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Nature Nurture Essays

by Rahul Khatri

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Every person in this world has some innate natural talents and abilities which if properly utilized make them exceptional talents. But their talents & abilities are raw and can be taken to next level by proper mentoring, extensive training and practice.

People known in this world for their talents have innate abilities to perform in their respective fields. This innate ability is mostly due to genetics and heredity as well as due to the combination of environment, culture and early inspirations. A one wide known example of star footballer Lionel Messi who being brought up in Argentina has natural attraction towards playing football and his genes & physique allowed him to pursue a career in football. Similarly Indian legend Lata Mangeshkar had innate ability in singing as born in a family of music. If Messi was taught music and Lata Mangeshkar was taught to play football, then both of them would have surely failed as their mental approaches, abilities and inspiration must have thwarted their learning in non-appropriate fields.

Once recognized the basic abilities ranges and then with the help of proper training, education and mentorship, a child can certainly be taught to become a good at sports , music or any relevant field. It’s the mentors of Lionel Messi and Lata Mangeshkar who recognized their passion and love for football and music respectively , that they gave proper training to both and took their natural talent to the next level. Talents are taught but to be exceptional talent with all repertoire of skills entails extensive training and mentorship.

Hence, I hold an opinion that every child in this world has some natural talents and abilities which shall be recognized and trained accordingly so that he /she will be master in relevant field.


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Teaching or Learning Talent

by Esi

Hi guys. I was wondering if you could take a look at my task 2 Nature Nurture Essay. I really need to know my level!!

It’s generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

it is frequently believed that some people have inherited talents and skills for specific activities (Carriers, sports, arts, etc). Their success is considered to be a result of their genetic characteristics and talents. On the hand there is a point of view that anyone can achieve his goals through training, practicing and trying.

The importance of inborn talents are clear and explicit. There are many examples of who have significantly higher abilities than others in specific area. For example the genius and talent of Maradonna as one of the biggest footballers until now, has been widely accepted. Mozart had an inherited talent in music as a composer. No one could build those symphonies without an inborn genius and talent.

On the other hand there are many people that don't have any talent in some disciplines and fields but they overcome this lack of talent through working hard and being motivated. But definitely there are some disciplines or fields that talent is critically needed. Like singing that needs a good God given voice.

In my opinion, although genetics and inborn abilities are critically important, hardworking and motivated people can compensate for their lack of talent. It doesn't need to mention that all talented people would not be prosperous and successful. Many people waste their talents and sometimes they die without knowing them.

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Talents for Sports or Music

by Manu
(Punjab, India)

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

There is a false belief among many people that a person could have some special talents from birth and therefore can be successful in that field like sports or music however this perception is far from truth. It is proper guidance along with consistent efforts that makes a person successful in any field.

Anyone can be taught the art to excel in the field of arts or sports provided he has a strong desire and is ready to put in the efforts required. The path includes strong determination as well as regular efforts in the right direction. One would also need a mentor who could correct him when he goes astray. This focused training will make sure that the person is not content with his early successes and keep on the pursuit of excellence. Best proof could be that if we ask any of the great musicians or sportsperson, he or she will always credit it to the coaches not to the genes

Saying that a person is good at something due to its inborn talents is an injustice to the people who have worked hard to reach excellence. I don’t deny the fact that there could be people with some advantages like family background or physical features. A child from the family of musicians will have an upper hand as he or she will find it easier to get guidance in addition to the proper environment. Similarly a person who has long arms can have an extra advantage in sports like boxing. This can certainly help them to some extent however they also need to go with efforts and training. There are a lot of examples where children of great musicians and sports stars could not do well in these fields.

In the end I would like to say that inborn talent is just an excuse made by people to hide their shortcomings. In real world anyone who is ready to do a lot of practice can be trained to be on the top of music or sports world.

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