IELTS Computer Delivered Tests + Band Score

How do I rate myself in the speaking and writing tests?

by Tony
(Abuja, Nigeria)

Please how do i rate myself in the speaking and writing tests since its answers are dynamic unlike the listening and reading tests that have fixed answers.

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Jan 13, 2019
Grading of IELTS Speaking and Writing
by: IELTS buddy

You can't grade yourself because the grading of IELTS speaking and writing is done by trained IELTS examiners.

They know exactly what to look for and what score to give you. They go through a training course and have to re-certify every few years.

So the only thing you can do for those two modules if you want an assessment is to get one through a service online or take the actual test to see what score you get.

If you pay for a test online you need to make sure that the person grading has expertise in giving IELTS scores.

If you are lucky you may find a forum where you can post an essay for free and maybe somebody will grade it for you, but most IELTS teachers won't be online grading for free.

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