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Idiom Practice Exercise

Here is an idiom practice exercise for the second 10 words from the common idioms list.

Remember to go back to the common idioms page to learn the words if you have not done that yet.

Word Set 2

  • back to the drawing board
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • bite your tongue
  • cut to the chase
  • every cloud has a silver lining
  • find your feet
  • fixed in his/her ways
  • get up on the wrong side of the bed
  • go the extra mile
  • put all your eggs in one basket

Idiom Practice Exercise 2

1. Can you and tell us if we are going to lose our jobs or not?

2. Don't be so grumpy with me! Did you ?

3. He's very . He'll never vote Labour. He's voted for the Conservative party his whole life.

4. I know everything seems very bad at the moment but . I'm sure something good will come out of it.

5. I know you shouldn't but I'm going to sell all my stocks and shares and purchase an off-plan property in Spain. I'm sure it will be fine.

6. I was in that meeting. I really wanted to tell him that his idea was no good but you can't say that to the boss.

7. It doesn't look like this strategy to improve the company's profits is working, so it's !

8. Jane really yesterday. I only asked her to pick the kids up from school, but she took them home, helped with their homework and put them to bed.

9. She's . Her marriage isn't working so she's very unhappy at home, but if she moves out and leaves him her family will blame her and won't talk to her.

10. The job might seem confusing at first as there are a lot of different departments you need to work with but you'll soon .

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