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IELTS Bar Chart - Honey-Bee Colonies and Production

by Le

The charts give information about honey-bee colonies and honey production in the US

The charts give information about honey-bee colonies and honey production in the US

The charts gave information about the number of honey-bee colonies and the amount of honey production in the United States between 1970 and 2010.

The number of honey-bee colonies were showed at the left chart. In 1970, there were four millions honey-bee colonies and the next ten years, this increased approximately 4,2 millions. However, in 1990, the number of one fell to 3,5 millions colonies, and then this decreased every ten years. Finally, in 2010, the number of colonies reached just under 2 millions.

During the same periods, the amount of honey production were 130.000 tonnes in 1970 and dropped to 70.000 tonnes in 2010. But between 1980 and 1990, the amount of production of honey were increased about 10.000 tonnes (from 110.000 tonnes went up to 120.000 tonnes production).
Overall, the both charts figures decreased for 40 years.


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Comments for IELTS Bar Chart - Honey-Bee Colonies and Production

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Dec 19, 2015
Bar graph
by: Thuy Hang

Your description lacks an overview which mentions something that both two graphs show; for example the general downward trend. There are some grammatical mistakes such as verb tenses, prepositions. Also, it includes so many details.

Dec 21, 2015
by: Hamid

I agree with Thuy Hang. In task1 you are not obliged to write all information from datas. You just try to mention to write more complicated sentences.

And if there was downward or upward, you do not have to write all of them, try to outline the most striking features, I mean you attention should be thrown onto the highest and lowest points with numbers and percentages, the rest figure does not need any numbers until the next paramount points.

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