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International Relations Essays

by michelia

The money given to help poor countries does not solve the problem of poverty, so rich countries should give other types of help instead.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is true that an enormous amount of money has been poured into impoverished nations to help them escape from poverty. While this solution is sometimes effective, I personally believe that financial aid does not fully tackle the problem, and other types of aid need to be implemented.

Firstly, money given to destitute nations does not always reach people in need. In developing countries, lack of transparency and an ineffective management system has enabled prevalent corruption in government. It is therefore likely that monetary support from other countries would bring about benefits to only governmental officials instead of the poor. Another problem with giving out money is that in most cases recipient countries do not have necessary resources such as manpower, technology, infrastructure or management system in place to make the best use of financial aid. For instance, in my country, a large amount of money from foreign governments was spent on building health care centers in rural areas, but those centers were soon abandoned or operated at less than one tenth capacity due to lack of health care professionals, lack of electricity and clean water, etc. Another illustration would be in agricultural field. We received monetary support from international funds to increase productivity of crops, but we had no experience in conducting researches before implementing a project, in project management and evaluation. As a consequence, a large amount of money was wasted on ineffective programs proposed by incompetent leaders.

Furthermore, it is undeniable that financial aid can sometimes do more harm than good, and worsen the situation in poor countries. Some developed countries gave out monetary support to ruling oligarchy in Africa under the name of economic development, but for hindered political reasons as well. They might want to gain international preference, to win support from their citizens before election, or to enhance their political influence in recipient countries, etc. In such cases how the money would be spent was not their concern. Leaders in recipient countries therefore used the money to strengthen their position, by enriching themselves or purchasing weapons to suppress opponents. Had it not been for the financial aid, people in these poor countries might have been able to overthrown their incompetent, greedy authority. Financial aid in this case became an obstacle for revolutions against dictatorship, social progress and poverty eradication.

In conclusion, monetary support alone could not eliminate poverty. Other types of help such as technological support, staff training, infrastructure development and management system improvement is required to handle the problem.


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May 27, 2015
ielts essay money for nations
by: Anonymous


Jun 03, 2015
ielts essay money for nations
by: Anonymous

Nicely written, although more personal experience should be added.

Jun 08, 2015
Comment on the essay Giving aid to poor countries
by: Anonymous

Generally, the arguments were logically organized with a clear thesis statement. The vocabulary use is adequate. There are just a few minor grammatical errors

Aug 11, 2015
by: Amar

Excellent great job on your International Relations Essay.

Dec 01, 2015
by: Anonymous

Good effort

Jan 22, 2016
by: Samreen usman

U don't discuss the alternatives of financial aid in detail, as a good way to help developing countries

Feb 06, 2016
I appreciate your attempt!
by: Anonymous

Well done. It was helpful to gain more understanding about topic. When i saw the statement for the first time, i was puzzled to come with any alternative idea to support underprivileged nation, except monetary. After reading your essay, unfortunately, i have some guesses but not clear concept yet. I wish you could develop more alternative helps which can improve your essay, simultaneously, providing us with information. Anyway, Thanks a lot!

Jul 12, 2016
nice essay
by: Anonymous

nicely done

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International Conflict Resolution

by Roxy Perry

Many people say that conflict between two countries should only be solved by the parties involved. Others say that other countries can take part in the resolution of the problem.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Animosity between two countries often results to chaos and has gripped the world in terror. It has been centuries ago and yet, it is still prevalent among mankind along with sufferings and poverty for some countries.

Number of people said that the disagreement between two countries should only be addressed by the parties involved. This is because, for some reason, peace and understanding can only be achieved if particular leaders of both territories will try to talk and to figure out each other’s mistakes. Also, it was mentioned that if a certain country will take part, there’s always a chance of taking sides in which will bring more misunderstanding and problem to both parties. So it’s necessary to have an open-mind and an open-heart to bring a better solution that will benefit both parties without needing the help of other leaders overseas.

On the other hand, to easily eradicate the conflict, many people believed that it is still best to involve other powerful countries. They said that if an influential leader will pursue to solve the negative occurrence, there is a greater chance that one or even both parties will cease their arguments and will let the stronger nation conclude the issue/s. Thus, bringing the best solution and developing ideas that will resolve and will even prevent the conflict in the future. For an instance, USA as the most powerful country and consequently the leader of the United Nation, will order to layoff the conflict between two countries whose under the said organization, most likely take its instruction and follow future directions to come up with a justifiable agreement.

From my point of view, both arguments are acceptable and can definitely resolve conflicts. I think that giving both territories the chance to talk about the issue between the two of them, in peace and in the absence of struggle and warfare, will let them realize their own shortcomings, thus will settle the feud. While it is not a bad thing either for a certain country or nation to take part in resolving the issue/s, it is far more important to understand the reason behind why tensions and resentment between two countries arises. Without addressing the underlying roots of hostility; I believe that the two nations will be unable to build normal relationship in the near future.


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Danger of Global Trade to Local Industries

by Chym

The free movement of goods across national borders has long been a controversial issue. Some people argue that it is necessary for economic growth, while other claim that it damages Local industries.

Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.

Exporting and Importing goods are one of the sector in the industry that has always been a contentious topic in a country. Some citizen believed that exporting have benefits effect for the economic growth, while others contradict the importing may harm the local industries.

A wider distribution is a positive result to an open market. It may give an opportunities to established a broad trading relationship to the other countries. Goods that entered the international trade may gain more income not only to the workers and companies but for the country as well. Moreover, exporting products may raise the custom revenue of the country because before the investors have their merchandise to the local market, they have to pay for the alloted taxes as a result, these taxes may help to increase the gross sales of the country.

On the other hand, people may patronage the import goods rather than their own products. For instance, as today the Philippines import rice the the other Asians countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. People tend to buy these kinds of goods because they think that it have a more high quality standard as a result, the fall of local purchasing. As the local industries decline, many establishment and businesses tend to close their production due to decreasing profit, they can no longer support their production and as consequence, many locals loose their jobs.

One may conclude that exporting and importing goods may have favorable and unfavorable effects in a country. In my point of view, it is more wiser to pay more attention to the local industries than being dependent to the goods from foreign countries. With the support from the government and the unity of the workers and local companies to improve the quality of the local product that can be compare to the other products, people may patronize more local commodities and bring up also the gross revenue of the country.


I badly need 7 score in writing. Criticisms of my essay are also welcome thanks!

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Dec 01, 2015
free movement of goods
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Chym,

Your content and organisation are generally ok, but you are quite a way off getting a 7 for your grammar and lexis.

There are some good sentences in there, and vocabulary, but there are quite a few noticeable errors (and I corrected a few of the spelling mistakes so there were more).

So improving your grammar is what you need to focus on.

Dec 05, 2015
Essay on the Danger of Trade to Local Industries
by: Anonymous

Exporting and Importing goods are one of the sectors in the industry that has always been a contentious topic in a country. Some citizen believed that exporting had benefits effect for the economic growth while others contradict the importing may harm the local industries.

A wider distribution is a positive result to an open market. It may give opportunities to established a broad trading relationship to the other countries. Goods that entered the international trade may gain more income not only to the workers and companies but for the country as well. Moreover, exporting products may raise the customs revenue of the country because before the investors have their merchandise to the local market, they have to pay for the allocated taxes. As a result, these taxes may help to increase the gross sales of the country.

On the other hand, people may patronage the import goods rather than their products. For instance, as today the Philippines import rice from the other Asians countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. People tend to buy these kinds of goods because they think that it have a more high-quality standard. As a result, the fall of local purchasing. As the local industries decline, many establishment and businesses tend to close their production due to decreasing profit, they can no longer support their production and as a consequence, many locals lose their jobs.

One may conclude that exporting and importing goods may have favorable and unfavorable effects in a country. In my point of view, it is wiser to pay more attention to the local industries than being dependent on the goods from foreign countries. With the support of the government and the unity of the workers and local companies to improve the quality of the local product that cannot compare to the other products, people may patronize more local commodities and bring up also the gross revenue of the country.

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Sharing a Nation's Wealth

by Noelia Ortega
(Dominican Republic)

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education? Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

Nowadays, some developing countries are facing problems under extreme unfavorable human conditions. Therefore, wealthy nations should be required to share their wealth among poorer nations. Specifically with priceless resources for human beings such as education and food. However, it is the main responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens.

To explain my point of view I will indicate that currently, standards of healthcare and education in developing countries are extremely low. Moreover, life expectancy is usually lower than in developed countries due to the lack of health assistance and other resources. Likewise, many people are forced to live in poverty due to the lack of education (in some cases the level of illiterate people is extremely high) and, in addition to this food, drinking water and basic medicines are in short supply.

With the lack of education and food, other problems arise such as over population, crime and pollution. With this in mind, individuals in poorer nations are human beings living under uncomfortable conditions. Therefore, wealthy nations should help those citizens affected by unprivileged conditions. But, just with resources going directly to the affected lower-class individuals. In other words, wealthy nations do not have to forgive international debts to poorer nations or to help with technological resources. It is all about poor individual, helping humans, helping people. Otherwise, some poorer nations which sometimes stay in poor conditions due to government corruption, will be resting on wealthy nations, which would be doing the job that the government is supposed to do.

Having this in mind, it is the duty of poorer nations to look after their citizens, providing public services like healthcare and education. They are responsible for the well-being of their citizens and all the framework that this implies. They are supposed to create jobs, infrastructure and all the favorable conditions to protect its people and give them quality of life.

In conclusion, wealthy countries should help developing countries focusing on the affected individuals needs. By doing this, they will be helping directly people in need. However, the governments of developing countries have the main responsibility to look after their citizens, providing everything they need to protect them and guarantee quality of life.

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Sharing Wealth Amongst Nations

by Chun Mei Chang
(Mumbai, India)

Should wealthy nations be required to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things as food and education?

Or is it the responsibility of the governments of poorer nations to look after their citizens themselves?

The world economy is a complex juxtaposition of developed nations with futuristic ideology and the third world nations trapped in the medieval age. The necessity to bridge the gap between the two has aroused a controversial debate between sharing of wealth by the power laden countries and the governments of economically backward nations strategizing methods to become self-sufficient. An analysis of both sides of the coin will clarify the picture.

It is regarded as a moral obligation to help the weak which propagates the idea to offer financial assistance. Countries like Vietnam have been able to successfully make improvisations in its economy after years of external existence. Ethical reasons aside, industrialized countries cannot afford to let one section of the world stagnate in infrastructure and economy as it could ricochet back in forms like terrorism or spread of contagious diseases. One recalls the damages to the twin towers of the World Trade Centre, the kidnappings by Somalian pirates and the deadly SARS virus that intimidated the world.

However, most often than not, the money donated by developed nations is consumed by the corruption of the politicians of underprivileged nations. Conversely, even if the money is utilized for food and infrastructure development, it often culminates to the governments of such nations to become over-dependent on external assistance and encourages them to become lazy and ignore their own responsibilities. Even after receiving years of financial aid, countries like Afghanistan and some African nations are still relegated to the bottom of the economic charts.

Nevertheless, the governments of economically backward countries should show accountability after being trusted and elected by their people. History suggests that when governments start to strategize the economic future of their country, such nations taste prosperity. The efforts of the Chinese government to improve its economy has transformed China to a dictator of corporate expansion plans worldwide while Singapore ensured that it rocketed from one of the poorest countries in the 1960s to second on the list of the 2015 economic freedom index.

In conclusion, it would be prudent for governments of underprivileged countries to strategize infrastructure and economic development plans while it more fortunate counterparts can ensure aids during serious crisis and natural calamities.


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Comments for Sharing Wealth Amongst Nations

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Dec 15, 2015
by: Asish


Dec 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

Nice vocabulary. ...its an 8 band essay

Dec 17, 2015
by: Anonymous

Nice one

Dec 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

The essay is organised and it has new vocabulary.

Dec 24, 2015
International Relations Essays
by: Anonymous

good, grade 8

Dec 28, 2015
by: Anonymous

Fantastic.... good range of vocabulary used

Jan 18, 2016
by: Daryoush

An essay with good structure and high volume of vocab.

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IELTS Essay - Hosting International Sporting Events

by Kirtan patel

Hosting International Sporting Events

Hosting International Sporting Events

Many people want their country to host an international sporting event. Others believe that international sporting events bring more problems than benefits.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think, hosting a sports competition at an international level is a bad idea and not beneficial for the country whereas some people show their interest in these competitions. According to me, sports play an important role in the development of the country in one or other way and for the promotion of these games, it is necessary to host various competitions at the international level.

On the one hand, by hosting international sports events, some people might get interested in sports or maybe some people stand on the opposite side but there are various benefits of these competitions. Firstly, these events help an individual (sportsperson) in their personal growth in their particular sport and also promote our games at international level for instance, Kabbadi is the game which was played only by Indians but by these international events, the game has achieved the position at international level and now it is played worldwide.

On the other hand, by hosting these competitions, many people might get attracted towards sports. We can observe, children or students are least interested in playing physical games and sports because of developments in technology and availability of mobiles and computer. Almost every child nowadays opts to play video games rather than playing in the fields. So by hosting these competitions, it might be beneficial for them if they get attracted towards sports which maybe a great carrier for them.

To conclude, It is necessary for either private companies or governments to host the international sports competitions which is very important for the promotion of our games as well as for the children to attract them towards physical activities. In my opinion, these events are important as well as beneficial for country.

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International Sporting Events

by Dr.Khurram

Popular events like the Football World Cup and other international sporting occasions are essential in easing international tension and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe way.

To what extent you agree?

Each year international sports events held through out the world.Through out the history it can be seen that they bring together people belonging from different cultures and regions. I certainly agree that these sports events such as football world cup and cricket tournaments not only helps in improving international relationships between different countries but also help people in expressing devotion to their country and promote nationalism.

Generally in every geographical regions there are few nations that have disputes and they don't enjoy good diplomatic relations. Undoubtedly these sports competitions bring close together inhabitants of these countries. They get know positive aspects of each others that are mostly concealed by their government and media. For Instance India and Pakistan have tremendous diplomatic differences and also fought three wars but despite of this when international cricket series held each year it brings both nations close to each others. They support their favorite players and team irrespective of their nationality. And this type of sport events proved enormously beneficial in easing tension between two countries in last few decades.

Moreover these international events attract tourists from all over the world, which not only bring enormous revenue to hosting country but at the same time allow locals to learn from people of different cultural backgrounds. It also alleviate hostility between people belonging from different countries.Furthermore when people support their teams it rises their patriotic emotions and bring them together as a nation.

To sum up, international sport events such as Olympics and Fifa world cups are not only very beneficial for boosting international relations but also liberate patriotic feelings.


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Apr 03, 2017
by: Rahhul saini


This essay has the same theme as I have faced in my last IELTS exam. All concerned thoughts are summarized in your essay, but in the introduction, there is the lack of thesis of two body paragraph in which one does mention own thoughts. Rest is super.

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