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Co-education Essays

by Sze100

Some people think that this is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

No one can deny that the education of our children should be one of our top priorities. However, there is often a question whether separate classes or mixed classes are better for our boys and girls. Below I will try to answer this question.

Placing your child in a separate school, where there are only children with the same gender, has, undoubtedly, some advantages. Our child would be more focused on learning than on the opposite sex, which is particularly important in that age. Moreover, the possibility of violent behaviours, connected with sex, is also less. Therefore it is better for the teachers to control such a class, as they know what they can expect.

On the other hand, youngsters will lose an opportunity to create relationships with boys or girls and it may affect their lives in the future. Although mixed schools have some disadvantages and they are sometimes perceived as a source of aggression among the youth, I think that they prepare children better for a life in a modern society which, nowadays, is full of mixed environments. Our boy can have a boss who is a girl, for instance, thus he will be better prepared having a possibility to interact with another gender before.

In conclusion, I have more trust in mixed schools as, in my opinion, they learn children how to behave in the modern society which will help them in their mature lives. In the end, every parent wants the best for their children so I hope that they will choose the best option.


What do you think of this IELTS essay on educating boys and girls separately or together?

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Comments for Co-education Essays

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Nov 23, 2015
Good range of vocabulary
by: julie

This essay has a good strong introduction and is clearly organized. Congratulations too on your vocabulary, you use a good variety and most of it is accurate.

You might want to revise the difference between 'learn' and 'teach'. I'm not sure about the use of 'our boy' and 'our child' - I would go for the more neutral ' a boy' or 'boys'.

Likewise I would change the conclusion slightly, don't say that you hope parents make a good choice, keep it impersonal!

Nov 24, 2015
What band
by: Author

What band should I get for such an essay on the real exam?

Nov 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

I am going to say 7.5

Nov 24, 2015
by: Anonymous

Why not 8?

Nov 25, 2015
Why not 8 ?
by: julie

I think it was close. But let's look at the essay in more detail as there are rather a lot of inaccuracies for band 8

'question whether separate classes or mixed classes are better for our boys and girls' - a minor point, but stick to the question at hand in your intro- this is about schools not classes.

'with the same gender' = of the same
'in that age' = at that age
'behaviours' = behaviour
'better for the teachers' = easier for the teacher (the meaning is lost slightly here)
'having a possibility' having had the opportunity
'another gender' = the other gender/the opposite sex
'they learn children'= they teach children
'which will help them' = and this will help them (avoids confusion)
'I hope that they will choose the best option'= so it is vital that they give due thought to the matter/so it is essentially that they think about their schooling carefully.

I hope these comments help you!
Good luck with your studies.

Nov 25, 2015
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your detailed answer

Oct 15, 2019
by: Anonymous

Firstly if it is an opinion essay you may not give both argument. you should mention just one argument,whether you agree with the co-education or not. still i do not get that which side you are. besides it you have a good range of vocabulary

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Mixed Schools versus Separate Schools


Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Certain group of society feels that it is beneficial for boys and girls to be educated in separate institutions, whereas it has an opponent view who trust and support both the sex studying under one roof. This is also called Co education. I think going to a mixed education school has a lots of benefit such as gaining confidence and not being shy, cost effectiveness, respect for women as well as being more responsible citizen.

It has been observed that children who study at mixed gender school are more open and gains confidence as a natural phenomenon of being appreciated by opposite sex. Boys as being close to girls and vice versa gives a good opportunity to understand each other. This later on turns into respecting each other rather than being bias. Being attracted to opposite gender helps them to take ownership and eventually are being a bonhomie and responsible person. Single roof education reduces the cost of education as two different infrastructure is not required. My cousin is one of the best example. He was very shy when he was in boys school, however, after being admitted to a coeducational he in the virtue of showing himself special, he improved dramatically and today he is a confident and bonhomie person.

Having said that, people will advocate in support of separate schools for genders for risk of being engaged and committing unfair activities. There has been several instances where boys or girls getting attracted to each other and impacted there studies. Others went into illegal relationship at very early age. This is true do we have any assurance that such acts will not happen if they study at separate school. The answer is no.

In conclusion, despite of some drawbacks and risk what a coeducation may have, can not defeat several advantages. Therefore in my opinion, I agree to the thought that coeducation is more beneficial for boys and girls.


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Comments for Mixed Schools versus Separate Schools

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Jan 02, 2016
Nice one
by: Anonymous

Nice one

Jan 02, 2016
scores please
by: Anonymous

What score do I get for this essay?

Nov 17, 2019
Separate is better
by: Caringmother42

Think about it if they are separate the focus on studying will be greater

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IELTS Essay: Mixed sex schooling

by Raj

Requesting your time to review the following essay of mine. It will be very helpful, if you could shed some light on areas to improve.

I need band 7 in writing which seems elusive at the moment.

Some people think that it is better to educate boys and girls in separate schools. Others, however, believe that boys and girls benefit more from attending mixed schools.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

Worldwide education is given utmost importance as it play's pivotal role in shaping an individual. In today's educational system, school's role is considered vital. Some argue that the schools for boys and girls should be separate while others refute this opinion. Both sides will be argued with reasoned analysis before reaching a conclusion.

The social environment has many sections of society with different upbringing. For example, in traditional countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Yemen, it is more common to see separate schools for boys and girls rather than mixed schools. This might be due to the social framework in these countries. It is argued by many in these countries that girls should be protected from males. To avoid any undue incidents, such as love affair or physical contact between boys and girls which might result in bad reputation for a family in their society. May be, this could be one among many reasons for some to argue that boys and girls should have separate schools.

On the other hand, modern societies often consider mixed schools as an opportunity in building a better individuals out of their kids. For instance, students from mixed schools tend to be more outspoken, not being shy while being around opposite sex. Girls learn, how to be bold in expressing themself from boys. Likewise, boys get an idea of commitment and politeness from girls. These attributes would help both boys and girls in their adult life, including personal and professional fronts. Thus, it can be seen, why some prefer mixed schools to be advantageous.

In conclusion, after a detailed analysis of both the sides of this argument, the positives obtained out of mixed schools outweigh the concept of separate schools for boys and girls. It is predicted that the co-education schools would be preferred more in the coming years.

Comments for IELTS Essay: Mixed sex schooling

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Aug 04, 2014
Mixed sex schooling
by: IELTS buddy


I think if you are not getting a 7 yet you are very close. It's generally a good essay - well organised with some interesting arguments to support it and some good vocab.

You could maybe try and put another argument in your first body paragraph as it only has one (and shorten the first part of that paragraph as this does not answer the question).

But I think it is possibly your grammar that is preventing you getting a 7.

It is pretty good, but there are quite a few minor errors such as missing articles.

"the majority" of sentences must be error free to get a 7 for grammar, which is difficult to achieve. You have quite a few minor errors, so it may be that the majority are not error free when you are in the test.

So you really need to focus on that.

I think you should be able to get the score you need soon though.

Good luck

Aug 07, 2014
Excessive use of possessive case with material things which seems wrong according to the rule of conjugation of pronouns.
by: sohanlal


Your attempt was good enough yet still need some rectification from grammatically point of view. As you had used apostrophe 's' with material things whereas as per the rule of conjugation of pronoun, one should use such apostrophe with living thing only. I think you must use (of) lieu to use the apostrophe. finally your attempt was good. best of luck

Aug 11, 2014
help and suggestions needed
by: samiullah

Hi ielts aspirants,

Although I have not gone through the test, rather just started the preparation for the same,let me tell you all this is an amazing site to follow.

Mine is an average as far as English language is concerned, and I am in need of 7.5 band in each of the four accepted band.

Could any body tell me how to improve,where to focus and almost how many months should I give before I take my exam..

Somebody please respond and help me .

Thank u all

Apr 12, 2015
by: Kv

i did my homework after reading this
thx bro

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