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IELTS Homeschooling Essay

by Rajiv joshi
(Jalandhar city ,state Punjab, India)

Homeschooling is better then school.

Do you agree or disagree?

It is irrefutable that study is an essential part of our life we can not survive in this modern world without sstudy nowadays people start a new trend of home schooling question rising the issue of what is more beneficial home schooling or school education in this eassay I will examaine both points and give my own opinion

First and foremost people believe that school education is better then home schooling the reason for this is that In school classes provide different teachers for different subjects which give students good education which they need secondly some parents are not well educated they dont know about their children study moreover some parents are busy with their job's they don't have time to give their children good education so they admission them in school

However some people believe that there's no need of school education because children can learn better by one to one education they can easily learn in that atmosphere in addition they believe that they can easily provide better facilities which their children need they will not get over stress wile studying at home

To wrap up I personally believe that school education is essential then home schooling because from school education children learn social skills as well as moral values for instance how to live in society how to deal with people moreover how to face diffrent circumstances in life so school education is better then home schooling.

Comments for IELTS Homeschooling Essay

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Oct 09, 2014
IELTS Homeschooling Essay
by: IELTS buddy


The first major problem is you have no full-stops. I don't know why this is, but this will significantly reduce your grammar score.

Also, your ideas are not explained well enough. You need more details or examples to support them.

If you look at your second body paragraph, for example, there is very little explanation of your ideas there.

You have written about 250 words so you are on the borderline for not having enough words. So you need to write a bit more.


Oct 09, 2014
Weak essay
by: Anonymous

I think this essay is weak because:

The candidate discussed both sides with no enough explanations, it would be better if he tried to explain on side with more details to support this view.

Also, there were many grammatical errors including the absence of full stops.

Oct 10, 2014
Errors of the Homeschooling Essay
by: Anonymous

This essay has no punctuation marks which is the main problem for the candidate. It is lacking coherence and high level vocabularies.

Sep 30, 2017
please analyse my submission for homeschooling essay.
by: Anonymous

Please check the following on Homeschooling

Education is an enabler and every individual should have access to it. Whilst some people believe studying from home is beneficial, others have the opinion that formal schooling is essential for every child.

It is certainly true that homeschooling saves lot of time and money. To begin with, on an average 8 to 9 hours in a day are spent out of home for the purpose of schooling which includes the commutation time too. The effective study time is not beyond 4 hours. A lot of time, for instance, is wasted in extracurricular activities like celebrations and picnics. Also, the schools today have become a business center where extremely high fee is charged. Management fee, annual fee, activity fee, infrastructure fee, tuition fee, lab fee etc. are some examples of money charged under various heads by these schools.

However there are other benefits for children and society. Firstly, the regimen of going to school develops a sense of discipline in them. At school, also, a series of activities and events one after the other, period after period enables them to multitask as well as consolidate at the same time. Moreover, schooling helps children in making new friends. As a result their maturity and confidence grows enabling a fulfilling life for them.

Furthermore schooling provides a healthy competitive environment where children can analyze their strengths and shortcomings with respect to their peers.

To conclude, I believe that education is a must for all and attending schools is equally important. Schooling should be encouraged to make a liberal, open and better future for everyone.
262 words

Nov 18, 2017
very little explanation
by: Anonymous

You have not enough details on both sides, also not enough explanation and examples are not included. if you will add example and protect your view properly with contras in second paragraph so you can extend your essay easily.

Jan 16, 2018
IELTS Homeschooling Essay
by: Anonymous

Can some one please provide feedback on this Homeschooling essay.

During the bygone days, homeschooling was the standard form of education. Today, education system , the world all over, is engaging more in formal schooling methods, especially in developed countries, Although there are different views on this topic, i would like to state that it is a good idea to prefer public schooling over homeschooling for various reasons as discussed further.

Students spend most of the time in schools, hence schools are not just responsible to train a candidate in academic subjects but also play a dominant roll in improving their interpersonal skills such as socialising, empathising with others opinion, self confidence, self control, discipline etc. Such skills require a controlled environment i.e. People from all kinds of cultures, attitude, family backgrounds, life experiences etc, which the public schools are capable of providing

Public schooling trains students in masses, so less one on one attentions is provided to an individual student. This enables the student to develop a key skill set of learning under limited supervision from the faculties. This is a very important quality which can enable them to work on and solve any problem statement independently in future rather than waiting advice from an domain expert.

In addition, the students are induced with a sense of competition with their peers. This results on a positive drive to push their limits, their by reaching boundaries which would have been impossible to achieve otherwise.

Homeschooling a candidate means, they are only trained in an isolated environment where in there is immense chance for growth in improving in the field of academic subjects, but will lack in developing other traits which the public schools provide in order to face and succeed challenges in the days to come, in responding to the realities of life.

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