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IELTS Letter - Writing as an Employee

by katisss

IELTS Letter - Writing as an Employee

IELTS Letter - Writing as an Employee

Semiformal letter:

You are working in a company. You would like to join a training course related to your work. Write a letter to your employer, in your letter

- describe what course you would like to do
- how this course might help in your work
- suggest a suitable time for you to do this course.

Dear Mr. Jones,

I am writing to you to ask your permission to attend a Spanish class on Thursday evenings.

Over the last few months we have seen an astonishing increase in the number of Spanish speaking customers at “Jones Camera Shop”. While I do speak some Spanish, I have not practised a lot in the past few years and I am clearly lacking some technical terms.

I have already discussed taking up lessons with my manager, Mr. Kent, and he agreed it would benefit our customer service, Certainly though he wants me to ask your permission before enrolling.

The most suitable class nearby takes place on Thursdays from 5.30 pm, which would require me to leave the shop at around 5 pm until the end of April.

All in all I hope you will agree that taking the class will help us to provide better assistance to our customers. I look forward to hearing from you regarding your decision at your earliest convenience.

Yours Sincerely,


IELTS buddy

I have put the corrections in the one above. Just a few minor points about it:

Complex Sentences – Adverbial Clauses

Remember with adverbial clauses, you must put a comma after the dependent clause if you start the sentence with it:

While I do speak some Spanish, (comma here) I have not practised a lot in the past few years and I am clearly lacking some technical terms.

Some other points:

All in all = don’t use this to end a letter. This is used for conclusions (or concluding sentences) in essays. You don’t really need to have anything here in a letter.

Certainly = This does not work where you have put it. It means ‘definitely’.

Comments for IELTS Letter - Writing as an Employee

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Mar 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

good essay

Aug 14, 2014
Introducing yourself
by: DKG


Thanks for your comments and corrections. They are very helpful to aspiring candidates.

I have a doubt which thought of raising here. In this case, an employee is writing to his employer, without really introducing himself/herself upfront.

Employer wouldn't really know who is the requester, perhaps, until he finished reading the complete letter.

Would it not be better if letter starts with introducing the writer something like "This is David, a clerk in your beach shop.."?

Looking forward to your seeing your recommendation,

Mar 16, 2017
DKG , Very good question
by: Anonymous

Please advise accordingly

Mar 30, 2019
by: shabnam

I am writing this letter to ask your permission to join computer software programme,

My name is Shabnam,resident of Nitikhnad 1,Ghaziabad.I have been working in your company as a finance manager, for 10 years. My employee number is 985696.I am planning to join a computer software programme which will be beneficial for me as it will help me to speed up my assignment as well as performing error free task. I already took permission from my manager for the same.

Suitable time for my coaching classes would be 5p.m.For this I would have to leave my office 1 hour early than my official time.The course will be useful for company as well as it enhances my accuracy.i hope you will consider my request seriously.

looking forward to hear from you.

Yours Sincerely,
Shabnam Rani.

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Checking Facilities

by ccling

The company you work for is planning to provide special training for staff. Your duty is to find out if the local conference centre has suitable facilities in order to hold the training.

Write a letter to the manager of the conference centre. In your letter:

• Give some details about the training course
• Describe what kind of equipment you will need for the course
• Ask some questions about the facilities at the conference centre

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a manager in Big company and searching a place to hold 1 day training courses for new recruits. I have read some information from your website and It seems that the NIT Conference Center can be an option. So, here I am writing to you to gain more information.

First, I would like to query the available dates and rooms in the center and the prices. There will be about 100 people participating the courses and we plan to hold them in September. Also, I would like to know if you have more than 100 chairs inside. Second, I need an overhead projector and well-functioned a microphone/stereo system. Are they available? Third, I would like to know if there is a room for talkers to rest.

In addition, I would like to confirm the facility information from the website. I saw there are some restaurants and cafes at B1 floor. Are they still running? Could I get their contacts to arrange the meals for the participants?

Thank you.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,


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Letter to a Colleague

by Ridma
(Sri Lanka)

Your colleague found another job and invited you to his/her farewell party. Unfortunately, you are unable to attend it. Write a letter to him/her and say:

- Why can't you attend the party?
- Why did you enjoy working with her/him?
- Offer him/her to meet some other day.

Dear Mihiri

Firstly, I would like to thank you for inviting me to share your happiness in your great achievement and it is a great pleasure for me. Eventhough, I am very sorry to inform you that I am unable to participate your farewell party as I have to attend to a funeral of my aunt who was very closed relative of our family.Actually, I am not in amood to get a fun by participating the party.

However, I would like to say that the period which were working with you ia so memmorable for me due to several reasons. Onething is you are very knd, flexible and a trustful lady. Moreover, you are very pleasant and always tried to keep us in happy mood. I did not feel any frutration or tiredness during work with you, because of youy helpfullness and jokes.

I hope you understand and all my best wishes are with you. Perhaps we can meet next Saturday and and celebrate your farewel too.

Yours sincerely.

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Conference Centre Training

by Kate
(yaounde cameroon)

The company you work for is planning to provide special training for staff. Your duty is to find out if the local conference centre has suitable facilities in order to hold the training.

Write a letter to the manager of the conference centre. In your letter:

• Give some details about the training course
• Describe what kind of equipment you will need for the course
• Ask some questions about the facilities at the conference centre

Dear Sir/Madam,

i am writing to find out informatopn about your center. In the month of october our company will be having a training course which has to do with training our staff on biotechnology techniques to improve laboratory results. this will ivolves the use of video dimensions and projections.

With regard to this training we will be needing a labtop, a projector, a large tv screen and an enclosed room for our equipements.
we will also like to know if the conference center can accomodote 50people, Do you have private rooms since its a two days training and some will like to stay there. Do you have a kitchen facility, a refectory and toilets for these number?

i would be waiting for a reply in regards to my letter
thank you

yours sincerely


Comments for Conference Centre Training

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Sep 27, 2020
by: Anonymous

The closing is not ideal, you closed the letter like an informal letter. You are expected to write your name in full.

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Letter to Employer

You work for a company. Write a letter to your manager about your work from last year. Explain:

- What you did
- What you think you could improve
- A training request

Dear Mr Santhosh,

I am writing to explain to you about the work I had done last year.

Working in Domino’s for the past year has challenged me to learn all the activities to be done by different employees rather being specifically stuck to my role. Also, a list that circulates every week where each and every person shift will be mentioned is developed by me.

All of the employees working inside Domino’s other than delivery drivers should try to learn all the activities. In this case, it would help you when there are not enough people working on few days like holidays.

The employees should be trained to perform and handle all activities properly. Hence, it would be extremely grateful if you could make it mandatory for the employees to attend.

Yours Sincerely,

Comments for Letter to Employer

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Mar 31, 2021
Grammer tenses correction
by: Ehsan Asad

I think in this letter, second paragraph should be in past tense like that.

Also, a list that circulated every week where each and every person shift was mentioned was developed by me.

please correct me if i am wrong here.

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