
IELTS academic task 1
by: Tabrez

Hello Sir, I was not able to complete task 1 in time. I have written the introduction & overview in task 1. However I have completed task 2 with proper explanation, examples and structure my easy very well. Can I able to get overall 6 in writing?

Jun 26, 2021
IELTS academic task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's till possible to get a 6 but it's of course not possible to say whether you may have.

How / if your score was reduced for Task 1 would depend on how much information you missed off the graph.

And of course if you did very well in your essay and your have good scores for the other criteria (CC, Lexis, Gr) then that would push your score up and may compensate for the mistake you made.

But all those things are impossible to know without seeing your responses.

Aug 09, 2021
Forgot to write last name on letter
by: Anonymous

Hi, i forgot to write the name at the end of the letter. How much will it affect on my bands

Aug 09, 2021
Forgot to write last name on letter
by: IELTS buddy

Having no name will be ok but you most not miss the closing salutation e.g. kind regards

Sep 27, 2021
Query regarding writing section
by: Anonymous

I gave my ielts writing exam on 27th of sep. I wrote whole task 2 with parameters but in task 1 because of the shortage of time i was able to write introduction,overview and and little bit of 1 paragraph. So can i still expect band 6.

Oct 03, 2021
Query regarding writing section
by: IELTS buddy

You are marked on many different criteria so it's impossible to know what score you may get. If you didn't write much of the task 1 then you'd have to do very well in the essay to compensate for it.

Oct 16, 2021
Wasn't able to complete writing Task 1
by: Anonymous

I wasn't able to complete task 1 in writing,but I had written the introduction, overview and Body Paragraph 1 and I did task 2 very well. Can I get 6.0+?

Oct 18, 2021
left one sentence unfinished in Task 1
by: Anonymous

I did fairly ok on my both task, however when I was checking my essays, I wanted to add one more sentence and in the middle of it, timer went off, will that sentence be considered. or will i be marked down for that.

Oct 20, 2021
left one sentence unfinished in Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

I don't really understand. It sounds like you are saying you wrote half a sentence (you didn't complete it) in the middle of the essay. It's difficult to say if it will affect anything without seeing it and knowing what you did and whether it looks out of places or confuses anything.

Nov 20, 2021
One paragraph in task 2 writing
by: Anonymous

Pls I need an answer. I had my ielts test today but I forget to divide the task 2 in writing into 2 paragraphs. But I guess I did very well in terms of the vocabulary and the cohesion of both task 1 and 2. How can this affect my final writing score??

Nov 21, 2021
IELTS wrong data
by: Anonymous

I appeared for my ielts yesterday but in task 1 I wrote twenty-five thousand instead of hundred. I realized that while submitting the paper but could not do correction. I am afraid that my overall score will get affected as i need a 7.

Nov 24, 2021
Wrong data
by: IELTS buddy

I think you're misunderstanding how the grading works. You are marked holistically with regards to all the criteria of TA, CC, Lexis and GR. So it's not the case that one single error suddenly leads to a score drop.

It's not possible to know how that one error could affect anything - to assess your score we'd need to see your whole answer and see what other errors there were.

If you did really well in the rest of your answer you could still get a 7 with the error you mention, but as I say we don't know about any other possible issues with your response so it's impossible to comment on your overall score.

Dec 03, 2021
Wrong tense used
by: Anonymous

In task 1 bar graph was of year 2010 . I wrote entire task in present tense. Is this a very serious mistake? How much can i still score?

Dec 06, 2021
Wrong tense used
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to tell you what score you might get as you are marked on many things but that issue can affect your Task Achievement that is where inaccuracies in data are noted. They appear in band 4, 5, and 6 but I can't say where you could be placed without seeing your answer.

Feb 12, 2022
Forgot to write conclusion on task 2
by: Anonymous

I completed my task 1 but in task 2 i forgot to write a conclusion so what score may i get?

Feb 15, 2022
Forgot to write conclusion on task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to tell you an overall score as you are marked on many different criteria and also your T1 and T2 scores are combined.

However, it's possible the examiner will limit your CC score for the T2 to band 5 as it may be viewed as lacking coherence without a conclusion.

I can't though say obviously exactly what the person marking your essay will do.

Apr 02, 2022
Wrong tense in task 1
by: Anonymous

I gave exam and wrote task 1 in present tense but it had to be written in past. Task 2 was good according to me. How many band scores can i get because of this blunder in Task 1 ??

Apr 02, 2022
Wrong tense in task 1
by: Anonymous

I gave exam and wrote task 1 in present tense but it had to be written in past. Task 2 was good according to me. How many band scores can i get because of this blunder in Task 1 ??

Apr 12, 2022
Didn’t finish task 1 body para 2
by: Nazira begum

Hi, i had my exam in 9th of april 2022, i write whole passage in writing task 2 but in writing task 1 i couldn’t write body para 2.
Is it pissible to get 5.5 in overall?

Jun 15, 2022
question regarding GT writing test computer based
by: Anonymous

He all,
I have exam in upcoming weeks, I want to know one thing about writing test.
Can I go back and forth in writing test? I mean if I can complete first Task1 and then Task 2, then i want to add/change something again in Task 1 (after spending 20 min), can I go back to Task 1 in last 5 minutes, do that after?

And also in Listening and Reading can I go in different sections to add/change my answers?

Because I am going for first time with computer based exam so I want some help.

Jun 16, 2022
question regarding GT writing test computer based
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you can switch between the writing tasks and you can go back to other questions in the reading and listening.

Check out these sample tests:

Sample Computer Based Tests

Aug 25, 2022
ielts writing GT part 2
by: Anonymous

i actually Misunderstood the title for the task 2, but grammar wise i think i did a pretty good job. To what extent has this affected my score please?

Oct 14, 2022
Task 1
by: Mehak

In writing task 1 i get bar graph and mistakenly I write table instead of bar graph. Will this effect my band score. Only one word will cost me a lot or not in writing task 1

Oct 16, 2022
Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

The scoring doesn't work like that. You are scored across the whole of the response on various factors and they are looked at as a whole. You probably made some other errors with your lexis (vocabulary) and so that mistake will be considered along with everything else.

So, no that one word itself won't necessarily affect your score.

Nov 20, 2022
by: Anonymous

i just finished my ielts test, and i was wondering, how much are paragraphs worth? i feel like i did. well on both my writing tests, but i bunched them all up into one paragraph instead of separating them into several. how much is that going to take from my score?

Jan 09, 2023
I only wrote the beginning of Body Paragraph 2 of Writing Task 1 but i finished my Task 2
by: Luffy

I am pretty confident with my Task 2 however i had very little time left for Task 1, so i was only able to finish Introduction, Overview and Body Para 1 , and becoz of this i was unable to mention all the left out key points from the map. Though i did write 146 words. Will I be able to scoce 6.5 bands.

Jan 28, 2023
I didn’t achieve the task for task 1, my odds of getting a 7.5?
by: Anonymous

Hi there,

Unfortunately, I forgot to compare both graphs in task 1 and only talked about one graph, but I’m confident with my grammar and lexical resource. Task 2 was good as well.

What are my odds of getting an overall 7.5 in writing?

Jan 29, 2023
I couldn't complete task 1 even after this I got 6
by: Anonymous

Hi Ielts Buddy,

Recently I attempted IELTS GT. In the writing test, I barely wrote any detail in task 1, in other words, I wrote only the greeting and the purpose of the letter. Even after that, I got 6 band although I was aiming for 7. Does this mean my task 2 was good enough to get band 8? I am asking this to ensure that my task 2 went well and that if I focus on my timing and completion of both tasks, I can get the desired band.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Feb 09, 2023
I couldn't complete task 1 even after this I got 6
by: IELTS buddy

It does seem strange to have got a 6 if you completed so little of the Task 1, as writing just the greeting and purpose would have meant a very low score.

The Task 2 is of course weighted more.

You must have done very well in the essay but it's difficult to know what score you might have been given as I don't know what you were awarded for your Task 1. Also IELTS don't publicise the split they make between task 1 and 2 when they combine them.

Mar 01, 2023
Only wrote about one graph
by: Anonymous

In writing task 1 combination of table and graph was given I didn't write about the table even a single word. i explained the chart how much it will effect my marks.

Mar 06, 2023
Only wrote about one graph
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to say how much your score overall could be reduced by as you are marked on many criteria in the test.

Unfortunately though it's very likely your Task Achievement score will not be above band 4 as 4 says:

"attempts to address the task but does not cover all key features/bullet points"

You won't have covered all the key features/bullet points if you didn't address the table at all so you can't get above 4.

Jan 06, 2024
IELTS Task 1 and 2.
by: Anonymous

Today was my test. A line graph was for task 1. I wrote 150 words covering key features but not writing each and every detail. The punctuation and grammar was fine.

In task 2, I have completed the word count, essential paragraphing was done. But in conclusion, I wrote just 1 line. I just indicated it as "due to all these factors, I completely agree with the statement". I didn't mention the whole statement because I ran out of time.

Can I score more than 7?

Jan 07, 2024
IELTS Task 1 and 2.
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to say anything overall about your score without seeing what you wrote as it is dependent on so many factors, but yes you can still get 7 if you wrote a one sentence conclusion.

Feb 24, 2024
by: Anonymous

hi Dom, i wrote my task 2 and finished it but it didn’t fulfill the requirements of word length, approximately 200-ish. Also, for my writing task 1 only finished with the introduction paragraph and another single paragraph, adding 2 sentences long for the 3rd and 4th paragraph. Would i still get the chance of band 6 for writing? (after the accumulation)?

Mar 14, 2024
Unfinished task 1
by: Anonymous

I have attempted my IELTS on 7th february.

I started my test with task 2 where i think i was able to make some good points and both way views.

But in the case of task 1 I had only 10 mins where I wrote a introduction,overview and BP! While writting the 2nd BP i it was time out. Can I expect to get overall 6 on writing?

Mar 15, 2024
Unfinished Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's possible but impossible to know if you have achieved that. If you did very well in your task 2 it's possible that could compensate for a lower task 1 score.

Nov 25, 2024
Gave wrong answer to letter writing because of misunderstanding
by: Anonymous

There was question why you will be there only in the morning
I wrote why only I will be there in the morning

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Can you write less than 150 words in IELTS Task 1?

by KD

What if one completes the writing task 1 in less than 150 words? (All the points are covered). Does that affect the final band score?

Comments for Can you write less than 150 words in IELTS Task 1?

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Sep 23, 2013
Writing less than 150 words
by: IELTS buddy

Yes, you will be penalised so make sure you write at least 150 words.

Sep 23, 2013
by: KD

Thanks a lot.

Can you also let me know how will it affect the score? Will it affect the band score or will my task 1 be considered as incomplete?

Sep 24, 2013
ielts task 1
by: Anonymous

Although words limit is essential, organizjng ideas and the use of cohesive devices are the main focus. I can write less than150 words but i pay more attention to ideas than the words count.

Nov 01, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am worrying so much. Because I
have written 70 words for task 1 and
274 words for task 2 (by
approximation). How heavy am I
going to be penalised, especially task

Nov 02, 2014
Under the word length
by: IELTS buddy


You will not be penalised for your Task 2, but your Task 1 is considerably under-length so you will be penalised.

It's not really possible to assess how much it will affect your band. You are assessed on many things, not only the word length, so you will really just have to wait for the result.

Dec 24, 2014
Task 1 under word length
by: Anonymous

Oh I did the same! Can you tell what happened? What was your writing score?

May 09, 2015
Task 2
by: Anonymous

I have read your comments. Writing less than 150 words lead penalization. Well! I think I saw someone saying that there will not be penalization for task 2 in the case of incomplete of the word requirement.

Did I understand the points clearly?

May 10, 2015
Word requirement for IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

You must follow the instructions - minimum 150 words for Task 1 and 250 for Task 2.

Jan 25, 2016
Under length penalty
by: Bilge

Hello everybody,

I'm really worried about my writing task 2 and I need a bit of information as I'm confused. I took the test last Saturday. My writing task 1 response was good. I addressed all the points. But unfortunately for task 2 I wrote only 220 words. I read in a website that I can get no more than 5 if I write under length. Is that true?

Jan 25, 2016
Under length penalty
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Bilge,

No there isn't a rule that anything under-length is automatically no higher than a 5.

But the marking rules for writing under-length papers is not in the public domain so you'll just have to wait and see what you get.

Apr 02, 2016
Writing task 1
by: Anonymous

Hi. I've done the exam this morning. I am so worried after i asked my friend how he had answered in the writing task 1. I think i have misunderstood the questions. From what i have understand, i should write a letter of complaint to my manager but as per my friend we need to write a letter of complaint to the other manager.

Apr 30, 2016
OMG, I might lose it
by: an IELTS taker

Hi everybody,

People seem to have a very clear idea about what they want. How much is the penalty for under count words?

Somehow, nobody seems answering the question yet they keep dancing around.

You should learn to say "I don't know" when we don't actually know the answer.

May 04, 2016
Went off track in tAsk 2
by: Anonymous

Hi , I have taken my exam yesterday. I have done very well in listening and reading. I am expecting to get 8.5 in listening and 9 in reading. However I was unable to do well in writing as I misunderstood the topic of essay, but the structure of essay, linkers and grammar used by me was correct.and in task 1 I missed writing anticipation due to shortage of time .lettet was written well. I need 6 in each module. How much I can expect in writing?can I get 6 in writing? Thanks

May 04, 2016
Went off track in Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's still possible to get a 6 based on what you said.

If you get a lower score because you did not meet the word length this could get counterbalanced by very good scores in grammar and coherence and cohesion for example.

But it is really difficult to have any idea without seeing your essay and letter so you'll just have to wait.

Jul 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

I did my IELTS last week, and everything went very well apart from the writing. I wrote everything I could, but when I started counting my words I found out I had only 90 words. Same thing goes for task 2, when I started counting I found out I was missing roughly 100 words.

Now I only need to get a 5.5, but I am really worried I'm not going to score high enough...
Any opinions?

Jul 19, 2016
Underlength on both writings
by: IELTS buddy

You wrote quite a lot under the required amount so it will affect your score but you'll have to await your result to see what you get. Nobody can predict it as you are not just marked on the length but a number of other things.

Sep 01, 2016
Academic Task 1 incomplete - Still a good score
by: Anonymous


My Ielts result was released today.

I got overall 7.5. I didn't expect my writing to be more than 6 because I wasn't able to finish task 1 since i spent a lot of time for task 2.

Task 1 essay length was not more than 100 words and i didn't even describe important facts. In fact, I only finished writing the Introduction, summary, description of one of the bar charts of two.

So what i anticipate is that if you did well in task 2, you still can get 6 for writing since task 2 weighs twice as much as task 1. But you need to show some attempts in task 1 (eg. a non-repetitive introduction, an overall description paragraph).

Hope it helps!

Sep 09, 2016
count words in the writing task
by: Anonymous

Please someone let me how to count words in the writing task

Sep 10, 2016
task 1 incomplete
by: Anonymous


I just gave an IELTS test today. In writing I completed task 2.

But task one is incomplete. I almost wrote 150 words but I wasn't able to write a conclusion so can I get 6 band in writing?

Sep 11, 2016
task 1 incomplete
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you can still possibly get a 6 but it depends on other things.

Firstly, you don't need a conclusion for an academic task 1 but you DO need an overview.

You can find out more about that here:

Writing an Academic Task 1

If you have been penalized for writing under-length you could make up for it by getting higher scores for good grammar, vocabulary etc but it is impossible to know how you did in the other criteria.

So you really just need to wait for the result.

Sep 13, 2016
Paper Correction
by: Star5


I wonder if you could tell me how Task 1 and 2 are valued being corrected. Are both papers of the same value meaning 9 and then the calculation happens or that is different. Thanks in advance.

Sep 13, 2016
Paper Correction
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Star5,

I don't really understand your question. But you are given a band for task 1 and another for task 2.

A total band is then worked out for your writing, but more weight is given to the task 2 as it is longer.

Oct 23, 2016
Trend opposite match?
by: Anonymous

I have to compare for bar chart for female and male but I came to know that the chart which was for female I name it male and for male I write female,,, What do u think how it will effect my band for task 1?

Oct 23, 2016
Trend opposite match?
by: IELTS buddy

It may affect your score a bit as you have misinterpreted the data (possibly affecting Task Response) and it may very well have affected coherence as well.

But it's really impossible to say for sure if it did actually impact your score or to what extent. That would have been the examiners decision based on reading the whole answer.

Sep 30, 2017
Writing answer on booklet after it was said to stop
by: Anonymous

Hi, I had my ielts exam this morning, actually when the time ends the in reading section, the examiner instructed us to put pencil down and before she reaches near me to collect my answer booklet i just marked a correction to one of my answer. She noticed that and said me this mark will be taken off which makes me worry .. is there any penalty for this action .. please do reply ..
thank you

Oct 01, 2017
Writing answer on booklet after it was said to stop
by: IELTS buddy

No they will do what she said, take that answer off so you won't get a mark.

Oct 05, 2017
Task 1 completed but Task 2 not really
by: Anonymous

I have completed task 1 but task 2 was slightly incomplete due to shortage of time. The structure of task 2 is completed (introduction, 2 body paragraphs and the conclusion) but my writing was not consistent, and rather very basic vocabulary was used for the last 2 paragraphs. Do you think they can score me a band of 5.5 in overall writing?

Oct 05, 2017
Task 1 completed but Task 2 not really
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to predict what you may get based on what you have said without seeing your Task 1 and 2.

Jun 02, 2018
by: Anonymous

I did same mistake like you did. I misinterpreted task 1 , can u let me know how much did effect ur score?

Jun 07, 2018
by: IELTS buddy

Please see my comment from 5th Oct.

Jun 27, 2018
missed opinion in task 2
by: Lovy


I missed my opinion in task 2,but i completed the word limit and overall task was it possible to get 6??? Please answer

Jul 03, 2018
missed opinion in task 2
by: IELTS buddy

That depends on what the question was. If it clearly asked for you opinion and you didn't give it you could get limited band 5 for Task Response, but whether you can still get 6 depends on how well you did in the other criteria as it's an average but it's impossible to know that without seeing your essay.

Dec 08, 2018
Forgot to shade the academic module
by: Anonymous

Hi, i completed task 1 and task 2, however , i forgot to shade the academic module on task 2 answer sheet, will this affect my score?

Oct 27, 2019
Positive or negative development essay
by: Anonymous

Can we do positive or negative deleopment essay with partial approach? Like 1st bp with positive 2nd bp with negative and in conclusion taking one side of either positive or negative.

My question in ielts was:

Nowadays, large shopping centers and supermarkets are more common than small local shops. Is this a negative or positive development?

And after introduction in thesis statement i wrote in my opinion supermarkets has many positive aspects as it provides many facilities under one roof, although it also pose some fears on small local shops. Both the views will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs .

Then i wrote 1 bp on positive aspect and 2nd bp 0n negative aspect.. but in conclusion ifavour the advantages.

My concern is Is it a right approach to do this question partially... Please reply as i am really depressed and i am feeling like i messed up writing task and 2

Oct 30, 2019
Positive or negative development essay
by: IELTS buddy

There is often more than one way to approach an essay question, but the approach you took sounds fine.

You answered the question if you discussed both sides then gave your opinion. Obviously you are marked on many other things such as grammar and vocabulary, not just your organisation and ideas.

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About word count of writing task 1

by Harish

I've written the task 1 by following this structure by covering all the information.

paragraph 1 - intro by paraphrasing.
paragraph 2 - Overview.
Paragraph 3 - body by using comparisons.
Paragraph 4 - remaining body by using comparisons.

I've written a total of 18 lines with approximately 140 words.

Is it a problem for my assessment. Please help me by answering.

Comments for About word count of writing task 1

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Oct 14, 2016
Word Counts Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

You should try to write 150 words but it's not really possible to say whether your score will be affected or not.

Nov 19, 2016
Can I get 6 in writing?
by: Anonymous


I gave my IELTS test today, Listening and Reading went well.

But I am worried about the writing task, I have a conditional offer, according to which I need to have at least 6 in each section.

I did okay in task 1 (Missed out in mentioning the values of table 2).

In task 2 (Language was not very complex and also the content was normal with repetition of words. Number of words 240)

If someone has got 6 even after messing up the same way please share the result.

Dec 04, 2016
task 2
by: Sukhjeet Sidhu

I forgot to wrote my candidate number and name on the extra sheet for writing task 2. Will I lose marks because of it?
Please answer.

Dec 04, 2016
candidate number and name
by: IELTS buddy

No you won't lose marks for that. You just have to hope they put it together with your first part.

Dec 12, 2016
Not enough words
by: Anonymous

I wrote 112 words in task 1 and 160 words in task 2. I ran out of time, but I think the content is ok. Do you think I could get a band 5.5? Or the penalty will send me to 5 even if I have good grammar? Thank you.

Dec 14, 2016
Not enough words
by: IELTS buddy

You are graded on lots of things so it's still possible to get 5.5 overall. Or you may have done very well in the Task 2 which would push your overall score up. And remember the Task 2 is worth more than the Task 1.

Feb 27, 2017
I wrote 100 words in task 1
by: Anonymous


I wrote 100 words in task 1 covering all the main points in the graph,still do they consider to score that part (1) ? or they will just leave as word count is less than required.

Mar 02, 2017
I wrote 100 words in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It will be marked but the fact that it is shorted than required will be taken into account when you are given a score.

Apr 20, 2017
Task 2 Conclusion Missed
by: Anonymous


I was not able to conclude the task 2 due to the porblm in my time management.... how much will it effect it???

Jun 08, 2017
Didn't cope with 150 words in task 1
by: Anonymous


I have finished my ielts exam and waiting for my result. But in my writing task 1 I wrote less than 150 words. Will they validate it or not?.

Waiting for your response...

Jun 09, 2017
Didn't cope with 150 words in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Not sure what you mean by validate it. Yes they will grade it but writing 150 words is part of the task requirement so if you didn't do that then it may well affect your writing task 1 band.

Mar 24, 2018
Ielts band
by: Anonymous

Today was my ielts exam but my task 2 was not going well. They ask for both view on topic but i describe only one in two paragraph, task 1 was ok. How much it affects my band??

Mar 28, 2018
Ielts band
by: IELTS buddy

This forum is about Task 1, not Task 2.

But if you only partially answer the essay question then this impacts your Task Response score. If you half answered the question and completely neglected the other half you are likely to get restricted to a band 5 for this.

Jun 03, 2018
writing task error
by: Anonymous

i just took my test and after finishing task 2 i realized that i wrote on task 1 paper... I told the supervisors, using a pen they corrected it by writing 2 instead of one. i wrote then task on its corresponding paper..Do i loose the whole mark for task 2?

Jun 07, 2018
writing task error
by: IELTS buddy

No, as you say they fixed it.

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Task 1 and 2 Under Length

by Gowtham


1) I didn't cope with 150 words in task 1. Will they will validate it or not?

2) And in task 2 I wrote above 330 words. Could that be a problem in validation?

3) I have used mix of both simple and complex words in both tasks. Will i get band score of 6 and 6+?

Pls clarify my three doubts

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Jun 10, 2017

by: IELTS buddy

1/2) Reaching the minimum words length is part of the task response / achievement for both tasks, so if you do not write enough words, then yes there will be some kind of penalty. What that is really depends on how many words you wrote under length.

3) It's impossible to predict your score just on the fact that you wrote a mix of sentence types. Firstly we don't know how accurate those sentences actually were or how many, and secondly you are marked on a broad range of criteria, not just that.

Aug 14, 2017
Didn't finish the writing task 1
by: Anonymous


I just did a test recently and it didn't go well, how much will be the penalty I receive if I just only finished the overall paragraph?

Aug 15, 2017
Didn't finish the writing task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to understand what you are saying about the length. You only wrote one paragraph? There are no fixed number of paragraphs for the task 1 anyway.

Sep 09, 2017
No introductory line in letter and 3-4 spelling mistakes in total in wiring task
by: Anonymous


I have appeared for my IELTS LRW today for GT
Though I have met the task requirement but got confused and made 3-4 spelling errors.

Also I did not write introductory line in the letter (like..I am writing this letter to.... or I, the secretary of club is writing this letter to...)

How badly will this effect my bands?

Word limit has been fulfilled.

Grammar and vocab too had been taken care of!

I am really disheartened.


Questions like that really can't be answered because the test is not marked in that way.

Spelling is just part of your lexis grade. If you had just 3-4 spelling mistakes and everything else was perfect then you could still potentially get very high band for Lexis.

But you are marked on lots of other factors to do with your lexis and we don't know how well you did on those.

And with the introduction, that would be taken account of with lots of other issues - there is not a specific downgrade of a score for not having an introductory sentence.

So you'll really just have to wait for your result.

IELTS buddy

Sep 11, 2017
not mentioned currency
by: Anonymous

I gave my exam on 9 Sept.. in task 1 I did not mention the currency and even did not use symbols for money.. and there was total earning expenditure and profit.. I mentioned only total earning and profit.. as I thought that it is common sense that total earning-expenditure= profit.. so what u think will be the penalty for these mistakes?

Sep 17, 2017
not mentioned currency
by: IELTS buddy

Please see my response for the person below.

You are mentioning a few specific things but you are marked on a whole range of factors.

So it's not possible to say how those things would affect your score.

Oct 30, 2017
Insufficient word count in task 2
by: Anonymous

Hi, I was unable to meet up to the required word count of 250 in task 2 as I was running out of time, but it was well written. Task 1 went pretty okay. What are my chances of getting 7? Thanks

Nov 01, 2017
Insufficient word count in task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's really impossible to say as it depends on how short on words it was and also how well you did with regards to lots of other factors such as grammar, coherency etc.

If you did exceptionally well in those and you were not too short on words it's still possible.

Nov 25, 2017
No measurment symbols
by: Anonymous

Hi i would like to ask about a mistake i have made when i was doing my task 1 exam. I havent checked my test clearly and after then i realized that i didn’t use any "percentage" or "proportion" or "fractor" in my task 1 pie charts.

Even though i have used some "quarter" of "half" and exact data numbers provided. If it is possible to lose many points because i don’t use the "percentage" word when doing a percentage chart?

Nov 26, 2017
No measurment symbols
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to know without seeing it, but if by missing those it meant your vocabulary / grammar was incorrect then yes your score could be reduced.

I can't see how you can say 'quarter', 'half' etc or exact data all the way through without also ever using the word 'percentage' or proportion at all.

Dec 12, 2017
Vocabulary mistake
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask about my mistake which i have done in writing task 1...
I had wrote a wrong vocabulary which make full task 1 mistake..will it completely loses my mark???

Dec 12, 2017
Vocabulary mistake
by: Anonymous

I would like to ask about my mistake which i have done in writing task 1...
I had wrote a wrong vocabulary which make full task 1 mistake..will it completely loses my mark???

Feb 01, 2018
Used wrong tense in task 1
by: Happy

I recently gave my IELTS exam. I used the wrong tense in task 1 . Task 1 was about the present but by mistake i wrote task 1 in past tense. Overall i attempted the task 2 very well.

How many bands do i can get in writing and how much do wrong usage of tense will affect my band score.

Feb 04, 2018
Used wrong tense in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

For that kind of error you may get penalised on grammar but It's impossible to tell you what band you may get. There is not a fixed band score for getting the wrong tense. You are marked on a range of criteria.

Feb 27, 2018
wrong answer to essay
by: Anonymous

Hi, answered a "discuss both views" question in task 2 but my answer to the 2nd view was different. I discussed a similar view to it rather. The 1st view and my position were well discussed. Pls how will this affect my overall band score?

Feb 28, 2018
wrong answer to essay
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to answer your question without seeing the essay question and seeing your actual answer, which of course we can't do.

You just should have done what was asked of you in the task. There are two different / opposing opinions presented. You must discuss them both and give your own opinion.

I don't really know what you mean when you say you discussed a similar view to your first view.

Mar 04, 2018
About task 1
by: Anonymous

Hello my name is nancy.i have taken ielts test yesterday and all sections were easy but i doubt on task 1 because i used present tense instead of present tense in description. Now what do you think can i get 6 it possible????

Mar 06, 2018
About task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Do you mean present tense instead of past tense?

It's impossible to predict your score because you are marked on many things, not just your tenses.

Mar 07, 2018
Not answering all questions in writing task 2
by: Indra


I just sat on IELTS a couple of weeks ago. I did quite well on writing task 1, but I was really dissatisfied with task 2. In task 2, there are 2 questions (1. Why is this happening 2. Is it positive or negative dev), but I only fully answer the 2nd questions.

I didn't realize that there are 2 questions in that task until yesterday when I asked my friend about the questions in task 2. But overall, I wrote more than 250 words, I had introduction, 2 body par, and conclusion.

Is this a very serious problem?
Is answering 1 of 2 questions will cause me to get under 6 band score?

Mar 08, 2018
Not answering all questions in writing task 2
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to say for sure how an examiner may have graded your essay without seeing what you actually wrote, but I can tell you the rules on partially answering a task / question.

You are marked on answering the question in Task Response (which is 25% of the Task 2 grade).

If there were 2 tasks to the question and you only addressed one of them then you will likely be limited to Band 5 for this. A band 5 candidate only partially answers the question.

To get a 6 you'd have to have discussed both, even if you addressed one part more than another.

Mar 10, 2018
I left 1 complex sentence incomplete, how many points am I gonna loose?
by: Sam

Thanks for the amazing stuff that you have gathered here.
I could not make it to review my task 2 essay and just before the ending of the session I noticed that one of the sentences which was supposed to be revised lack the first part. Just wonder how many point would be lost by such a mistake.

Mar 17, 2018
complex sentence incomplete
by: IELTS buddy

You are misunderstanding how the marking works.

You are not deducted points for each mistake. The writing is looked at more holistically. So for grammar for, let's say a band 7, a person will be making 'some errors'. Or a band 6 may make quite a few errors but it's still easy to understand what they are saying.

Grammar is also marked on other factors, such as the level of complexity in your sentences.

So it's impossible to answer your question. The whole script would need to be looked at to establish what grade you got for grammar.

Jun 30, 2018
Anyway, I need band 6,5.
by: Daya from Indonesia

Is it still possible for me?

Oct 15, 2021
I wrote just 140 words on writing task 1
by: Anonymous

Hi all ,

I did my IELTS exam today , my bad , I was unable to complete the writing task 1 part fully , I wrote around 140 words , thought highlighted the key changes I was not at constructing those sentences.

I completed my writing task 2 , I hope I did a decent job

Will I get a band score of 6 ?

Any advise

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Incomplete task 1

by Tara

Hello, 3 days ago I had ielts exam I did well in task 2 but I ran out of time and I only wrote introduction and a part of second paragraph. Is it possible to earn at least 5 on my writing?


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May 16, 2018
Incomplete task 1
by: IELTS buddy

it's possible if you did well on your Task 2 as the scores are an average of the two, and the Task 2 is weighted more heavily.

So it's possible but it really depends on that and of course what your score is like for the Task 1. If it's very low that may pull your overall score below 5.

May 25, 2018
ielts writing task 2 not within 250 words count
by: Anonymous

I got my result which is 5.5 in writing, during exams i ran out of time and couldn't complete ielts essay writing task 2 not within 250 words count instead i write 230-240 words. The essay was opinion essay and i have express my idea well in 4 paragraph. Is writing not within word count is the reason i got 5.5??

May 27, 2018
ielts writing task 2 not within 250 words count
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to know if that is the whole reason you got 5.5 as you are marked on other things.

But it's quite possible that did reduce your score. If you are writing underlength that is affecting other things i.e. less support for the question, less chance to show your grammar and vocabulary etc.

But if you wrote 240 words that is nearly the right length, so it's possible it did not affect those other things much.

It's really impossible to say without seeing your essay.

Jun 02, 2018
written only introduction and overall in task 1
by: Anonymous

Hi, today I have taken ielts exam but I have written only introduction and overall, how it will be estimated?

When it comes to task 2, it was completed however I can't say anything about it.

pls help me, what will be happen then?

Jun 04, 2018
Writing tasks for GT
by: Nav

Hello. I completed my essay very well with all the requirements including vocabulary and complex sentences. I also did the letter well. However, from 3 points of the letter i explained the first and the last very well but i did not explained the second point a lot. I just wrote 2 lines? Will i lose bands for this?

Jun 07, 2018
written only introduction and overall in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible to predict your score overall as it is an average of the task 2 and task 1, but if you only wrote the introduction and overview of the task 1 it will get a very low score, perhaps band 2 or 3. So that will bring the total score down quite a bit.

Jun 07, 2018
written only introduction and overall in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you will be penalised for that as a couple of lines on one of the points is not enough.

Your Task Achievement score will be impacted. But it's really impossible to say how as it depends how well you covered the other points.

Your TA could possibly get restricted to band 5 if you have been seen to inadequately cover all the bullet points but if those two sentences were seen as just enough it could just get a 6.

It's too difficult to know without seeing it though. If you did very well with your grammar etc then that would of course bring the overall task 1 score up a bit.

Jun 23, 2018
Ran out of time
by: Ashish Tomar

I just took my ielts academic exam.
In the writing task-1 i could write only introduction and overview. And after that i just wrote only 4-5 lines of 1st paragraph then time was over and i also had to write paragraph 2nd. Could someone please tell me how many bands can i score in task-1?

Jun 30, 2018
Had no time to elaborate the 2nd data
by: Daya from Indonesia


I've just done my IELTS Exam and hour ago. I'm kind of frustated because I couldn't finish my task 1 ini writing. I wrote introduction, overview, and 1st data. But the 2nd data was just 2 Sentences, there where still 2 more details I couldn't itu Will impact my score?

But I completed my task 2 writing. I'm so dissappointed. please help!

Thank you

Jul 22, 2018
Incomplete writing task 2. Could I still get a score of 7 in writing?
by: Anonymous

I wrote my Academic IELTS today. Unfortunately, I didn't manage the time appropriately and I ran out of time at the beginning of my essay's conclusion (they remove my exam when I was writing the second line, I couldn't even finish the word I was writing) I probably have around 200 words. If grammar, vocabulary, cohesion etc (and task 1) is good enough, is still possible to get a 7?

Note: I wrote general IELTS earlier this year and got 7.5 in writing

I know is impossible to give a specific answer but I'm wondering how many points should I be expecting to lose from those 2 mistakes including the penalty for less words.

Thank you very much

Jul 22, 2018
Incomplete writing task 2. Could I still get a score of 7 in writing?
by: IELTS buddy

To be honest I think you will struggle to get a band 7 if you wrote only 200 words.

Doing that will bring your score down for all the criteria as you will likely not have extended your ideas enough and also you will have had less change to prove your ability with vocabulary and grammar.

If you got your estimate wrong and you were nearer 250 than you think it could still be possible as you said you got 7.5 before.

Aug 19, 2018
Incomplete writing Task 1
by: Santossh

Last day, I took my IELTS and eveything seemed ok but I ran out time while completing task 1. But, i completed my task 2 with all required data.

What score can i expect according to you guys, who already wrote the exam?

Aug 20, 2018
Incomplete writing Task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to answer that as you are marked on a lot of criteria, and nobody can know how you performed in those without seeing your graph and essay.

Sep 10, 2018
I forgot to write name at the end in task 1 writing test after writing yours sincerely
by: Anonymous

I forgot to write name at the end in task 1 writing test after writing yours sincerely

Sep 11, 2018
I forgot to write name at the end in task 1 writing test after writing yours sincerely
by: IELTS buddy

It is possible that an examiner could view that as the letter being in an incorrect format which can bring your score down for Task Achievement but to be honest I don't think an examiner would pick something as minor as that to bring your score down. They'll be focused on what you have done in your letter.

Oct 04, 2018
early completion of task 1
by: Anonymous


If I complete my task 1 of IELTS writing test early I means in less than 20 minutes would I get the remaining time included for my task two.

Oct 05, 2018
early completion of task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Yes. You have complete control over how long you spend on each one. The times of 40 mins for Task 2 and 20 for Task 1 are just recommendations.

Oct 07, 2018
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Oct 16, 2018
Writing issue
by: Anonymous

I have given ielts exam on 13 Oct and i attempted task 2 very well but in task 1, i used future tense instead of present tense as topic was "the plans show a small park in 1980 and the park now". For park now i have written, the small park of 1980 would be replaced by .... in the current park. Else everything was right except future tense. Is it possible to get at least 6 bands.

Oct 20, 2018
Writing issue
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to say what you may get but yes you could still get 6 as you are talking about one possible error in your graph connected to a misreading of the data (possibly penalised under task response and / or grammar) but you are marked on a number of other criteria.

Dec 08, 2018
I want to ask about the penalty
by: Mohammed

I want to ask about the penalty in

'Would the advantages of such an educational policy outweigh the disadvantages?'

question if I only mentioned the advantage related to the topic and neglected the disadvantages ?? also I said my opinion

Dec 17, 2018
Incomplete conclusion in General Task 2
by: Anonymous

I couldn’t conclude my sentence due to time in the conclusion of my essay but I wrote every other parts well. Can I score a 7? I also wrote my task 1 very well.

Dec 24, 2018
Incomplete conclusion in General Task 2
by: IELTS buddy

You are marked on 4 overall criteria so in theory yes you could get 7 if you did very well in the other criteria as they would push your overall grade up.

Feb 09, 2019
Task one was overlengthy
by: Anonymous

Sir today l took my ielts test .my task one was overlength and Task 2was okay .will l get a6.5in writing

Feb 09, 2019
Task 2 GT
by: Anonymous

Hello sir!
I Took my GT exam today!
the Q was discuss both views with your opinion
I wrote intro very well and discusssed both views in BP 1 and 2 but i was running out of time and only 6 minutes were left so i wrote conclusion n gave my detailed opinion there and missed writing a seperate para for opinion
Would that affect my score ? If so then how much
I am aiming for band 7
N i did task 1 quite good as well

Apr 07, 2019
forgot to write word conclude in the end of task 1
by: Anonymous

hello sir, i completed my whole task 1 properly.. but unfortunately I forgot to write conclude or such kind of word.. was it effect my score..

Apr 21, 2019
forgot to write word conclude in the end of task 1
by: IELTS buddy

You shouldn't have a conclusion for a Task 1, though you should have an overview. You can learn more here in this short video:

Do we need a conclusion for IELTS writing task 1?

Jun 23, 2019
Grammar mistake in task 1
by: Anonymous

I completed my task 1 but I used present tense instead of past. It was just distraction. Task 2 I did it well. What band can I achieve

Jul 28, 2019
Mix tense in writing task 1.
by: Not mention

In task two pie chart were given, in that I use both tense ie. Past and present. Both pie chart describe information of past only.
How much band I can get for this task 1 writing.

Jul 29, 2019
Mix tense in writing task 1.
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to know how it would have affected your band without seeing your answer because you are marked on many other things as well. Also it's not possible to know exactly how many words were in the wrong tense.

Jul 30, 2019
could not complete my reading test!
by: vinay

Hello, I gave my IELTS exam last week and I couldn't complete my reading test on time! I did a guess work on the last 15 questions out of 40 and I think maximum are incorrect! my minimum requirement for reading is 5.5. Do you think I can get it? I am really worried and looking for some answers!
Thanks in advanced.

Aug 13, 2019
Santossh please share with me your experience
by: Santossh ,brother I need you help

I did the same mistake in my exam ,so my question is for you Santosh how much you got in the exam ,nonontheless you could not complete it like me ??,,

Aug 17, 2019
I did not give examples in explaining my points
by: Patrocles

Hello Ielts buddy. I had my test today but I have one worry. In my writing task 2, I did not give enough examples when explaining my points. I had 4 points in all. 2 in each paragraph. I gave an example for only one point. Please will this affect my score greatly? Can I still get at least a 7 for task response? If my score is affected, will this only reflected in the task response or will it directly affect other components? Thank you in anticipation of a response from you.

Aug 23, 2019
I did not give examples in explaining my points
by: IELTS buddy

Although you are asked to give examples, what this really means is that you need to support your ideas / points.

So you won't be penalised for not giving examples but your TR will be penalised if you are giving ideas / points but not explaining and supporting them with further information, be it examples or something else.

So yes you can still get 7 if you did not give specific examples but it's impossible to tell you how you may have done without seeing your actual essay.

What you mentioned would not really be related to the other criteria.

Aug 25, 2019
Band score for intro
by: Anonymous

If I wrote only introduction in task 1, what maximum score can I get for task 1? Can it be at least 2 or 3?

Sep 02, 2019
I got 6
by: Anonymous

Hi. I did not finish my writing task 1 too but I got 6 for writing part. My task 2 was quite long as I accidentally used more than 40 minutes on task 2.

Nov 17, 2019
Forgot yours sincerely at the end
by: Mukul

Hello. In my writing task 1, I wrote the letter pretty well. However I just wrote my name at the end forgetting the signature"yours sincerely". Is it possible to get band 7 in that task?

Nov 17, 2019
Forgot yours sincerely at the end
by: Mukul

Hello. In my writing task 1, I wrote the letter pretty well. However I just wrote my name at the end forgetting the signature"yours sincerely". Is it possible to get band 7 in that task?

Dec 08, 2019
Misinterpret the format of letter
by: Anonymous


I had to write a letter to colleague but i realised that i wrote it in informal format. Only the first and the last line - (how have u been , give best regards to your family). Rest i covered all the points. Can u tell me how much impact it will make on my scoring.

Dec 09, 2019
Misinterpret the format of letter
by: IELTS buddy

It's difficult to say for sure without seeing the letter, but if the tone has just minor inconsistencies in a few places it would get limited to 6 for TA, but if it was more variable and sometimes inappropriate throughout it would be a band 5 for TA.

Of course there are other factors as well that are taken into account with TA.

Dec 19, 2019
Task 2 complete but I had to rush while finishing up task 1
by: Anonymous

I had my test on Dec. 7th and my results are due tomorrow and I'm driving myself crazy with anxiety.
I finished my task 2 and feel quite good with that.
However, while concluding the last paragraph of task 1 ( interpretation of graph), there was not enough time so I wrote whatever that came into my mind.
The task was interpretation of a table and a graph as well actually. I did the table portion pretty okay. I'm just worried about the graph.

Feb 01, 2020
i ran off space in writing task two
by: Anonymous

i ran out off space in task two writing, then i used bullet point to specify paragraph instead of using another line to start another paragraph. will it affect my score?

Feb 02, 2020
Ran out of space
by: IELTS buddy

I'm not sure why you would run out of space as you can ask for another sheet of paper.

A new paragraph should start on another line. An examiner may not know what you mean by putting a bullet point there. You would need to actually write in that there is supposed to be a new paragraph there.

If the examiner thinks you have no paragraphing it will affect your score. No paragraphs can limit CC to 5 or possible even less. Bullet points can also be seen as the incorrect format which can affect TR.

Feb 13, 2020
Task 1 general
by: Moonlight

Dear Sir ,
In Task 1 general
Letter to the Manager
I just forgot to write at the end "I look forward to hearing from you "

Instead I wrote Thank you for your consideration.
Yours sincerely ,

Will it affect my score ? Please share your view on this .

Oct 21, 2020
bad speaking test
by: Anonymous

i had a bad speaking test and it did not go as i expected and froze up many times

do you think i could still make it up with the upcoming listening, reading and writing tasks?

thank you

Nov 21, 2020
not writing paragraphs
by: Anonymous

hello, i just completed my ielts test and everything went well except the fact that I did not write the essay in paragraphs. how much will I get penalized for not doing so, and what is the maximum that I could get on the writing for not spreading my essay into paragraphs? thank you

Nov 25, 2020
IELTS Essay not in paragraphs
by: IELTS buddy

It's not possible tell you how it will affect your overall essay score because we have no idea what you will get for TR, GR, or Lexis.

Not writing paragraphs affects your CC and will prevent you getting a 6 or higher, because for a band 6 it says "uses paragraphing".

So unfortunately if it still reads ok, but has no paragraphs, then it's likely you'll get a band 5 for CC.

Dec 11, 2020
I couldn't complete my 1st question completely
by: Rajeev

So I had IELTS exam today so my 2and task was amazingly great but in my first task I wrote 158 words but I didnt complete the whole context given in the 1st task willingly get a band 7

Dec 30, 2020
General task 1
by: Anonymous

In my letter I started with dear sir/madam, but my ending was yours sincerely instead of yours faithfully. Other than that I wrote pretty well. My task 2 was also good. Will I get band 7 ?

Feb 06, 2021
I write answer opposite to the question but i completes my both the task on time
by: Anonymous

Can i get 6.5 band if a i give wrong answer jn task 1 but i completed both the task on time.

May 22, 2021
Writing task 1
by: Anonymous

Hi, i wrote ielts today, my task 2 was well written and i was able to finish task 1 as well but couldn't read it to make corrections as i ran out of time but as we were asked to stop writing i noticed some mistakes which i needed to correct in my task 1 but couldn't as i was already asked to stop writing. I need a minimum of 6.5 in writing. Will this affect my score?

Jul 24, 2021
Accomplished task 1
by: Anonymous

I just wrote introduction and bp1 of a single page and my task 2 was good, so could I get 6 to complete my requirement.

Jul 26, 2021
Accomplished task 1
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible really to predict that without seeing what you actually wrote. If you task 2 was very good and you didn't miss out too much information for the task 1 then it's possible.

Oct 07, 2021
Fail to give conclusion to writing task part 2
by: Anonymous

I fail to give a conclusion in writing task part 2, would it have a significant impact on my writing score

Oct 07, 2021
Fail to give conclusion to writing task part 2
by: IELTS buddy

For a band 6 in the Coherence and Cohersion criteria it says there should be "a clear overall progression" in the response.

Not having a conclusion could be seen as not meeting this criteria. So unfortunately it could get limited to a 5 for CC but it's difficult to second guess what another examiner has done.

Really you just need to wait for your result.

Oct 24, 2021
Need help of knowing poor band score
by: Anonymous

I have appeared on IELTS, I did well in writing task 2 by using coherence & cohesion,complex sentence,linking words but in writing task 1 I was about to finish the task by writing the summary sentence in the end of the part but could not able to finish the sentence. However, I got band score 5 only, Now I am not sure that for this reason I got band score 5 or not?

Please answer on this issue

Oct 30, 2021
Writing task 1 overview
by: Anonymous


I just finished my exam this afternoon. I'm just bothered because in my task 1, probably out of anxiety, I have combined my overview with body paragraph 1 when its supposed to be separated. Instead, I only wrote 3 sentences for a table with 4 columns. How much weight do you think it could pull down my grade?

Nov 05, 2021
Writing task 1 overview
by: IELTS buddy

It doesn't say officially in the marking criteria it has to be separated - it just should be there somewhere.

The advice from teachers is to separate it so it's clear to the examiner that it's there.

So the only issue is that it's difficult to spot and may get missed by the examiner but hopefully they'll see it.

So no, there is no penalty for not having your IELTS task 1 overview joined to the first paragraph. There is a possibility it could impacts coherency and cohesion slightly if it does not seem to it there.

Nov 27, 2021
Failed to provide an example in task 2
by: Anonymous

Hello everyone,

I gave my Ielts test today and everything went well for the most part. In task 2 writing however, I failed to provide an example when it explicitly stated that I should do so. How much of an impact do you think this will have on my final result ? I only need a score of 6, would that be possible ?
Thank you.

Feb 06, 2022
Bar chart described as line chart.
by: Anonymous

I gave my IELTS test yesterday. At first, I completed my task 2. Later on the rush I accidentally mentioned bar graph as line graph but I do completed the task 1. Will that change in a single word affect my band score?

Thanks in advance

Feb 15, 2022
Bar chart described as line chart.
by: IELTS buddy

Something like that might make a difference if an examiner was distinguishing between a band 8 or 9 but, assuming you mean you did it just once, it's unlikely to make much difference for lower band scores.

You seem to be assuming though you made only one error. Of course there may be other things in your answer that the examiner is looking at, unless you think you wrote a perfect answer.

Jun 25, 2022
Coudnt complete writing task 1
by: Anonymous

Hi I just took my ielts exam today and ran out of time while writing task 1, coupd only write introduction &overview para (both body para's missing). However, i was able to complete task 2 ,can i expect atleast 6.5 score?

Jul 09, 2022
Mistake in Task 1
by: Nehrag

Due to hurry, i started my task 1 answer from the back page of the task 1 answer sheet and ended my answer on the first page. I realised my mistake after the time was over. I didn't have time to write a note also. ( As i completed task 2 first)

It will still be checked? Right? I hope it will still be considered.

I completed it - wrote it in set pattern.

I just started my answer from the wrong side. Please clarify. Its a tense situation for me.

Oct 28, 2022
Wrting task 1, only intro+ overview, and 1st sentense of each paragraphs
by: Anonymous

Regarding task 1 of academic writing, I wrote only introduction, overview, and first sentense for each of the two next paragraph. I really nervious how many bands i should expect to get for writing task 1. My writing task 2 was very god, is it possible to get 5 in task 1.

Oct 29, 2022
Wrting task 1, only intro+ overview, and 1st sentense of each paragraphs
by: IELTS buddy

It's almost impossible to predict anyone's score without seeing their response but if you wrote as little as it sounds like you are saying then it would probably be difficult to get a 5 for it.

It sounds like you wrote nearly nothing on describing the details of the graph.

Nov 19, 2022
Did not give overview in task 1
by: Anonymous

Today I took my exam. I started with task 2 and finished it properly with 300 words almost.

Then I turned into part 1, I also finished it with 160+ words. It was a map. But I forgot to give overview.

If they give any mark for task 1?
For not giving overview how many mark will be reduced?

Nov 19, 2022
Did not give overview in task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Unfortunately, if there is no overview at all then your Task Achievement band score is limited to 5.

I've have no idea what you could get overall obviously as that depends how you did in all the other criteria in both tasks.

Jan 07, 2023
Ielts writing part 2
by: Anonymous

Hello, I am posting this with a worried mind.
I did my IELTs writing today and in task 2 where the question was on advantages outweighing disadvantages, I wrote two body paragraphs on one advantage each and forgot to write about disadvantages. My format and grammar was good. Now I am really worried as to how it would hamper my score. Can you share your views.
By the way I think I did well in task 1.

Jan 19, 2023
Didn't complete task 1 properly
by: Sahil

I wrote everything details of first chart but missed two details of second charts. however,I wrote task 2 properly. How would this effect my score?

Feb 14, 2023
I did not complete task 1
by: Anonymous

I did my IELTS computer based exam today. My reading, listening, speaking module was good but in my writing module task 2 i did well by 310 words. In my task 1 in writing I was not able to complete. I only wrote intro, overall, body paragragh which is 145 words. I missed some key features. Can i expect to get atleast 6 or 6.5 band in writing module?

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Unfinished Ielts writing task 1

by Simar
(Delhi )


I completed Ielts exam today. I was ables to finish writing task 2 completely with reasons ad examples however I just wrote introduction and overview for task 1 when the time ran out . Please let me know how bad is it going to be ? I am stressing out a lot.

Thank you .

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Nov 08, 2024
Unfinished Ielts writing task 1
by: IELTS buddy

Unfortunately if you wrote nothing about the graph at all apart from the intro and overview it will affect your Task 1 score a lot. It's likely to be band 3 or 4. That will then bring your overall score down quite a bit.

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