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Different Types of Task 1

by Foxy

IELTS Line Graph Demographic Trends in Scotland

IELTS Line Graph Demographic Trends in Scotland

How can I respond to this Line Graph?

This graph is a little bit different from the others, so I am confused. Can you help me to describe this graph?

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Feb 22, 2014
one advise
by: Anonymous

As I remember we have to group the graph in two categories. In this graph the birth rate & population growth rate are similar and may be in one group, while the death rate shows different manner.

exactly when the first group was falling down in 1955 the second one was growing up. And again while the first group was falling to zero in period of 2002 and later, the second group is going to rise in same period.

Hope these be correct and be useful

Feb 23, 2014
Demographic Trends in Scotland IELTS Graph
by: IELTS buddy

Yes, it is a good idea to try and group things. This will make your answer easier to read and show you can compare and contrast.

To help you do this look for similarities and differences.

As the other poster mentioned, you could group the 'birth rate' and 'population' growth rate together from because they follow a similar pattern (though of course you would need to mention that the birth rate is higher). But they fall and increase in very similar ways.

The death rate is quite different though.

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How to write about IELTS tables?

by jalal azam

Q1: How can I understand and write about acadamic task # 1 "describe the table" could you please let me know any tip to write about table.

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Dec 05, 2012
by: Anonymous

try to do it privately or ask from some specialists) you cannot find appropriate answer here

Dec 09, 2012
IELTS tables
by: IELTS buddy


There are some model tables on these pages:

Model Task 1

A table though is much the same as writing about a graph - the information is just presented in a table instead.

So you need to identify if it is over time (then you use language of time) or if it is not then you just compare and contrast the data.

You will find lessons about doing this for IELTS task 1 on this page:

IELTS Lessons

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How can I describe IELTS Maps?

by Reshi

I need some advice on how to describe maps....Can someone help me out??

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Sep 28, 2014
How can I describe IELTS Maps?
by: IELTS buddy


For maps the important thing is to learn language of compare / contrast (as you may have to compare two maps) and language that discusses location as you will have to explain where things are.

Take a look at this model answer:

IELTS Maps Model Answer

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How do we write about IELTS Maps?

by Kevin Wu

What is the process of writing the maps?

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May 15, 2015
IELTS Writing Test 1- Maps
by: Anonymous

Maps are one of the easiest to describe as we as the writer just have to illustrate the changes made in it. Let me take an example of an island where in the past there was barely anything and in some quick years people built it like a resort.

We just have to make sure that we use every single information given to us, either it be the scale which is shown under or pathway or anything which can show the reader how glorifying the map would be!

Apr 06, 2023
Don't describe everything
by: Joko

There's a comment on this thread that advises a candidate to "describe every little detail"... No, don't do that. Maps, like graphs and charts, have "main features" summarizing those features is what you are clearly asked to do in the instructions.

Apr 14, 2023
Don't describe everything
by: IELTS buddy

Actually with maps, plans and diagrams, you DO need to describe every feature that is there. That doesn't mean you necessarily have to go into a lot of detail about everything but you have to mention everything you see at least once.

Even with graphs, pie charts etc, though you are right that you do need to highlight the main trends, you do need to mention everything that the graph is about.

For instance, if it was a graph about travel and there were cars, bikes, buses, trains, and motorbikes, you'd need to mention them all at some point, even if perhaps you said very little about one of them for whatever reason.

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How do we write about flow charts?

by miftah fauzan

is there any suggestion in writing a flow chart for IELTS writing task 1?

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Sep 25, 2014
IELTS Flow Charts
by: IELTS buddy

Do you mean IELTS Process?

There are two models here:

Brick Manufacturing

Chocolate Production

And a lesson here:

IELTS Process Lesson

Feb 08, 2016
by: Samy

Does process chart include conclusion separately...???
Thank you very much

Feb 09, 2016
Conclusions for IELTS Process Diagrams
by: IELTS buddy

It's the same for any Task 1. You can have to conclusion, but you don't have to.

What you must have (usually placed at the beginning or at the end as a conclusion) is an overview showing the main trends or patterns that are occurring, be it a process, graph or map.

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Tricks for understanding the IELTS graph

by Hilda
(Surrey B.C)

What if I don't understand the graph on writing task 1? Is there any trick to get through writing task 1 without thoroughly understanding the graph?

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Nov 02, 2019
Tricks for understanding the IELTS graph
by: IELTS buddy

No there is not a special trick as there are many different types of task 1 graph. You need to understand it otherwise you are likely to make mistakes which could lower your score.

Please refer to some of the Task 1 lessons and model graphs on my site. The only way to get good at understanding them is through study and practice.

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