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IELTS Sample Writing:
International Pollution Issues

by sammy

Facing many international pollution issues such as the energy shortage and global warming, some people believe that individuals have limited abilities to deal with that issue, compared with the nations and society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With rapidly economic development, an increasing number of international pollution has aroused people to pay more attention to environment protection. People excessively exploit the natural resources due to the big gap between economic development demand and natural source supply. I am amazed when I heared some people saying that individuals have no contribution to cope with international pollution. As for me, nothing is further from the truth than this view.

In the first place, everyone can help to reduce pollution and do their bit for the environment. In other words, if every individual has the sense of environment protection, we can make a great contribution to environment protection and pollution control. For example, turning lights off when you're not in the room can save a lot of energy. Leaving televisions, stereos and computers on standby with the little red light, even though they might look like turned off. Don’t look down on these actions.

In the secondly place, environment protection needs everyone attention. Green environment is the system which is run by two important links- government and citizen. Government is taking major steps in environment protection, such as introducing strict emission norms, penalty for industries which would cross emission limits, strict automotive regulation. But all these efforts would fail if we don’t cooperate with government. If one link is active but the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run properly. Both have to work together for efficient system.

Above all, a conclusion can be made that everyone should take responsibility for environment protection. Thus, I am firmly convinced that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as cardinal link.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

With rapidly rapid economic development, an increasing number amount of pollution that has international impacts has aroused motivated people to pay more attention to environmental protection. People excessively exploit the natural resources due to the big gap between economic development demand and natural source supply. I am amazed when I heared (this is too informal) Some people saying that
individuals have no contribution to make to cope with international pollution. As for me, In my opinion, nothing is further from the truth than this view.   

In the first place, everyone can help to reduce pollution and do their bit for the environment. In other words, if every individual has the sense of environmental protection, we can make a great contribution to environment protection (don't repeat nouns like this) protecting it and controlling pollution (this has been changed to make it a gerund and therefore parallel with 'protecting it') control. For example, turning lights off when you're you are (don't abbreviate) not in the room can save a lot of energy. Not leaving televisions, stereos and computers on standby with the little red light, even though they might look like they are turned off. Don’t look down on these actions. (this last phrase is too informal).

(There is not really much support in this paragraph - just the bit about 'lights' and 'leaving things on standby'. You waste too much time at the beginning with those first two sentences which are saying more or less the same thing).

In the Secondly place, environmental protection needs everyones attention. A green environment is the system which is run made possible by two important links- governments and citizens. Governments are taking major steps in environmental protection, such as introducing strict emission norms, penalties for industries which would cross emission limits, and strict automotive regulation. But all these efforts would will fail if we don’t cooperate with governments. If one link is active but the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run properly. Both have to work together for an efficient system.

(This paragraph would be better if you could be more specific about what individuals can do to make sure they cooperate together).

Above all, a conclusion can be made It can be concluded that everyone should take responsibility for environmental protection. Thus, I am firmly convinced that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as a cardinal link (not sure what you are saying here?).


To improve your writing, you need to focus on brainstorming some clear ideas to answer the question and how you will support them with reasons and examples.

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Brainstorming and Planning

Comments for IELTS Sample Writing:
International Pollution Issues

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Apr 29, 2012
by: Anonymous

Many thanks.

I have revised my paper:

With rapid economic development and population growth, an increasing amount of global pollution that has international impacts has motivated people to pay more attention to environmental protection. People excessively exploit the natural resources due to the growing demand. Some people say that individuals have no contribution to cope with international pollution. In my opinion, nothing is further from the truth.

In the first place, everyone can help to reduce pollution even it is very small for the environment protection. However, penny and penny lays up will be many. Every individual should have the sense of environment protection, and start from little things. For example, turning lights off after you left the room can save plenty of energy. Leaving televisions, stereos and computers on standby with the little red light, even though they might look like it is turned off.

Secondly, environmental protection is the responsibility of not only government, but also citizens. A green environment is made possible by two important links- governments and citizens. Governments are taking major steps in environmental protection, such as introducing strict emission norms, penalties for industries which would exceed emission limits, and make strict automotive regulation. But all these efforts would be nothing if we don't cooperate with government. If one link is active while the other link is inactive then the whole system cannot run smoothly. Both have to work together for an efficient system.

It can be conclude that everyone should take responsibility for environment protection. Thus, I am firmly convinced that we are an important part of the link. If you understand this you can act as a cardinal link.

Feb 27, 2013
by: Anonymous

I would recommend to upload examples of the essay by experts before we uploaded our answers in order to look and follow the example

May 19, 2013
my view
by: ngo duy vu

your writing is so good, I have learned many things from you

Jul 06, 2013
by: Anonymous


Dec 28, 2013
nice one.
by: Anonymous

this is my first attempt in an essay. please check it out.

With rapid increase in technology invention, international pollution has become a biggest threat for our environment. Energy shortage and global warming being most severe and the need to take them into consideration has alarmed government around all the countries considerably. I believe that if each n every individual takes responsibility to help in their own to reduce these problems, it will help government to enforce their program.

Usage of energy has dramatically increased over few decades, resulting in depletion of energy sources like fossil fuels, oils, petrol. In turn when these energy sources are used, they emit various gaseous substances which pollute the air. This constant emission of dangerous gases leads to global warming. Global warming is further worsen by deforestation. Gases like aerosols from air fresher, air conditioner and cars should be replaced by new non-polluting substance. Even daily used technology like refridgerator uses aerosol and dry ice which can harmful to our environment.

People should be warned about its use and should be educated about their side-effects. Moreover, these should also be added in school education syllabus so that children’s can learn this crucial subject since their childhood. People working in private advertisement firm can advertise about these topic and bring up this issue in eyes of government. In addition, we can use solar energy machines as replacement for such technology.

Though we cannot ignore the fact that nation as whole has to get in action to prohibit further damage to environment. Furthermore, government should start inventing technology which does not endanger our environment. I truly believe, that as an individual, we should be cautious with use of our energy but on bigger aspect, nation as a whole has to bring about new legislation and technology.

Jan 16, 2014
Please Admin highlight my mistakes....
by: Anan

In the modern era every state and individual wants to take an edge over the other as result natural resources are depleting, which intern has increased the level of international pollution like global warming and shortage of energy etc.

As for as the individual abilities to concern to tackle these problems it is true upto some extent that generally they are less capable to solve these burning issues, but still they can do a lot to save the environment by good practices. Furthermore, Individual can recycle many things like pet bottles, textiles, furniture, tins, paper etc. Similarly by planting a tree they can make their vicinity beautiful, net & clean. Besides they can do a lot to decreasing the pollution level by avoiding the use plastic bags, instead of polyethylene shapers they should prefer cloths bags for bringing food stuff from markets. Such small things will bring a great change in tackling down the problem.

Apart from individual, state is the main character that has sufficient machinery to control the pollution. State should come forward with clear mindset about minimizing pollution of air and effective use of resources for energy production. Because with the passage of each day the requirement, of energy for economic development is increasing. In order to cop the demand and save the environment, Government should make such laws and policies that can address the current level of problems as well as the future. State should provoke lucrative schemes for creating awareness in the people.

To conclude, Individual can be as good as the state for solving the pollution issue in his vicinity. No society can control this hindrance without the participation of individual.

Mar 04, 2015
please check my essay and tell me how much score will i get for this.
by: navneet

energy shortage and global warming have always been an issue of debate. non-renewable resources of energy are being exploited day by day. global warming has become one of the biggest problems in the world, due to which the temperature of earth is increasing gradually.

there are some people, who believe that individuals can't cope with these pollution issue. individuals do not have appropriate resources and money to fight these bad changes. pollution, which is increasing at international level, can only be controlled by governments, by implying heavy taxation on industrial units which are misusing the natural resources.

on contrast to this, some believe that we can handle these issue at individual level also. id an individual reduce the use of AC and car, plants more trees, and save water then the we can at least reduce the pollution if not eliminate it thoroughly.

also, we can use bicycle to go near by places than to use public transport. we can save energy by switching off the light or fan when we leave the room. these are the small efforts which may help us to save our environment.

i strongly believe that we should play our part in reducing pollution by making small endeavors. and, let government take steps towards those industries which are pollution the environment and wasting energy.

Mar 15, 2015
Pollution issue
by: muzahid masum

Environment consists of both living and non living substances.Three types of pollution are common all over the world such as water pollution, air pollution and soil pollution that are continuously polluted the natural environment.Government, community, society and individuals are able to protect the environment from pollution because most of the pollution and environmental distortion have created by human being. In my view, individuals have a significant role to reduce pollution because society, community, government and organization are made up of individuals and their activities. if Government and organization take initiatives for conserving environment, individuals should help them for making a better world.

Firstly, Governments and organization are powerful than individual so that they have to show their sincere effort for removing all of factors which is related to environment pollution. For example, two oil contained ship crushed in near the area of world largest mangrove forest in Bangladesh in 2o12, as a result oil is pouring for the ship and formidably floating nearby sea area including Sundarban. For this accident, thousands of aquatic animal and plant species had died. But on that time government took initiative for removing this floating oil and they were succeed with a weeks. so that, other Mangrove organisms were saved from fatality. so, Government and organization are able to take instant action because of the manpower and logistic support.

Secondly, every person has a capacity onto his or her range. Moreover, if a person aware about his heath and ecosystem, he tries to always maintain it thought it is little or insufficient amount. Human being who creates machine, web and all of other scientific innovation. so I think a conscious person can change the environment condition in his territory through his humane and altruistic activities. For instance, one of my school teacher named Kadir, He was like scavenger in our school because in the tiffin period, he has collected all of the dirt, polythene and other wastage materials for our school campus and nearby roads. As a result that area was always neat and clean and his activities was exemplary paradigm for all the students and teachers. Like Mr. Kadir, if all the people do his responsibilities it would be very easy for make a sound environment.

In conclusion, the causing agents of pollution are man made and environmental pollution mostly caused by human being except natural calamity. It is indispensable that Individual has a great role to protect the earth from the obvious natural downfall like government and conservation related organizations.

Mar 15, 2015
please check my essay
by: Enes

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays,nuclear technology became big power around world and it use for the purpose of a lot of different helpful goal.I strongly believe that, nuclear power include some advantages for people such as it avoid environmet pollution and provide better economy.I am going to explain two advantages about nuclear power.

Unfortunately, enviromental pollution is big problem today and it threaten the our life.Therefore, people need a new solution for this problem.Then people find a new solution is nuclear technology which is not bad effect for environment .Well, why nuclear technologhy is sollution for environment pollution, because nuclear technology has any harmfull effect on environment.Also,nuclear technology has not waste and so nuclear technology supply any garbage that mean it is exactly clean life.I read Turkish daily newspaper two days ago and according to newspaper, we can see big differences between past and now pollution on environment with a lot of countries use nuclear technology, because nuclear technology do not offer any bad effect like a other usage.

On the other hand, nuclear energy is cheaper technology in world and since use of nuclear technology,world economy is better than past, because nuclear power include saving.I watched Tv programs about nuclear power one year ago and it indicated nuclear power supply saving to 75% generate of electricity.This percentage qute big and very very big reason for use of nuclear technolgy.This reason provide big advantage for country economy and a lot of countries established new power plants whole their empty area.

To sum up, nuclear technology useful for people and it supply main two advantages avoid environment pollution and provide strongly economy.

May 06, 2015
My International Pollution Issues Essay
by: S

As the technology advances and almost everything is or to be mechanized, the energy requirements of the world continue to increase. To cater to the growing demand, the world continues to plunder the earth's precious resources, using them to fuel their research and return to the mother nature dangerous by product chemicals and greenhouse gases.

Over the years many sustainable environment friendly means of energy production have been introduced. Instead of focusing on the diminishing fuels extracted from the earth such as oil, coal, the burning of which produces dangerous gases for the environment and for man's health, the newer greener technologies for energy production should be focused on.

Geothermal energy plants use the natural heat below the earth's crust to produce steam and to rotate turbines in order to produce electricity. Although the geographical topography should allow such a construction, more effort can be made in this area by all the nations, pinpointing such locations within their own land where it could be feasible.

Solar energy produces electricity from the sun's rays. This type of energy production again does not require combustion of fossil fuels. Thus saving the environment from the chemicals used for its extraction and released in its burning.

The wind can be used to generate electricity as well, the wind turbines can be installed in vast unpopulated areas where the wind travels unhindered. Similarly more techniques using the energy of the ocean have also been devised.
In the same way, green cars have been introduced which require electricity charging at home or use solar panels to run.

The international community should take this matter seriously, and should co operate by sharing their successful alternative technologies.

The world is largely oil dependent and its trade has seen much political and military strife. Much politics around the world revolves around this energy resource, where each country not possessing it naturally is fearful of not being able to acquire it from other countries. The need for each country to be independent in energy production is of great importance for world peace. The transition from this diminishing fuel to the more sustainable one can be gradual and difficult. However it is well within the international communities' hands to change the situation if they could forget their political strife for the sake of the environment and mother nature.

Jun 21, 2015
by: Anonymous

I have learned few things from you, thank you.

Jun 22, 2015
Please check this essay and kindly point out the mistakes.
by: Anonymous

In this modern era, by the improvement in technology, pollution becomes a dangerous problem thereby environment gets damaged. It results in energy shortage as well as global warming which should be taken care by individuals and community as well. However, I expostulate with the perspective that protection of environment is the duty of nation and it emphasis that it is also the responsibility of each one also.

Indeed, it is initially be noted that energy is to be preserved by reducing the unnecessary energy consumption. Environmental resources like water, wind, sunlight are the sources of power. Precautions like turn off light, computer, iron box and so on are essential for conserving the energy.

Besides, none can negate the fact that planting new trees are essential to limit the problem like global warming. Deforestation rises the level carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and it leads to the depletion of ozone layer thereby global warming. Seed a plant by every individual in their yard is a necessary to keep the nature away from danger.

However, some believe that nation and society have wide capabilities to protect environment rather than individuals because rules and laws enhances the provisions. But I feel that individual is responsible along with the nation since they are duty bound to keep natural resources to their childre and upcoming generations also.

In short, it can rightly be reiterated that every individual has the duty to maintain environment safely. I am hopeful that if everyone takes appropriate steps to protect the environment, it will give a fruitful and peaceful life in future.

Jul 03, 2015
by: Keng

It would be a crucial idea to avoid short forms as they are regarded as informal writing criterias. Therefore, in order to go away from that common mistakes, students or learners should have a note to write down all the inappropriate phrases or structures as possible.
Best wishes!!!

Jul 29, 2015
Kindly check my essay
by: Anonymous

Global warming and green house effect are the biggest issues faced globally. Everything is in the loop and affects the ecosystem in some or the other way. To eradicate it, a decision concerning every continent and climatic zones must be taken into account and followed accordingly.

According to me individual steps towards the goal won't create a difference but inculcating the need of it in horde mentality will lead conspicuous results. negative impacts are already showing their results, among them include rising level of water in oceans due to melting of snowy regions, decline of ozone layer in turn rising the temperature and animal species getting extinct due to detrimental climatic conditions.

In either way, some scientist even had made comments that it is not a serious issue which media tends to exacerbate. It is more amount of fear created in the air and brains making it extremely serious than it really is. Scientist have been saying that control measures have already been taken and implemented and provided with the statistics of the same in near future, and, not each individual have to strain to make contribution to the same because squad of people in every country has been established and working on the same.

Finally i concede that it is a serious issue for our coming generation and every individual hand for saving our ecosystem would provide with smooth and friction-less work.

Sep 07, 2015
Nice expression

a very nice way to aware all the mistake mostly people do.

Nov 05, 2015
Please check my essay and provide comments
by: Khushbu

Recently international pollution has become a huge issue for any country. Every country is trying out measures to deal with the issue. However, its arguable that whether an individual can contribute measures to solving the issue or not.

I agree with the statement that is an individual cares enough, then they need not wait for the nation to take measures to solve the problem. Global warming is an issue that is one way or the other effecting every individual. It not only increases the heating temperature of the earth, but also introduces skin related diseases for the human being. One of the reasons of global warming is the increasing pollution caused by the vehicles. More the number of vehicles on the road, more is the pollution. Hence, we can make use of public transport more often and use the private vehicles only when its unavoidable. This will not only decrese the pollution but also improve the traffic jam issue to a great extent.

Another issue that we face these days is the noise pollution. The crowd on the road these days has no patience and they honk continuosly without thinking for a second. Honking so frequently will not get them to the destination any faster, but they don’t think while doing that. So, once people start honking only when necessary, there might be lot less noise pollution compared to the current state.

These are the forms of energy which are being used blindly without thinking the after effects of these. They come back and harm us and our families but we still fail to realize the cause. Hence, if we start using the energy sources in a limited amount, we might not have to wait for the nation to take any measures at all to solve the issue.

Dec 15, 2015
This is my essay
by: Mai Nguyen

The debate whether the ability of the nation and society outweighs individuals in dealing with social pollution such as the lack of energy and global warming is heated constantly. While I concede that people have limited abilities to solve these problems effectively, I believe that there is nothing to put two parties in comparison in the terms of capability.

It is true that in order to restrict the phenomenon of energy shortage or the increasing temperature globally, placing emphasis on changing personal consumption is the very first thing that is considered for individuals to put it in priority. Instead of driving vehicles using petrol which lead to environmental damage, people have changed their way into environmentally-friendly ones such as electric and hybrid cars. But it is clear that in Viet Nam, although this solution is hold by individuals, those people cannot run these environmental protections radically because of their limitation in connecting other individuals to do the same on global scale.

By contract, I do believe that in terms of ability in tackling with internationally environmental pollution, the saying that governments and societies would do better than individuals do is just a fallacy. The comparison between those parties is unrealistic in which each party has its responsibility to this problem and even more one party would be the supporting key towards other. For example, in the revolution of dealing with the lack of natural energy, the role of erudite experts is to invent green technology using alternative energy such as solar and wind, while the major responsibility of the government is to support them with the greatest quality working environment which acts as a catalyst to encounter this issue.

May 19, 2016
International Pollution Issues
by: Anonymous

Here, I found only one side including two supporting paragraphs. But another type is writing both sides.

Which would be better for getting higher band score for this type of question?

May 19, 2016
International Pollution Issues
by: IELTS buddy

It's not as simple as that when deciding which will get the best score.

If you are asked to agree or disagree you can agree 100% and look at one side or look at both.

It's not that one would necessarily get a better score than the other.

Nov 18, 2016
My first writing test , can you tell me how much score i will get
by: Aman

In this modern era, whole world seems to be in trouble because of environmental pollution, global warming and shortage of energy. The main reason behind these issue is carelessness by government because its hard to blame individuals as they don't have much resources to protect it.

Firstly, fresh environment is the main key of health and everyone should do care by doing their little efforts because in these kind of issue, everyone could be responsible. Governments also should take some steps to deal with these environmental problems by making some new rules against factor affecting. As they can ban unwanted factories, chimneys and vehicles

Secondly, there should be some government law of immediate sentence for people who spoil environment and spread deleterious particles Moreover, everyone should be aware of these law and concerns related to environment. However, individuals also can do some thing on low level by saving electricity, by control on vehicles when if they actually don't need them and by planting trees.

On other hand, internet also can be used as resource by which governments can enlighten people as they will be come to know these environmental issues

In conclusion, everyone should have to take responsibilities on own to protect environment nearby and Governments also should be strict for their laws and natural issues.

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