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Read about how I got an IELTS writing band 7 in one month

by rick

How did I get IELTS writing band 7.0 in one month?

I was asked to take IELTS by Immigration of Canada. I tried it once and got writing only 6.0, but I need the band 7.0. Then I took it more seriously and finally I reached 7.0 on IELTS writing. I would like to share with everyone my prep experiences.

First, read more. At the beginning, I think reading magazines or newspapers will help, but quickly i found it wrong because there are a lot of words beyond my knowledge and it made me frustrated. So finally i decided only read sample IELTS essays. Actually this helped me a lot because people who write those sample essays are in the same level with me. I can learn how they develop sentences and ideas, and i got familiar with all IELTS topics. Totally i read over 500 sample essays I believe, and i was lucky enough to write an essay topic in the IELTS exam that i read before.

Second, listen more. Listening can also improve essay writing actually since language is related to each other. I choose to listen to BBC and VOA special English. It takes a about one hour everyday.

Third, write more. I write one essay for task I and one essay for task II daily. Well, it is not enough to write something, you need to get it checked by an IELTS teacher or a good IELTS website.

Fourth, how to write. Here i got some good ideas from a good IELTS site: Those are the suggestions from the site:

1. write about 300 words in order to get 7.0. Too much words may out of the ability but too less words may get less marks.

2. Don't make mistakes on grammar and spellings. Double check after you finished the essay writing. As the site told, grammar errors will decrease the marks a lot. I read a good grammar book those days and i always pay attention to the correct grammar during writing.

3. Write four or five paragraphs, don't write three or six paragraphs. Discuss the topic in both side. Don't just focus on one side.

4. Develop one idea in one paragraph, don't try to put a lot of things together. Need to focus. The site also check and grade your essays freely, so i submit all essays there to know how was my writing and the improvements.

Fifth, analyze and summarize. Only writing is not enough. You need to think what is the problem and how to improve next time and avoid same mistakes all the time. This is a very important step so many people may neglect. I keep on practicing and after two weeks i was confident that i will reach 7.0 because the site always gave me 7.0 marks.

Well, practicing makes perfect if you are on the right track. It is a small victory to pass IELTS and get 7.0, but now i can relax and enjoy my life. I hope the experiences can help to everybody and good luck to everyone.

Comments for Read about how I got an IELTS writing band 7 in one month

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Feb 26, 2014
read more with strategy, love it.
by: Anonymous

I like the idea of reading more, read essay samples not news and novels. Cool ideas for short term statergy.

Feb 26, 2014
good comments
by: sharareh

hi dear,
your comments are pretty good.I want to get 7 score like you. so, I took a note from your comments to observe them in this last month of my studying.I share your views.

thanks so much

Feb 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

Hi, I like your comment and it is useful for me...but you tell me first which is the best book to solve our grammatical mistack ...u also read book than you tell me please support me

Feb 27, 2014
Cool, Good
by: Anonymous

I like your comments! It is quite useful for me to follow in this track!

Mar 01, 2014
by: Hetal

Can you tell me, how can I get my writing corrected? I took test 5 times but have always scored 6.5 in writing and I need 7. Is there any website which can correct my writing and suggest me how to improve?

Mar 04, 2014
Please suggest me where can I send my essay through online.
by: Anonymous

Please suggest me where can I send my essay through online.


Mar 24, 2014
good experience.
by: Anonymous

Hallo dear

I like your comment about your experience in IELTS exam. I want 7 score in each skills. I write some notes from yours, and I will try to follow your suggestion to prepare myself for IELTS.

Many thanks.

Apr 01, 2014
Useful Tips & Hints
by: Melika

Hi dear,

Your tips & hints are really useful for me. I also want to get 7.0+. I really appreciate your kindness to share your experiences.

Good Luck & Best Regards

Dec 15, 2014
Thanks a lot
by: Olena

Hi, Rick!

Thank you so much for sharing your experience, it was extremely useful for me. It's not a problem to find an online IELTS course, it's much harder to find a Writing Correction Service.

I did my IELTS last month, but the results were not as high as I had expected (Overall Band 7, Academic level). So I am going to pass it again in a month. Hope my marks will be better this time.

Thanks again,

Oct 10, 2015
Band 7 in 5 days!
by: Anonymous


I just received my scores for Academic IELTS and it is 7.0!!!

I am a mother of three children and did not have much time to prepare myself for the day. So I just spent about 6 hours a day for 5 days before the test reading the IELTS answer samples only. I was confident about my speaking and listening as I live in Canada and work in an English speaking environment. So I timed myself and practiced reading and writing sections. Reading was the most challenging part for me, especially the last passage took me longer to complete all the questions.
So I found it faster to write the answers right on the reading passage and then keep extra 7 minutes to transfer them to an answer sheet.

Also, I would recommend everyone to spend sometime at the beginning of writing and make bullet points of introduction and main ideas of each paragraph, which will keep you in the frame and prevent from mixing up your ideas.

Good Luck to all test takers!

May 14, 2016
by: Anonymous

hi! i just took my first IELTS exam... and i don't know if i'll get the 6.0 i need for the writing i would like to know where u got those essays you mentioned before, were they from a website or smt like that?
thank you!!

Sep 21, 2016
by: Dhawal

Which book will be best for grammer

Sep 26, 2016
good comment
by: Nisansala

I wish to express my thanks for sharing your experience. It's very useful me too.

Oct 05, 2016
by: Anonymous

Firstly, I like it whatever you wrote about your experience. You did not mention which books you studied, improvement for grammar.

Mar 09, 2017
by: Anonymous

Thanks a lot

May 12, 2017
by: lovepreet singh

Could u plz tell how can i make variations and complexity in my both tasks to get about 7 bands

Jun 30, 2017
6.5 in 4 days and First attempt
by: Raj7

Hi All,

I am from India and I took IELTS IDP academy.

I had 4 days to prepare for IELTS (Though I booked 6-7 days earlier).

I got Over all - 6.5:

R-5.5 (panic attack in exam hall...due to less practice)

Due to less practice, I faced time shortage in exam hall. I was Relaxed and was confident in exam hall.

Following are important:

RELAXING (day before exam and in exam hall)
CONFIDENCE(day before exam and in exam hall)

All The Best

Jul 22, 2017
by: Anonymous

Can you suggest the title of book to improve grammar for IELTS exam?

Nov 20, 2017
checking web
by: Anonymous

hi madam/sir,
Where can i submit our essay for checking and for grade?

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