Starting the IELTS Writing Task 1
by Joy
(Nigeria )
Can I start my writing task 1 first sentence with, For example
The data below depicts information about .....
The given chart illustrates.......
A Tip for the First Sentence of your Task 1 Graph
by Joko
(Yangon, Myanmar)
I'm an English teacher and here's a Task 1 tip that a colleague shared with me. It's so simple and easy that I'm surprised I don't see it more. I teach it to all my students.
Seemingly every Task 1 essay I read online starts with a variation of this simple structure:
"The graph shows the changes in this or that..."
Okay. Fine. There's nothing wrong with that.
Try this:
"There is a graph which shows the changes in blah blah..."
See the change?
Now the first part of the sentence is an independent clause and it's combined with another independent clause with a relative pronoun. Point being, you've made a complex sentence right off the bat.
It doesn't matter that it's not the fanciest of complex sentence, you've still ticked off one of the grammar criteria in just a few words.
Better yet, you're on your way toward what band 7 asks for: a variety of complex sentences. Might as well get started right away.
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