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Nuclear Power Essays

by Edgars
(Basel, CH)

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Advances in nuclear processing have gave us a low cost energy source, but at the same time nuclear power can be used against human being. There are several advantages of exploiting nuclear energy, for example, very low CO2 footprint, high energy capacity and low costs to consumer compared to other energy sources. On the other hand, nuclear power has serious drawbacks, for instance, threats of nuclear war, disastrous power plant failures and lack of proper radioactive waste degradation technology.

First of all, nuclear energy is one of the cleanest in terms of carbon dioxide production, and for decades it has been outcompeted conventional fossil fuel energy which is directly responsible for greenhouse effect nowadays. In addition, nuclear raw material contains far more Joules per kilogram of fuel than energy sources like hydrogen, shale gas or petroleum. Furthermore, previously mentioned aspects make nuclear energy as one of the cheapest options for nation’s energy politics due to the fact that raw materials are widely abundant and accessible.

Secondly, in recent decade society is highly concerned about major drawbacks of nuclear power, especially growth of nuclear stocks in Middle East, as they can be used for nuclear weapon production and could ignite nuclear war. Another disadvantage is raising amount of nuclear waste that comes from nuclear power plants. Due to the fact that it is very expensive and in some cases even impossible to degrade radioactive waste, most of the countries have decided just to collect and store it for unknown period of time in underground warehouses. Although several scientific groups are pursuing a sustainable disposal technology for decades, there has not been a significant progress. In my opinion, probably the biggest threat for the society is nuclear power plant failures that could lead to disastrous consequences both to environment and human being.

To conclude, I disagree that the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages. I think, significant advances in nuclear processing technology are needed to safely exploit nuclear energy.

Please provide me with feedback on my Nuclear Power Essay. Thanks.

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Dec 06, 2014
my comment
by: Anonymous

Hi Edgard,

I have reviewed your essay, and I have some comments about the organization. First, you wrote many examples in the introduction which made it very long intro. Second, do not include your opinion in the body paragraph as you did at third paragraph.

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Apr 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

Very well mannered

Jul 16, 2018
by: Anonymous

How can I have my writing check here?

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Nuclear Technology

by Long
(hong kong )

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

the innovation of unclear technology has brought human being into a new world. some people believe its advantages over the disadvantages. however, i have different view on it.

doubtlessly, the advances of nuclear technology benefit people in many ways. the invention of nuclear generator provides thousand times electricity than the traditional one does. also, instead of burning fossil fuel, it emits no carbon dioxide to the surroundings, which is recognised as the only solution to solve global warming and continuously supplies adequate power. besides, nuclear weapons are powerful defences to against terrorist activities.

although the nuclear energy generation can eases the energy crisis all over the world, it is highly hazardous not only to nearby citizens but also nations. last year, the tsunami destroyed nuclear plant in Japan and caused massive reactant leakage. this accident contaminated nearby water region, even countries over the pacific ocean are affected. countless kinds of species are mutated, which the harmful consequences are still unknown. the incident poses serious threat to all organisms.

furthermore, countries are competing to hold as much nuclear weapons as possible. they claim that such weapons are simply for security purpose. however, the total amount of nuclear weapons is more than enough to destroy the entire world several times. in my opinion, it is questionable that maintaining national peace by such scary weapons.

on a whole, nuclear technology is beneficial to mankind especially on energy issue. meanwhile, it also poses life-threatening hazards to all species. i doubt about the worthiness of risking people's lives to obtain temporary merits.

Please comment on my benefits of nuclear power essay

Comments for Nuclear Technology

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Dec 04, 2015
essay correction
by: Anonymous

I proofread IELTS essay. For those interested kindly comment here :)

May 11, 2018
Capitalization of Nuclear Power Essays
by: Anonymous

When starting a paragraph start with a capital letter and not small, for instance you started "the innovation" instead of "The innovation" "doubtless" instead of "Doubtless".


Jul 04, 2019
The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.
by: Anonymous

I wish any one can give me a feedback on my essay please !

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

Are the benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages! I think that is a seriouse question.So ,We need to think carefully and invistage both the benefits and disadvantages of nuclear power in oder to give an accurate helpful answer here.

First of all .Nuclear teachnology could be a great result of the dedicated scienticfic efforts in that domain .Specially when it is used in peaceful ways .If we use it in gnerating electricity .Or ,for example to run factories and lighten organisation .

However ,It can be a double edged weapon .Clearly ,the results of Heroshima and Nagasaki Catastroph are still evident until our days .It affected the shape of all people that lived in those areas in a specific way .In addition to, the distortions of the human genes .

Even If ,some people said that it decreases the carbon dioxide print .I would rather look at the mass desctruction such nuclear wars can bring to our world .No wonder it may destroy our planet in no time .
I'm not against the nuclear technology at all .On the contorary ,I'm for its peaceful uses that can bring peace ,welfare and prosperity for humanity .It may oneday be able to cure wicked dideases like cancer or diabetes .who knows !neveretheless ,I think that disadvantages of nuclear would far outweigh its benefits as long as we dont have guarantees about its use .In conclusion Peace and safety of humnaity and the planet earth comes first .

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Benefits of Nuclear Technology Essay

by Raj

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace and nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

As being the prominent and one of the most powerful technique, Administrative bodies of across the globe utilizes nuclear technology for its own benefits. Although, nuclear weapons are one of the most integral parts of maintaining world’s peace, however policy makers debate whether the advantages of nuclear technology surpass the disadvantages. Mainly, because of its benefits such as public protection and cheap energy sources, clears the air why advantages of using nuclear technology way outweigh the disadvantages.

Nuclear technology presents a vital role for public protection since it has the direct correlation with the safety with citizens all over the world. To clarify this, many strong and powerful countries like USA, Russia, India and China have nuclear weapons made from nuclear technology and utilize this whenever a very dangerous and harmful war happens between countries to save its own people. For example, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people.

It can be also used for producing various energies, which plays beneficial role for human’s life. It helps to generate cheap and clean energy. For example, in the year of 1998, Russia manufactured cold water refinement energy, which helps to clean and cold water to its citizens with very low-cost money.

Although disadvantage such as explosion with the misuse of nuclear technology, however its use as public protection and useful source for energy surpassing all of its disadvantages. In future, Governments from all across the world should need to utilize more nuclear technology in a correct way to explore more benefits for human beings with keeping in mind, that any misuse must be avoided.

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Nuclear Power Essay

by Supreet

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace but nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy. The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that nuclear armaments make the world a safe place and the nuclear energy is inexpensive and environment friendly source of energy. I strongly believe that merits of nuclear technology are much more than its demerits. In this essay, firstly we will discuss about how nuclear energy sources are more useful and environmentalist and secondly, we will discuss how production of nuclear energy emits hazardous waste.

To begin with, one of the main advantages is that nuclear energy is a clean energy as it does not release any harmful gases into the atmosphere. To discuss this point, nuclear energy reduces the emission of green house gases rather than fossil fuels which will further decrease risk of the global warming and thus, creates a pollution free environment. For example, In India, many new nuclear projects have been launched in last month.

Secondly, nuclear technology plays a vital role for public protection. To elucidate it further, some countries like USA, Russia have nuclear arsenals made from nuclear technology which will help them to protect their own countries citizens whenever there is a war. For instance, in 1965, in China-India war, India utilized nuclear atom against China to shield its people. As a result, nuclear energy can bring a lot of benefits to people globally.

On the other hand, generating nuclear power does not emit harmful greenhouse gases in the air however, it does create hazardous waste. To elaborate it further, the waste produced by nuclear energy stays for thousands of years and hence, accumulation of hazardous nuclear waste can lead many problems to the environment. An example here would be, in India the government is taking measures to remove all the dangerous waste generated by nuclear energy.

To conclude, nuclear technology is more beneficial to mankind. Although, its manufacturing can lead to many environmental problems. Thus, we should always consider its advantages and disadvantages before taking any step.

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