IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

Task 1: Bar Chart
Reasons for Studying

by lion

The first graph shows that there is a gradual decrease in study for career reasons with age. Nearly 80% of students under 26 years, study for their career. This percentage gradually declines by 10-20% every decade. Only 40% of 40-49yr olds and 18% of over 49yr olds are studying for career reasons in late adulthood.

Conversely, the first graph also shows that study stemming from interest increases with age. There are only 10% of under 26yr olds studying out of interest. The percentage increases slowly till the beginning of the fourth decade, and increases dramatically in late adulthood. Nearly the same number of 40-49yr olds study for career and interest. However 70% of over 49yr olds study for interest in comparison to 18% studying for career reasons in that age group.

The second graph shows that employer support is maximum (approximately 60%) for the under 26yr students. It drops rapidly to 32% up to the third decade of life, and then increases in late adulthood up to about 44%. It is unclear whether employer support is only for career-focused study, but the highest level is for those students who mainly study for career purposes.


IELTS buddy

It’s a very good answer with few mistakes, so there is not much I can add to what you have done.


This is good as you have clearly divided up the information and you have good topic sentences.

vocabulary and grammar

You have some good use of vocabulary e.g. ”late

You have few grammar errors (only one I noticed) and you have some complex sentences in. You could maybe try and fit some more in.

For example, you could do this in your second body paragraph:

Although there are only 10% of under 26yr olds studying out of interest, the percentage increases slowly till the beginning of the fourth decade, and increases dramatically in late adulthood.

However, you do have two important things missing.


You should have a sentence at the beginning that introduces the graph. For example:

The bar chart shows the reasons why people studied and the level of support given by their employer according to different age groups.

You should use the title of the graph you will be given in the exam to do this. However, DON’T copy it straight from the rubric. You have to put it in your own words.

2.Main Trends

At the beginning, before you go into detail, you should also point out the main trends of the graph. For example:

Overall, it can be seen that most younger people study for career, whilst older people study for interest, and the most support from employers is given to under 26 years olds.

You have done a similar thing with your topic sentence anyway, but it would be a good idea to have an overview in your introduction (or put it in a conclusion) as well.

Follow this link to see examples of graphs and example graph introductions:

Task 1 writing samples

Comments for Task 1: Bar Chart
Reasons for Studying

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Sep 26, 2014
graph writng
by: kishi rana

nice really enjoyed .....:)

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Task 1 IELTS Sample:
Reasons for study and employer support

by dravid
(thailand )

The charts show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.

The charts show the main reasons for study among students of different age groups and the amount of support they received from employers.

The bar chart illustrates the reasons why people study and the second chart shows the level of support given by their employer according to different age group

Overall, it can be seen that more people are keen on studying to building their careers, even though it tends to decline as they grow up. It can be also seen that employers support is maximum for those who are under 29.

70% 80% of students below 26 study to build their careers and this figure tends to decline as they grow older, dropping to 70% for the ages 26-29, 40% for the ages 40 -49, and finally dropping falling to about 20% when people are over 49. By contrast, studying for interest increases from ages to ages over the age groups, rising from nearly 10% to a dramatic peak (70%) where when people finally reach above 49

Moving on to the next chart, it is crystal clear that employer support is very high when people are above 26 years of age. Unfortunately, this figure drops to 50% for the ages (26-29) and finally little over 30%(30-39). However, there is tendency to increase in receiving employers’ support for the next two age profiles.


IELTS buddy

Corrected Version:

The first bar chart illustrates the reasons why people study and the second chart shows the level of support given by their employer according to different age groups.

Overall, it can be seen that more people are keen on studying to building build their careers, even though it tends to decline as they grow up. It can be also seen that employers support is maximum for those who are under 26.

70% 80% of students below 26 study to build their careers and this figure tends to decline as they grow older, dropping to 70% for the ages 26-29, 40% for the ages 40 -49, and finally dropping to about 20% when people are over 49. By contrast, studying for interest increases from ages to ages over the age groups, rising from nearly 10% to a dramatic peak (70%) where when people finally reach above 49.

Moving on to the next chart, it is crystal very clear that employer support is very high when people are above 26 years of age. Unfortunately, this figure drops to 50% for the ages 26-29, and finally a little over 30% for the 30-39 age group. However, there is tendency to increase in receiving employers’ support for the next two age profiles.


Overall it's a good answer as your response is easy to follow and you decribe and contrast the key data. You also have some good complex sentences in there. Just a few things to note:

Look at the data on the graph carefully - you make a few mistakes with incorrect data taken from the graph. This may affect your score.

crystal clear = this is too informal for academic writing

Careful how you use brackets:

dropping to 70% for the ages ( 26-29), 40% for the ages (40 -49),

Unfortunately, this figure drops to 50% for the ages (26-29) and finally a little over 30% (30-39).

These need to be a part of the sentence.

Try to vary your language - you say 'drop' three times, which is why I changed one to 'fall'

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Comments for Task 1 IELTS Sample:
Reasons for study and employer support

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Jun 05, 2013
my version
by: Sunny

The first bar chart shows how changing the number of the people getting education depending on their age and the purposes of learning. There are clear differences between two particular causes for learning: it is a career and interest.
The second bar chart illustrates amount (in percentage) of incentives providing by the work givers to the varied age categories of workers.

From the information was presented in the first picture we can see that the most percent of students in age under 26 are learning to make a good career - it is in average 80 %. By contrust, pupils, who are educated for their interests, constitute only near 10% in the same age. But this situation changes gradually and with the increase of years amount of careerists in education decline significant - little less than 20 percent in age group under 49. Whereas, there is an upward trend in the number of studying for interest in age period under 26 and more. Also, we should notice one important point, when students achieve age of 40-49 years the numbers of studying either for career or for interest become equal.

The second graph is also a bar chart, which demonstrates a employer's supportive measures amplitude in the five age groups. The figures show that the supporting from employers is very high (approximatelly 60 %) when the workers in age under 26. Than it is tend to decrease a twice at the time, when laborers in age 30-39. There is the lowest level of supporting - jnly 30%, however by the age over 49 this point grows slightly just over 40%.

Sep 07, 2016
please rate this
by: Anonymous

The first bar chart compares two main reasons for people to study according to their age while later depicts the level of support getting from their employers in each age category.

Overall, it can be seen that though young people study mainly for their career development, interest becomes a more concerning factor for the study as they grow older. And youngers receive the highest employer support.

To begin, 80% of people, who are less than 26 years, cite that career as their main reason for study, which is 8 times higher than those for interest( 10%). However, in 26-29 and 30-39 age categories, this gap lessens as percentages for interest increase to 15 % and 25% while those for career reduce to 70% and 55% respectively.

Interestingly, 40 - 49 age group claims in similar fractions for both ideas at 40%.

In contrast to above, 70% of people over 49 age study for interest,three times higher than those for the career.

Moving to the second bar chart, people below age 29 have the maximum employer support at over 60%. despite this figure drops to 50 % for 26-29 ages and to almost half for 30-39 ages, it increases in next two age categories to become 35% and 42% respectively.

May 01, 2017
bar graph
by: Mohammad88

The bar graphs demonstrates how five age groups (<26, 26-29, 30-39, 40-49 and > 49) vary in terms of the causes driving them to study (career & interest) and how much employer support they receive in the form of financial aids & days off.

In general the young age groups, aged less than 39 years, were driven by career purposes for studying and received more employer support than the rest groups who have interest as their main motivation to study.

Regarding the causes behind studying, 80% of those aged less than 26 years, 70% of those aged 26-29 years and 55% of those aged 30-39 were motivated by career reasons to study as compared to only 10, 15 & 25% respectively whose main reason to study was the interest.

Equal percentage of 40% for both causes in the 40-49 group & in contrast to the general trend, the > 49 group showed greater percentage 70% study because there are interested.

The greatest support is directed toward the < 26 year group (60%), while the lowest to the 30-39 group with only 30%.

The rest are, in descending order of frequency, 50% for the 26-29, 40% for > 49 & 35% for 40-49.

Jul 08, 2017
sample writing
by: Bahareh

The bar charts illustrate vital purposes of educating based on variable category of ages and level of acceptance by companies, such as providing education leave and company funding.

Overall, the main reasons of studying bear no similarity to each other. In other words, percentage of studying for career is decreased from the youngest age group to above age 49, although the figure of interest experiences around 60% rising. Moreover, interestingly, aged under 26 receive the highest major employer support.

Looking at the detail reveals that, those who are in 40s have exactly equal number of reasons, approximately 40% each, whereas with the exception of the eldest aged group a majority of students choose study to make a living. Turning to employer agreement, the least investment is on the age 30-39 which is supported almost a half as percentage as the youngest age range , while over age 49 achieve more than 10% of age 30s.

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Task 1 Bar Chart: Reasons for Studying and Levels of Support

by Tahir

The bar charts illustrate the reasons why students study and the level of support they get from their employer.

The bar charts illustrate the reasons why students study and the level of support they get from their employer.

The first chart gives information about the purpose for study among various age group students,while the second chart shows help given by employers to them.

It is clear that younger students(under 26) study for their career,whereas those over 49 study for just interest.Employers provide supports mainly to under 26 age group.

Four out of the five students get education to develop their career in age group under 26.These numbers decrease as age groups increase.Just under 20 percent of students with age over 49 study for career.By contrast,the number of students study for interest are highest for those with age over 49,whereas lowest for under 26 year olds.

The employers give more support to under 26 group.The age group 30-39 gets lowest support but the age group 26-29,40-49 and over 49 get better amount of support then age group 30-39.

IELTS buddy

First some comments:-

"It is clear that younger students(under 26) study for their career,whereas those over 49 study for just interest.Employers provide supports mainly to under 26 age group."

This is ok, but you should try to be more accurate. If you look at the graph, actually age 30-39 study for career as well, and age 40-49 is equal.

You would be better to make it more general - e.g.

"It is clear that younger students generally study for their career, whereas those over 49 study for just interest, and employers provide supports mainly to under 26 age group."

“Four out of the five students” – I don’t get this. Don’t you mean 80%?

“By contrast,the number of students study for interest are highest for those with age over 49,whereas lowest for under 26 year olds.”

You are repeating yourself in this last part – “whereas....year olds”. You said about 26 years olds in the sentence before:

"Just under 20 percent of students with age over 49 study for career"

Refer to the Data

Make sure you make reference to the data (percentages) on the left. You don’t have to do this all the time, but you must make reference to it at some points so we know what you are comparing with what.

You don’t mention it at all in you last paragraph about the ‘employer help’ graph, and minimally in the first one.

The IELTS scoring specifically states that the student must mention the data.


Grammar corrected version:

The first chart gives information about the purpose for study among various age groups of students, while the second chart shows help given by employers to them.

It is clear that younger students (under 26) study for their career, whereas those over 49 study for just interest. Employers provide support mainly to the under 26 age group.

80 per cent of the students get education to develop their career in the under 26 age group. These numbers decrease as age groups increase. Just under 20 percent of students aged over 49 study for their career. By contrast, the number of students studying for interest are highest for those aged over 49, whereas it is lowest for under 26 year olds.

The employers give more support to the under 26 group. The age group 30-39 gets lowest support but the age groups 26-29, 40-49 and over 49 get a better amount of support than the 30-39 age group.


Overall, it’s a fairly good answer as you pick out all the key information without going into too much detail, and you seem to cover everything in the graph.

You don’t have many grammar errors either.

And you divided the information up into two body paragraphs which is good.

You also have an overview that gives the main points of both graphs and a good introductory sentence

To improve:

You make some reference to the data on the left, but not enough.

Your answer is actually too short (about 140 words I think) which will lose you some score.

Also, you should try to make more use of ‘complex sentences' as the examiner will be looking for this. You do use ‘while’ and ‘whereas’ but you should try to have a few more.

But this depends what band you want. If its only a ‘6’, then you don’t need much more than you have, but you will still need a variety (see the public band descriptors).

Have a look at some of the task 1 sample / model answers written on this site and see how complex sentences have been put in. Don’t try to put lots in for the sake of it, especially ones you are not sure how to use, as this may end up lowering your score if you make lots of mistakes.

But try to practice how you can add some others (e.g. relative clauses).

Hope that helps

Comments for Task 1 Bar Chart: Reasons for Studying and Levels of Support

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Jan 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much for correction.

I will post task-2 as well.
My last score was 8 for writing module but I coulndt clear IELTS as I missed by 0.5(Speaking module-6.5).I am confident that I will get 7 in speaking next time but writing part make me nervous.
I dont know how I got 8 bands in writing but I am thinking I am between 6.5 and 7.Thats my view.Speaking and Writing are subjective part so its on luck as well.
I want to clear in anycase next time because I have wasted many months in my life.

Thanks again
With Regards

Apr 12, 2014
Please HELP! Trying to suit all the important point teacher mentioned
by: armstrong

The bar chart represent the percentage of students who get the support from their employer and the percentage of students who study for the reason of career or interest, in which both are divided into different age groups.

According to the first bar chart, we can see that, for the under 26 age group, 26-29 age group, there is a downward trend in the level of support from employer to students, which are 63%, 50% and 33%.
From what we see from the second bar chart, students , generally, study for career and the percentage of this reason start from 80%, 70% to 57%. Employer are more willing to support students who study for the reason of career within these three groups.

The students which are over 49 years old have a higher level of support, which is 45%, than the students from the bracket of 40-49, which is 37%, followed by the bracket of 30-39. Also we can see that there is a increasing percentage of students studying for interest in all ages.In conclusion, employer has a different viewpoint regarding supporting the older employee, which is depending on their work experience.

Mar 09, 2017
Comments anyone ?
by: Usama

The bar graphs indicates factors that motivate student to study and the extent of support they receive from employer. It is clear from the graph that students under age 26 benefits most from the employer in terms of time off and help with fees. Moreover, students over 49 mostly tends to study for interest while the age group under 26 study primarily to build career.

It is evident from the graph that employer support was highest at about 63% for youngest category of students while the level of support reduced with age and reached nearly 32% for age range 30-39. However, support by employer began to gradually increase for the last two categories and reached to a maximum of 43% for employees over 49 years of age.

It is visible that as students become older their motivation to study for career replaces with interest. It is noticable to add that in age category 40-49 their inclination to study for career or interest became equal.

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IELTS Bar and Pie Chart - Reasons for Study and Costs

by Aleyna Arzu

The charts below show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reason why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.</p><b>Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. </b>

The charts below show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reason why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The charts illustrate the results of a survey of adult education.

As it can be seen from the table below, the main reason for adult education is interest in subject that accounts for 40% of the rest factors. Approximately 38% of the participants represent gaining qualifications as the most second important reason. Adult education appears to be useful for present jobs of 22% of the people participating in the survey. The other reason is to enhance the possibility of getting higher positions in work and to enjoy learning that constitute 20% for each. For 12% it is preferable to continue education, as it can create opportunities for shifting jobs. Just 9% are interested in meeting new friends through adult education.

When it comes to pie chart, it shows sharing the costs of adult education. According to the pie chart, individual presides over the rests with 40%. Employer accounts for 35%, while taxpayer 25%.

Comments for IELTS Bar and Pie Chart - Reasons for Study and Costs

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Sep 30, 2015
by: Anonymous

it is good i read ur task1 i am impressed by u

Oct 30, 2015
no compare contrast
by: kapil

No compare and contrast. It will get a low grade in marking

Nov 09, 2017
pie chart not described well
by: pooja

I hope that pie chart should be described well. You didn't mention compare and contrast.

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IELTS Graph - Reason for Study and Sharing of Costs

by uzma abbas

The charts show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reason why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared

The charts show the result of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reason why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be shared

The bar chart illustrates the proportions of the decisional views regarding indications for education among young individuals and the pie chart represents the supposed budget allocation of each educational course on individual basis. At the first glance, it can be seen that major reason for adult education is interest in subjects (40%) and the very same proportion should be shared by individuals for each course.

To begin, the bar chart shows that around 38-40% of adults decide to study to gain qualifications and due to interest in subjects respectively. While according to 20-22% of people, they find the adult education necessary to enjoy learning, to improve promotional prospects and to find it helpful for the current job respectively. Very small proportion of adults is with the views to meet people and for changing job purposes.

By far, the pie chart shows that 40% of the educational course cost should be the responsibility of individuals, 35 % should be paid by employers and about a quarter should be allocated to taxpayers.


You can feedback below on this IELTS Graph about the Reason for Study and Sharing of Costs.

Comments for IELTS Graph - Reason for Study and Sharing of Costs

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Dec 23, 2015
Studying Graph
by: IELTS buddy

Just one quick important point about this:

"At the first glance, it can be seen that major reason for adult education is interest in subjects (40%) and the very same proportion should be shared by individuals for each course".

Don't put data in the overview.

It is meant to show the general trends of the whole graph - if you put in data it will look more like 'detail' rather than an overview.

If you are seen to not have a clear overview then you will be limited to a band 5 for Task Achievement. You don't want to risk this.

Dec 23, 2015
by: uzma

Thank you for sharing your valuable remarks.
I'm interested to know that only digit 40% should b ommitted or the whole sentence should b changed.

Dec 23, 2015
Studying Graph
by: IELTS buddy


No I just meant the data - 40%.

Dec 27, 2015
My Effort: Please evaluate
by: Farhana

The bar chart shows the reasons for adult study. By analyzing this,we can see almost three types of reasons are present. Around half of the adults study to achieve the performance and for having interest in that particular subject. Near quarter of the people find it as a medium of enjoying, promotion and useful for recent work. Lastly, few numbers of them want to communicate with others and switch their jobs.

The pie chart depicts the cost allocation to different authorities. Here, we can assume that, most of the cost should be shared individually where more than quarter by the employer and only a little by the taxpayer.

Through this chart analysis, we find adults want to pursue their study whatever the reasons are. For their betterment, the total cost must be divided among population. Thus they may be encouraged.

Apr 15, 2018
Reasons for Study and Costs
by: Anonymous

The bar graph shows the topmost reasons why adult scholars decide to study while the pie chart illustrates the way in which the cost of a course should be subsidized.

Overall, it can be seen that interest in subject received the highest reason for studying and the individual must have the largest share according to the chart.

By far, the topmost reason why students decide to study is their interest in the subject with 4 out of ten ratio. It is followed by to gain qualification which is almost close to interest in subject with about 38%. Whereas helpful for current job, to improve prospect for promotion and enjoy learning/ studying received rates between 20-25%, to be able to change jobs and to meet people are at the lowest with approximately 12% and slightly lower than 10% rates respectively.

On the other hand, by looking at the pie chart, individuals should be subsidized with the highest share of 40%, followed by the employer with more than a third share and lastly, the taxpayer who must have a significant 25% share in the cost of each course.

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