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Idioms Practice

Idioms practice exercises are available on these pages so you can learn all of the common idioms.

Below is a list of the first 10 common phrases to practice. Remember to go back to the common idioms page to learn the words if you have not done that yet.

Word Set 1

  • a blessing in disguise 
  • a drop in the ocean
  • a piece of cake 
  • actions speak louder than words
  • an arm and a leg
  • chip on his shoulder 
  • it's a small world
  • jumping the gun
  • once in a blue moon
  • over the moon

Idioms Practice Exercise

1. Getting my car fixed is going to cost me as the engine has completely blown, but I have no choice. I need it for work.

2. The flu I had a few weeks ago which prevented me from going on holiday with my friends was . They had a terrible time. Everything went wrong and it cost them a lot of money.

3. I was in a café in Italy and amazingly I saw Paul from down the road in there.

4. Jan is finally getting a chance to go on her trip of a life time, a holiday to Australia! She was when I spoke to her.

5. 3 pounds may seem like but if everyone contributed that much we'd have thousands.

6. The government keeps talking about reducing poverty but what do they ever do about it? Nothing! .

7. I've got a promotion at work, but all John did was make a joke about it. He has a real . I think he is just jealous.

8. The interview for that new job was . They asked me really easy questions.

9. The new Martin Scorsese film is out at the cinema. A film that comes out that I really enjoy and want to see happens , so I'll definitely go and see it.

10. He was when he gave up his job to start university. Now he has found out he can't get a grant.

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Set 2 Practice >

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I would be embarrassed to share this with my students, there are way too many mistakes....
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IELTS buddy
I've just checked and there are no errors. Your students must be embarrassed you're their teacher ;)

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