IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

How do I calculate my overall band score?

by Marta sanchez
(London )

Hello my university asked me for 6.0 in ielts but I dunno how to calculate that cause they gave me separate scores.

Should I plus all together and the divided or how can I calculate that?

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Jun 15, 2015
Overall band score
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Marta,

I don't really understand - who gave you the band score separately?

If you do the IELTS test, on your result paper you should be given your score for each section plus your overall band score.

But anyway, yes you add the four up and then divide them by 4. You round up the score to the nearest half band.

This is from the website:

Overall band score

Candidates receive a Test Report Form setting out their Overall Band Score and their scores on each of the four sub-tests: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Each of the sub-test scores is equally weighted. The Overall Band Score is calculated by taking the mean of the total of the four individual sub-test scores.

Overall Band Scores are reported to the nearest whole or half band. For the avoidance of doubt, the following rounding convention applies: if the average across the four skills ends in .25, it is rounded up to the next half band, and if it ends in .75, it is rounded up to the next whole band.

Thus, a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.5 for Reading, 5.0 for Writing and 7.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 6.5 (25 ÷ 4 = 6.25 = Band 6.5).

Likewise, a candidate achieving 4.0 for Listening, 3.5 for Reading, 4.0 for Writing and 4.0 for Speaking would be awarded an Overall Band Score of 4.0 (15.5 ÷ 4 = 3.875 = Band 4.0).

On the other hand, a candidate achieving 6.5 for Listening, 6.5 for Reading, 5.5 for Writing and 6.0 for Speaking would be awarded band 6 (24.5 ÷ 4 = 6.125 = Band 6).


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How are final writing scores assessed?

by Michelle


In order for me to get a band score of 7 in writing, do I need to get three 7's from the four criteria?


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Sep 14, 2013
Calculating IELTS Scores
by: IELTS buddy

No, to get a 7 you would need 7 in each of the criteria.

If you get less in any of them this will bring your score down. For example:

Task Response: 7
Coherency and Cohesion: 7
Lexical Resources: 7
Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 6

= 6.5

Sep 16, 2013
marks calculation
by: Delvy

And how is the marks calculated for the two writing tasks?

T2 + T1 =
7 + 7 = 7 ?
5 + 2 = 7 ?
2 + 5 = 7 ?


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Can you use a score from a module in a previous test for the next test?

by jojo

Can I use my score in listening test on my first take on the second exam to get the desired band?

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Jan 30, 2015
Combining scores
by: IELTS buddy


No, you can't take score from any modules and carry them over.

You have to do the whole test again.

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How do correct questions for the listening and reading get converted to IELTS band scores?

by Dr kb Ashok
(Kolkata )

Hello, I need to score 6.5 for my masters with subsections 6. Can anyone tell me how many questions I should make correct in reading and listening? Any suggestion for other two sections will be highly appreciated . Thanks

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Nov 22, 2013
IELTS Score Conversion
by: IELTS buddy


You can check out conversion tables here:

IELTS Score Conversion

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