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Preservation of Historic Buildings Essays

by Charlene
(Hong Kong)

Should we look after old buildings?

Should we look after old buildings?

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

The issue of whether old buildings should be demolished and replaced has long been a controversial issue. While some believe that it is important due to their historical value, others believe they should not stand in the way of development, which is resembled by the building of new infrastructures. In order to support one view over the other, it is crucial to answer two questions, which this essay will discuss: they are the extent of importance for maintaining old buildings and whether one should value history over progress.

Firstly, I believe that it is very important to maintain old buildings because they have historical and cultural significance and economic value. The old buildings may have an important function in history and some are even the nations’ pride. For instance, the Great Wall of China signifies the history of slaves’ perseverance, building the great wall of defence despite severe weather conditions, under the tyrannical rule of the Emperor and it also shows the concerns over safety during that historical period. Not only so, the Great Wall of China is the place that every tourist will visit when they come to Beijing; thus, it can be said that the Great Wall has economic value as those tourists will subsequently spend money there. Furthermore, the Great Wall of China instils a sense of pride in the hearts of Chinese people, as it resembles their long-lasting history. Hence, maintenance of old buildings are of utmost importance.

However, opponents may argue differently: Although new buildings may not have historical and cultural significance, they do have their purpose, both economically and developmentally. By replacing old buildings, there will be more space for housing, which is especially important due to the current problem of overcrowding. In doing so, it can guarantee basic living standards. There will also be more space for buildings used for educational purposes, as education is important for the nations’ growth.

Another arguments that opponents put forth is that history should not deter progress. They believe that a nation shouldn’t live in the past; instead, they should actively seek out the future. Whilst I believe this argument is sound, it is important to note that history doesn’t necessarily hinder progress, but would even prevent mistakes from happening again. An example will be the Nazi camps; they serve as a reminder to the nation about the dangers of discrimination and injustice.

To conclude, based on the two questions, I strongly believe that old buildings should not be replaced, not only due to their significance to the nation, but also due to the fact that that it doesn’t hinder progress.


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Aug 04, 2015
by: Charlene

Is it too long and is the content alright?

Oct 30, 2018
by: Anonymous

N0 and no

Nov 12, 2023
by: Anonymous

content can be more

May 17, 2024
Absolutely no
by: Anonymous

No and No

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Protecting Old Buildings

by Deepika
(Delhi, India)

Kindly analyze my essay written below and let me know what is the possible score I may get in writing section:

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

History plays an important role in getting a better knowledge about any country’s culture, traditions, beliefs, religions etc. Without history one would have no idea about his origin and the struggle done by the freedom fighters and various other people for freedom and other human rights. There are various old buildings in almost every part of the world which represents history of that region. But there are some people who think that these buildings should be knocked down and replaced by new ones. Here the discussion will be about the importance of such buildings.

Old buildings are helpful in identifying the background of a country. Infrastructure of such buildings shows the creativity and talent of the labour class people during that time and even helps to know about the lifestyle of the people in that era. There are other benefits of maintaining such buildings i.e. ancient buildings attract tourism from and across the world. Tourism is an important measure in economical growth of a country.

Old and rough structure of these buildings could be the main concern of the beings who want them to be knocked out. In order to pay attention towards their concerns, government should provide proper funding to the maintenance department for renovation of the old structure.

I agree that history should not stand in the way of progress. History is all about the past so in case if it restricts the progress path in the present or future then government should not let it be a problem. Government should support the idea of progress anyhow and if that requires old buildings to be knocked out then that should be done positively.


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Nov 15, 2015
by: Anonymous


Feb 23, 2021
historical infastructure
by: Anonymous

i agree it is very sophisticated to build new buildings and ruin the orignal piece.☯

Oct 31, 2022
Really well said
by: Anonymous


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Preserving of Old Buildings

by Mubashir

Friends, grading required for this essay.

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by news ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings?

Should history stand in the way of progress?

Nowadays, due to massive construction work availability of space is the serious problem that needs to be addressed. The building constructed decades back are being removed and demolished for the sake of erecting new structures. However, I tend to believe that ancient buildings are part of nation’s history and they represent the attraction of modern cities therefore, they should not be demolished. The historic buildings should be preserved, protected and renovated for future generations to come.

Firstly, the buildings that were constructed in the previous era represent the history of the nation. For instance, it will inform how used people used to live previously. The concept, design, architecture and techniques of construction when there were not enough facilities and options as we have now in the 21st century. This example depicts clearly that building of the last century signified the history of country. Thus it can be seen that preserving the history in the form of old architectural building will be an asset for upcoming generation reminding them about the life of their ancestors rather than constructing the modern style of building.

Secondly, the old aged construction is actually the charm and magnetic attraction for the local residents. For instance, when they will be passing by the all the new buildings and all of a sudden they stare an old building their eyes will be glued to the old construction and they will not even bother to see the new building again because these building have now become unique and rare. This example supports the point that old construction appeases the local people. Therefore, it can be seen that old style of building seen to catch people eyes more than the newly designed and constructed buildings.

Further, I reckon that history is not hindering the nation’s development or progress rather it is teaching a lesson and motivation for the people. For instance, the people can learn from the mistakes, problems, issues, difficulties which will move them a step forward and they won’t repeat those errors in future.

To conclude, the historic buildings are a part of nation’s history and local people sightseeing. I firmly believe that newly constructed building should not be constructed at the cost of erasing old building. I suppose that old buildings will always be sacred for the every nation in the times to come also.


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Essay on Protecting Old Buildings

by Rima

Last month I sat for ielts exam and got overall 7, but in writing I got 5.5. I need at least 6.

Will you evaluate my writing on these following essay. My next exam date is 30th march.

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?

Almost every nation has its own historical places, buildings and cultural heritage, those are assets of a nation and authorities are liable to protect and take care of them. However, some of us claimed that those buildings are valueless and need to replace with new one to progress. But, to me the law provided by for the protection of nation's history is rational due to following reasons.

First of all, those old architecture tells about a countries efforts how they change situations for better, also about the heroic people who did good to provide facilities for better generation. For instance, The great wall of china is representing the dedication of the king and effort of the people to protect nations from other. The Tajmahal was built by king Shahjahan to express his love for her wife. Those building are the wonders now as they are acting as inspiration for us, so it is totally meaningless not to protect them.

Secondly, historical places are main tourist attraction of a country. Not only it represents ones culture and art but also sets a good tourist business. Millions of money are being added to countries economy for those historical monuments. So destroying them is a way of big economic loss.

Finally, a historical building is a great object for architectural historian. Many lost civilization has come in front of us with all those buildings, also act as a source of information for research work. There are many buildings in the world which is a wonder of engineering work that acts as inspiration for modern engineer.

Therefore, replacing all old one with new buildings is just a big loss for whole nations both culturally and economically. And most importantly those monuments are taking a small place of a county. If anyone wants to build new buildings that can be done in another places without destroying those valuable work. Those history inspired us and lead us develop for far better way. With the economy that earned from tourist is helping countries to progress. Thus, history working silently to forward us.

To sum up, a historical architecture is a master piece of nations as well as a valuable asset. Government should be more dedicated and careful to beautify and protect them.

Comments for Essay on Protecting Old Buildings

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Mar 24, 2017
Number of words
by: IELTS buddy

Hopefully somebody can comment on your essay for you, but one thing I would say is that it is 375 words long. That is much too long if you are not a strong candidate.

You have quite a few grammar errors but that is not surprising if you are trying to write so much which means you will be rushing.

The minimum is 250 so you are better aiming for around 275 in your case.

If you try to write 375 words in 40 minutes you are sure to make errors as you will have no time to plan your essay or check for errors.

Mar 25, 2017
by: parth

nice covered some good topics...but too long...

Mar 26, 2017
4 Para
by: Shen

Please follow 4 Para structure, 1 for Intro, 2 - Main para, 4 - Conclusion. Make conclusion as crispy as Introdution.

Mar 26, 2017
Thanks to ielts buddy
by: RIMA

Thank you all for the suggestions ..
But may i know what band it can achieve.

Mar 27, 2017
by: Anonymous

Band 5.5 to 6.

Mar 29, 2017
need help
by: Anonymous

Hi Ielts buddy,

Can you please let me know if you can help me with the writing section.If I can write essays and get your correction on your website please. Thank you.

Mar 29, 2017
need help
by: IELTS buddy

Sorry but I don't have the time to do corrections. If you search online you'll find people that do though you have to pay.

Apr 01, 2017
too long

Your answer has too many grammar mistakes and too much information, besides being too long. You need to rethink your writing style.

I'm an IELTS examiner and you are lucky to get to 5.5.

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Maintaining Old Buildings

by karishma

Many old buildings protected by law are part of a nation’s history. Some people think they should be knocked down and replaced by new ones.

How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?

Countries all over the world have antique buildings.It depicts the culture and heritage of the nation. Few people are of the view that these buildings should be demolished and its space should be used for educational institutes for the development of the nation.

The historical building gives an insight about our civilization. For example the Indus Valley civilization explains the manner in which small towns started developing. The palaces takes us back in time showing the monarchy system of functioning. Moreover it projects the importance of education during the mediual times. For example the takshashila University in India. It brings to our knowledge that the origin of all languages is Sanskruit. These historical sights are also very beneficial for the archaeological surveys. The Dhola Vira is an perfect example for rain water harvesting. The prehistoric constructions also helps in increasing the national income of the nation by attracting tourists. People from all over the world comes to visit the Taj Mahal. It show the immense love of Shah Jahan for his wife wife Mumtaz Mahal.

The culture and the tradition provides and identification to the nation. It is passed from generation to generation. History does not stand in the progress of the nation as it depicts what we had in the past and few of them are worth preserving.

To conclude the prehistoric building should be funded by the government to preserve our cultural heritage as it is the base of our origin. These buildings do not hinder the progress of the nation.

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