IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Strategies to Achieve an IELTS Overall Band 8

by Rizwana Saife
(Udaipur, Rajasthan, India)

IELTS Band 8

IELTS Band 8

Secured overall band 8 on IELTS.

I am from Udaipur, India. Honestly, with just a month's preparation using IELTS official guide only, I was able to get overall band 8 on IELTS:

Writing 7
Speaking 8
Listening 8.5
Reading 9


I scored band 8 in this section.

The speaking test was just a sort of usual conversation for me. I had practiced speaking on some suggested topics a few times in front of the mirror.

Besides working on my tone, I also practiced using better vocabulary into my conversations.

The thing to remember while going for the speaking test is to agree to disagree with the test opinions in the questions. That is, even if you do not agree with them on some point, present your pwn views politely and acknowledge their point of view as well.

Never be too defensive or strong in your speech. Take it lightly.


I scored band 7 here.

Although I had gone through some of the common writing topics given in IELTS official guide, the topic that I got during my exam was a surprise.

As we have to write our essay in support of or against the given Statement (Topic), we should be sure that whatever side we take we should have enough points to form a strong and logical argument.

So, I started with noting down the points that I could use while agreeing or disagreeing with the given Statement. And based on the number of strong points and defenses, I moved ahead with my essay.


I scored a 9 here.

The two main reasons behind this are, I maintained a good pace from the beginning to stop missing out any portion of the test due to time restraints and I tried to maintain 100% accuracy by reading the passages carefully and simultaneously viewing the questions.

I double checked every answer as I moved forward in the test and didn't wait for checking answers after completing the test, because we may not have enough time then.


I got band 8 in this section.

For scoring good in listening section, CONCENTRATION is the primary skill. There will be many distractions around you in the examination hall but just do your own thing.

For this section, the moment your mind or eyes wander, you miss one or two questions for sure. That is a personal experience.

And if you are not a native English speaker, the best strategy to improve your listening skills would be to watch English movies. Honestly guys, this helped me a lot.

Finally, the thing about IELTS is that if you are calm and focused during the test, you will give your best.

All the Best!

Comments for Strategies to Achieve an IELTS Overall Band 8

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Jun 07, 2016
IELTS Band 8
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Rizwana,

Well done and thanks for sharing your tips based on your experience.

I'm sure people can learn from it.

Jun 08, 2016
Help me Listening and reading
by: Adnan Zafar

plz somone help me in the preparation of ielts because i have final my test date.

Jun 08, 2016
Hi Adnan
by: Rizwana

Hi Adnan,

I hope you have received the official IELTS guide. As I have mentioned in my above post, you surely can score well if you solve the complete IELTS official guide. If possible, you can solve the official guides from previous years as well.
Wish u all the best for your test!!

Jun 09, 2016
Need help in Reading
by: Disha


Thanks for your Tips.
I am seeking help in Reading, i have no idea wot needs to do wid the Questions.

if some one can help me with this, i will be very thank full to this.

Jun 09, 2016
Hi All Aspirants
by: Rizwana

Hi All,

For Reading Section:

I would say just practice reading fast and proactively as much as possible. Solve Reading Comprehension passage questions, from either GRE, IELTS or GMAT books. Also,

1. don't take too much time reading every detail in the passage. Just skim through it. Get the basic idea of the passage or argument and write it in your own words.

2. note the main points in each para.

3. label each para appropriately (so that when you go through questions you know which para to refer to in the passage.

4. Then see the questions. If required, then you can read minute details and dig deeper into the passage and find the answer to any specific question.

5. Try improving your English vocabulary. Learn roots and origins of the difficult English words. You may find plenty of resources on the internet for building up English vocab and containing some frequently used words in these tests.

For Listening:

1. Try listening to English news channels like BBC and watching English movies. This will help you a lot.

2. The listening practice test CD that you will get along with the IELTS official guide will be sufficient for you to know the actual listening test pattern.

3. Be attentive and focused and read questions in advance during the time they provide you before the recording begins.

4. Even if you miss a question, don't panic as it will not make a huge difference. Continue listening attentively and concentrate on the following questions or else you will miss them too.

5. It is usually very clear and there shouldn't be much problem writing down the answers as you listen.

6. Spellings matter. Again, build up a good vocabulary.

7. If possible, write your answers in Capital letters so they are more readable.

Again, practice is the key. So, whatever time you have in hand before your test date, practice as much as possible.

All the best!

Jun 09, 2016
Not professional
by: DR HPSSandhu

The tips you have given are just very common and all the trainers tell the same, based on your training, and approach to the examination share your views which are of immense importance and not just the common things you read in all books even.

How did you get such good scores? There must be some specific reason and technique, share that so that others can benif.

I am in this profession and know how to prepare students for high scores, these are special tricks and share if you have any, just don't waste others time

Jun 09, 2016
Dear DR HPSSandhu
by: Anonymous

Dear DR HPSSandhu,

I didn't want to waste anyone's time. These are actual experiences that I have shared. If you have some special tricks and tips to share, pls do it here.

I and other students would be grateful to you. This comment of yours seems a waste of yours and others time actually. Instead be productive.

Jun 09, 2016
by: Anonymous

congratulations and all the best for future endeavours.

Jun 10, 2016
Thanks a lot!
by: Rizwana

Thank u so much :)

Jun 10, 2016
IELTS better score

I have taken the exam twice but I didn't get band 7 both the times. I'm very upset. Both times I got a low score of 6 in writing. Could anyone genuinely help me to score 7 in writing.

Jun 10, 2016
Terrific Score!
by: Shameem Ferdous

Congratulations for such a terrific score!

Jun 12, 2016
regarding the advice
by: Ashfa

Hey Rizwana

thanks alot for your advice and iam sure that it would be useful......

Jun 12, 2016
Some actual IELTS questions I can recall
by: Rizwana Saife

Hi all,

Thanks very much for your appreciation.

I would like to share some questions I can recall:

Speaking Test

It was a day before the written test but the venue was the same.

The test taker was very cooperative. She asked me some general questions in the beginning.

- What is your name?
- Your education?
- Do you have any job experience?
- Where do you live?
- Are you still working? Where do you work?

Then I was given a topic and a minute to write my thoughts on that before we started a discussion.

The topic was:

- These days people are spending lots of money and time on pursuing leisure activities.

- What are your views?
- Do you think it is worth it?
- Or do you feel it is useful?

And then we started discussing on this topic. I put forward my views and she asked 1-2 further questions regarding the same topic. I had to speak for 5-7 minutes on this topic.

Next I was prompted to speak on a topic for 2-4 minutes.

The topic was:

- Do you remember a Long Walk that you went for?
- How was the experience?

And that was it.

The thing I experienced here was the more you speak, the better. Of course, your views should be to the point and logical but the test taker encourages us to speak more.

Writing Test

Writing task included 2 topics:

For the first topic word limit was 150-200 and for second topic up to 350 words.

First topic was again related to leisure activities.

It was like:

These days people spend lots of money on leisure activities.

How does this trend impact our society?

Second topic was:

Technological advances and their effect on our lives

Be sure to include at least 3 paragraphs and a conclusion where you acknowledge both the pros and cons w.r.t. the topic.

Hope this helps.

Jun 13, 2016
IELTS Official Guide
by: Rizwana


I got the IELTS official Guide after I registered for my IELTS test. Once you register for your IELTS test you too will receive this guide within 7-10 days.

As for the link, I will try to find it and will definitely share, if possible.

Jun 15, 2016
help regarding book
by: Ashutosh

Hi Rizwan,

Congratulations for your score and thank you very much for the tips. Can you please help with some good IELTS practice book? You can mail me at

Thank you

Jun 18, 2016
Useful Links for IELTS practice tests and books
by: Rizwana Saife

You can visit following links. It may help with practice tests and some IELTS material.

Practice tests on IELTS official website:


Download IELTS practice tests here:


Jun 23, 2016
study help to achieve 7.5
by: noreen


I am new here and i want to achieve my score 7.5 in a single month is any 1 here to guide me for the timings of study and the materials that i have to study including the numbers of tests to be done each day
Thank you

Jul 28, 2016
IELTS official guide
by: Anonymous


Firstly, congrates on your success.

I just want to know is the IELTS official guide available online sufficient for practicing?


Aug 01, 2016
tips to improve speaking ...
by: Anonymous

Anybody help me to improve my speaking...please tell me how we think about the ideas for speaking test just in one min...i take more time to think about the ideas...

Aug 01, 2016
by: Arif Rajer

Hi Rizwana!

Thanks for sharing your experience and tips, I read your comments carefully, hope it will help me in coming IELTS exam. Thanks. Arif Rajer

Aug 02, 2016
Regarding official guide and speaking tips
by: Anonymous


For official guide - according to my experience, it would be better to refer both online official guide and the IELTS official guide book provided by the testing services.

Although the question pattern is the same in both of them, the more we practice the better is the probability of higher accuracy in the test.
Especially for reading and listening sections, practice as many questions as possible.

It took me around 2 months of deficated preparation for this score.

For speaking tips - Yes, it is possible to come up with few logical points on the given topic in 5 minutes. The topic will be such that you don't have to think too hard to come up with a few relevant points to start discussion.

The topics are generally quite common and known, about things that we experience and observe in our day to day life. It may also be connected with your lifestyle.

And moreover there are no right and wrong answers. You just have to speak out your opinions and views. This test taker is more concerned about the way you present your argument and views rather than how strong your argument points are.

Hope this helps.

Aug 10, 2016
tips/clues on how to get a good band to enable me work in canada
by: Anonymous

Please I need clues on how to go about....the essay part, reading, listening and speaking for general training...I have not written such test before..I am nervous and need tips on how to get a good band that would enable me work in canada...

Thank you

Jul 05, 2017
Thank you note
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot!!

Oct 24, 2021
Study materials
by: King

Which do you refer to as official IELTS guide

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