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Can l use a pencil in the IELTS test?

by Evi

Pen or Pencil in IELTS

Pen or Pencil in IELTS

Please can l use a pencil to write during the test? I am thinking it will be better to simply use an eraser to wipe out a wrongly spelled word rather than cancel it with a pen when one uses a pen. What do you think?

This question also applies to the listening and reading sections too.

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Apr 17, 2018
Using a pen or pencil in IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

In the the listening and reading IELTS Tests you have to use a pencil anyway, and yes you want an eraser too so you can rub out any answers you decide to change.

In the IELTS Writing test you can use a pen or pencil.

There is nothing wrong with using a pen and crossing out words / sentences, though it can look messy if you do it too much.

Here are some tips for using a pen or a pencil in the IELTS writing test:

Using a Pencil

  • Make sure it's a good pencil

  • Make sure your pencil is sharp so you can write clearly

  • have a spare in case it does break

  • If you do erase a word, make sure it's completely gone so there is no confusion

Using a Pen

  • It's ok to cross things out, but make sure it's very clear it is crossed out - put a few lines through it

  • Avoid crossing too much out as it will look messy. There is no penalty in IELTS for crossing out but you don't want to risk anything that may give a bad impression

  • Make sure it's a new good pen so there is no risk of the ink running out

If you do think you may need to do quite a few corrections, then a pencil for IELTS is probably better.

Either way, whether using a pen or pencil in IELTS, make sure you write as clearly as you can.

There is not a penalty for poor handwriting, but the fact is that if the examiner simply cannot read some of what you have written, how can they be sure of what standard it is?

If they have to guess they are unlikely to give you benefit of the doubt and assume it's all high level.

So practice and make sure your handwriting it clear. If you are unsure, get a friend read a sample of your writing and they can tell you if there are any problems.

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Is IELTS written using pen or pencil

by Hugo

Hi, it might be a silly question, but for me it´s important to know if I´ll have to write the test using pen or pencil. If it´s using pencil, is it possible to use eraser too?

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Feb 14, 2019
Pencil or pen in IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

For IELTS reading and listening you have to used a pencil.

But for writing you can choose whether to use a pen or pencil. And yes you can have an eraser.

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Using a pen in IELTS

by Sazzad

can i use a ball pen during reading, writing and listening section?

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Feb 04, 2018
Pen or Pencil IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

You have to use a pencil (and I believe they provide them) for the listening and reading. But for the reading you can use a pen or pencil.

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Using a pencil or pen in the IELTS exam

by azeem javed
(sialkot, pakistan)

should i attempt essay writing in IELTS exam with a pencil or pen?

any suggestion?

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Sep 09, 2013
Pen or pencil in IELTS test
by: IELTS buddy


They will provide you with the materials to write with so just use what they give you.

I think it is usually a pencil.

Feb 03, 2014
Nothing will be provided
by: Anonymous

No, they wont. You would have to bring your own stuff mate.

Feb 04, 2018
Pen or pencil IELTS
by: IELTS buddy

They used to provide pencils but this may have changed then. My understanding now is you must use a pencil for reading and listening but either is ok for writing.

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Pencil or pen in IELTS

by Kingsley

Hi, am taking my exam in two weeks. Am more comfortable with pencil. Is it allowed to use pencil in answering the writing test.

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Feb 14, 2025
IELTS Writing
by: IELTS buddy

Yes you can use a pencil in IELTS writing.

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