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Television and Children Essays

by Sultan

Can someone rate my task two television and children essay? Thanks.

Many people believe that television programs are of no value for children.

Do you agree?

Why or why not?

Since the emergence of TV and its programs, many voices that especially come from worried parents have argued the value of television shows. These parents believe screen shows are useless, and a portion of adults even put effort into restricting how much time their children spend in front of the screen. Others dismiss such statements, on the contrary, proposing many pros that television programs have on the younger generations, and defending such proposals with researched fact.

One main concern for parents and a big reason behind the bashing of television programs is the increased tendency of “staying inside” among youths watching TV. Basically, children would prefer staying at home to watch TV instead of making friends outside. This may lead to impairing the youngsters’ social skills which are essential for leading a healthy life. Furthermore, television shows like movies and series often contain violent graphics, sexual references and/or a false, manipulated image of the world we live in. The second point is especially outlined by those who don’t want to live in a “conformist world”, where televisions decide what to believe and think.

Oppositely, there are countless TV shows with an educational purpose, a deep, lecturing message and sometimes both. The generations introduced to forms of multimedia have shown greatly superior knowledge to their previous relatives, reportedly related to the effect of having fast and cheap info sources. Many shows work as satirical mirrors of society, and others mainly cherish the ideals of love, compassion and understanding. The power of TV allows reaching out to crowds in ways never seen before. All of that has a direct effect on a population’s intellect.

TV shows do have a lot of cons but to label them as useless is rather bold. Thousands of benefits are gained from having an open source for information, and they can make ground breaking changes if given to the right hands.

Word count: 314

Comments for Television and Children Essays

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Nov 18, 2014
Well written
by: Sangay Sangay

Your script looks well organized and covers relevant points. Its up to word limit.

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Pros and Cons of Children Watching TV

by aqib

What are the pros and cons of watching TV for children?

Nowadays every person keep TV at home to entertain himself and his family. Children watch TV more and more everyday. The mostly children watch cartoons and other kids stuff. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages of watching TV for children. I'll discuss pros and cons of watching TV for children.

Lets begin by looking at some of pros of watching TV for children. One of main benefit of watching for children is that they learn new things everyday like I'm giving you example about myself when i was kid, we used to watch Meena cartoons, they were very popular at that time. We learnt lesson that the girls should go to school like boys do. One other advantage of watching TV for children is that they don't get bored of watching TV like mostly children annoys their parents, so the parents tell them to watch TV, then parents feel comfortable.

After discussed some main benefits of watching TV for children now lets consider some drawbacks of watching TV for children. One of problem is that they got addict to TV like when their parents tell them to do their homework, they don't listen and when parent switch off the TV, then they cry and annoy his parents, so parent feel unhappy. One more disadvantage is that its effect on children eye sight. Doctors says that watching TV is not good for eye sight specially for young children.

to sum up there are both positives and negatives of watching TV for children. I would suggest that this is bad habit, parents should avoid this. They give some toys, so they can play with them and spend time with them, it's good for children and parents too.


Please provide feedback on my television and children essay.

Comments for Pros and Cons of Children Watching TV

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Oct 29, 2014
Usage of First Person pronouns
by: Liaquat Ali Maiko

It would be better if you generalize your writing and that is possible if you stop using (I and WE).

Instead of I and WE try to use passive voice and it would be more appropriate in essay writing...

Nov 01, 2014
Pros &Cons
by: Hiam Mustafa

you worked hard in writing your essay, but with a little more care you could do better. There are a lot of mistakes in capital letters and punctuation.

Your ideas were limited and you didn't support them.
you didn't give solution
you didn't state your opinion

Nov 01, 2014
must improve
by: Anonymous

average writting. Not able to get desired score. keep improving

Jun 14, 2015
by: Anonymous

This is the worst

Apr 07, 2016
this is really bad
by: potato cat

i think if u worked on it a little more it would be beter

Mar 27, 2019
by: Anonymous

Honestly this is whack and not worth the read, -100000/10 trash

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TV and Reduced Activity

by Tam

Hi guys, I need you guys to review this essay of mine. Thank you so so much.

Children nowadays watch significantly more television than in the past, which reduces their activity levels accordingly.

Why is this the case?

What measures can you suggest to encourage higher levels of activity among children?

It cannot be gainsaid that TV has become one of dominant enjoyments in our life, especially inmature adolescents irresitably spend a majority of their time on it. This malady stems from a range of reasons and I would like to recommend some solutions in large.

Firstly, there are nowadays the variety of TV programmes for kid and it is almost impossible to keep child’s attention far away from them. Regardless of danger of optical decreases, little ones prefer watching cartoons, sitcoms or other entertainment channels to outdoor movements. With this flow, children have obviously become TV-addicts at last.

Secondly, parents’ excessive envelopments possibly cause this conundrum. To prevent ambigous effects outside, such as natural dissaters, crimes or trivially even bullies from peers, some households trendily lead their offspring to fraternize with the broadcasts as a secure way. It can be possibly considered as parentings in most Asian countries where the rate of youngsters watching TV is usually higher by far than other continents.

As a solution, childcare communities should emphasize their role by holding more outdoor activities, for example kid sport prizes or simply wanderers with pets. By those ways, our procencies may goodly enhance their health and in part forget the attraction of television. Besides, with family sector, to shrink some excessive works and individual tasks, not only do parents concentrate more time to take their child outside but also cultivate consanguinity.

In sum, sprouts of country currently have obsessively addicted to television and the reponsibility to help them, negatively belong to every singer adult.

(256 words)

Comments for TV and Reduced Activity

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Dec 24, 2017
You can do even better
by: Anonymous

You need to pay more attention to minor mistakes. Those are quite annoying and, with this amount of mistakes, they can deduct your score.

1. "one of the ..." - ALWAYS.
2. Try to correct yourself with these words: inmature, irresitably,. dissaters, procencies, goodly, consanguinity.

2nd Paragraph:
1. there are, nowadays, A variety of
2. Regardless of THE danger

Last Paragraph:
Did you mean "every single adult"?

Overall, if I consider those mistakes as typos, I will give you a 7. However, please pay extra attention to those mistakes because they are extremely annoying to read.

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