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Agree Disagree Type IELTS Essay Questions

by Alex

When answering a question which requires your opinion like "To what extent do you agree?" is it correct to look both sides?

Like to a greater extent I agree but to a lesser extent, I disagree?

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Mar 17, 2017
Agree Disagree IELTS Essay Questions
by: IELTS buddy


No you don't have to look at both sides. You can completely agree or disagree (making sure of course you state clearly that you 100% agree or disagree).

That is usually the easiest way to answer those types of questions of course and that's also usually the best thing to do if your writing skills are not so good.

Personally, if someone wants a higher score, say band 7 and above and they have better writing skills I will advise to discuss both sides just because it will look like a more sophisticated answer and so could potentially make a better impression on the examiner for things such as Task Response.

You can of course 100% agree or disagree with one side and still consider the other side i.e. present someone else's views that are not the same as yours.

But as I say, there is nothing in the marking that actually says you must look at both sides, so you don't have to.

Sep 21, 2018
Discussing both sides
by: Anonymous

So from the response above, does this means that when i write on both sides i will write why i agree and why i disagree and then give my opinion in the conclusion?

Sep 22, 2018
discussing both sides
by: IELTS buddy

That's very basically what you would do, but you can still put your opinion in both the introduction and conclusion.

And one of the body paragraphs may also be your opinion (the second one is better, presenting opposing arguments first).

This is why it's a bit more tricky than just simply agreeing or disagreeing then looking at one side only. There is more potential to make mistakes and lose coherency if your level is not good enough to organise it well and make it clear which argument is yours.

It's best to look at an example. Here you can see the writer takes one side and presents that in the second body paragraph and they present the opposing one in the first body paragraph:

Banning Smoking Essay

Jan 14, 2019
giving the EXTENT of your opinion
by: Anonymous

Hi, Alex. My job is to correct IELTS writing task 2 essays and I would just like to suggest how to properly respond to the "to what extent do you agree or disagree" type of IELTS essay question.

You have to remember that this is different from a "do you agree or disagree." In this type of question, the only answer is agree or disagree and to properly respond to the task, we must only choose one side.

There are 3 ways on how to give the EXTENT of your opinion:

a. Completely/Totally agree or disagree
b. Strongly/Mostly agree or disagree
c. Partly/Partially agree or disagree

COMPLETELY: when you completely agree, all your main ideas should be about why you agree, also with disagree

PARTIALLY: when you partially agree or disagree, there should be a BALANCED discussion. When you gave two main ideas for agree, there should also be two main ideas for disagree, not just one or three.

STRONGLY: for this, you have to write more reasons for agreement than disagreement.
For example: "strongly agree"

a. introduction
b. first body paragraph: agree
c. second: agree
d. third: disagree
e. conclusion

Jul 20, 2022
essay on agree or disagree

let me jump jump on this bandwagon....

i have seen a lot of students are struggling with writing score.
what happens when examiner goes through your essay, it comes with supporting your argument with a suitable task response.

i would suggest to get your essay one side to be more prominent argument supporter. you must keep your conclusion one side so it can produce a compelling end of your essay.

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Help to Understand a Question

by Krish

Here is the question:

Foreign visitors should pay more than local visitors for cultural and historical attractions.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Shall I focus on should, shouldn't or both sides on these types of questions. Help will be greatly appreciated thanks.

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Nov 29, 2013
Help to understand an IELTS essay question
by: IELTS buddy


It is up to you how you choose to respond. I'm simplifying things a bit here, but you basically have three options:

1) Agree 100% and argue why they SHOULD pay more throughout your essay

2) Disagree 100% and argue why they SHOULD NOT pay more throughout your essay

3) Examine both sides, looking at why they SHOULD pay and why they SHOULD NOT pay

Have a look at some of the model essays on the site and lessons to see some examples. This should help you.

Aug 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

Good post shared here.

Sep 16, 2015
credit repair
by: Anonymous

Hey very nice blog!!
Hi there,I enjoy reading through your article post, I wanted to write a little comment to support you and wish you a good continuation. All the best for all your blogging efforts.
Appreciate the recommendation! Let me try it out.
Keep working ,great job!
Awesome post

Nov 04, 2015
by: Jaunita Keat

That's good one post.

Mar 21, 2017
by: Anonymous

If I completely agree or disagree on the statement, how many points must I explain in 100% agree or disagree essay on main body?

Must a paragraph contain only one idea? Or can I add linking words like 'furthermore', 'in addition' and add another idea in one paragraph?

Mar 24, 2017
Using Transitions
by: IELTS buddy

It's quite difficult to fully answer your question in a forum post so I recommend you look at some of the writing lessons and model essays on this site so you can see the options of how the paragraphs in agree / disagree essays can be organised.

Model Essays

The point is each paragraph must have one controlling idea, but that controlling idea could be 'The death penalty must be used for murder'. You could provide several reasons why in your paragraph and therefore have the transitions you mentioned.

Then again you may have one idea and expand on that with a specific example, then have another paragraph with another idea and an example. So in that case you may not be using those transitions (the transition is more likely to appear in the topic sentence of the second body paragraph).

So yes it is ok but it really would depend on the way you are structuring your essay and there are usually a few ways you can do it.

Having one controlling idea for each body paragraph is important though.

I'd really recommend you look through the model essays.

Aug 05, 2017
tourist attraction
by: Anonymous

Tourism is increasing nowadays. Many people from different countries are coming to our world to see our historical events. I would agree with this command.

Tourist are visiting our country to see the different tourist places by doing this our economy is increasing.

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Agree or disagree question

by Stavros

In an essay about "If mothers have to get salary from government" It was an 'agree/disagree' question.

Not 'To what extent do you agree'.

But I approached the theme as partially agreeing from both sides.

Will loose a lot of grades?

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Dec 09, 2014
agree disagree question
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Stavros,

Don't worry, that would not really make any difference.

Having a clear opinion is what is important. If you did that, then your score should not be affected.

Jun 03, 2015
Agree or disagree question
by: Long Vo

to my knowledge, you can convert agree/disagree into discuss both view but make sure that you have a clear thesis. In this case my suggested thesis could be "I believe it is better for mother to receive financial support from both sides". Hope this would help.

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What is the difference between these agree / disagree IELTS prompts?

by Shaon Paul
(Sydney NSW Australia)


i would like to know the difference between the questions "do you agree or disagree?" and "to what extent do you agree or disagree?"

Some experts say that i have to just support one aspect in the first one and both aspects in the 2nd question. So i am little confused.

Comments for What is the difference between these agree / disagree IELTS prompts?

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Apr 22, 2015
Agree / Disagree IELTS Prompts
by: IELTS buddy

Hi Shaon,

If you read them exactly as they are, you could say that.

But I would not worry about the difference too much and approach them in the same way - agreeing, disagreeing, or partly agreeing/disagreeing and examining both sides.

If someone asked you whether you agreed or disagreed with a point, there is no reason why you could not say - well actually I partly agree.

I think it's doubtful that someone marking it would be pedantic enough to pick up on that if you wrote a good answer that tackled the question.

May 08, 2015
Difference existed
by: Abbosbek

Yep, of course there is a difference between 'Do you agree or disagree' and 'to what extent do u agree or disagree'. As we know, there are 3 types of essay forms.

First one is called Argumentation and second one is Proposal and last one is Discussion essay.

So argumentation essay is based on arguments and facts which should be based on your points and sides so you must prove your claim with some degree so it means you must stay on your point to some extent!

Extent as we know means degree of your position. So you have to write degree such as 'I partially agree/disagree' and 'i totally agree' and etc.

In proposel essay you have to write your side between two points.

May 13, 2016
by: Anonymous

Can u make it little elaborate?

Because I write all these argumentative or proposal or opinion essays in one format only.

I introduce my clear opinion in the introduction while my body paragraphs support on both views ..

That question types r agree or disagree, to what extent agree or disagree, to what extent u agree with, discuss both views and give your opinion

Is my format correct of do I have to change ??

May 15, 2016
by: IELTS buddy

I'd say it's unlikely you can answer all opinion essays using one essay format but it's really difficult to judge what you may be doing specifically without seeing some examples of your answers to the essay questions.

In theory you could support both sides in an 'agree / disagree' type essay but you would have to make it clear in your introduction when you give your opinion that rather than falling on one side you can see the merits of both.

As I say, it's really difficult to know exactly what you are doing in your essays without seeing some examples.

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Giving Pros and Cons

by naila khalil

What if a statement is given, then it is asked to what extent do you agree or disagree with it?

And what are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

In case I totally disagree with the statement, then should I go for both advantages and disadvantages of the development?

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Sep 17, 2017
Giving Pros and Cos
by: IELTS buddy

Have you got an example of where you have seen a question like that?

I don't think I have seen one.

It would be a bit confusing because if you give reasons why you agree / disagree you are essentially giving advantages and disadvantages so you'd end up repeating yourself.

Sep 17, 2017
by: naila

Yes, I recently saw this real test question in IELTS exam (academic module) held in August 2017 in Qatar.

I found it mind boggling so I post it here just to seek your expert opinion.

I personally believe that while setting the question due care should be taken so that there is no confusion in the minds of test takers.
do you agree?

Sep 24, 2017
by: IELTS buddy

Yes it should be clear but I'd really like to see the actual question so I could see exactly how it was worded. Obviously that's not possible though.

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Do I have to fully agree or disagree?

by Nahla
(Riyadh )

Hello there,

I had my test today, and it was an agree/disagree essay.

The question was:

People argue that team sports should be a part of the school timetable for children rather than individual sports such as swimming or running.

Do you agree or disagree?

I wrote that I don’t think any of them should be disregarded as they both have many benefits for students.

Would that make me lose band scores because I didn't fully agree or disagree with a certain aspect?

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Nov 03, 2017
Do I have to fully agree or disagree?
by: IELTS buddy

There is no requirement that you have to either fully agree or disagree with one side (though you can do if you want).

It is fine to do as you did which is argue that they are both beneficial in their own ways.

But what you MUST do is make sure that you have a very clear opinion and ensure whatever that opinion is, it is then reflected in what you write in the essay.

If you look at a band 7 for Task Response, it says "presents a clear position throughout the response".

So if you have an opinion that is not clear or is different to what you then write you are in danger of getting a band 6 or even lower for the Task Response criteria.

For example if you said you fully agreed then you presented an argument and concluded that you saw the benefits of both, that would not be a presenting a clear position throughout the response. It would not be coherent.

So I can't say for sure if what you wrote was ok without seeing your essay and seeing exactly how you worded things.

But if you did present your arguments in the essay as you say and your opinion and conclusions clearly reflected that, then you should be ok.

Nov 06, 2017
Do I have to fully agree or disagree
by: Nahla

Thank you very much for your reply. I did state my opinion clearly. I am waiting anxiously for the results. Cheers

Nov 19, 2017
Agree disagree essay
by: Nahla

Hello there,
I got my results and I scored 6.5 in the writing module which is very frustrating. I am going to tetake the test. I have decided to either fully agree or disagree this time instead of partially agreeing or disagreeing. The oroblem is I don’t know what else I can do to improve. I score very well in other bands L: 8. R: 8 and speaking 8.

I would appreciate any tips!

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Can we write about both sides?

by Tanuj

I am confused of when to write both sides especially in opinion essay.

For example in below topic:

"Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person's culture and character from their choice of clothes.

Do you agree or disagree?"

In this can i write as below:

- Introduction: I agree that culture & character affects clothes
- Body Para 1: I will explain why culture & character affects clothes
- Body Para 2: I will explain why there culture & character don't affect clothes
- Conclude: I agree again that culture & character affects clothes with touching other side

Is above approach is fine or should i only write about only one standpoint, that culture & character affects clothes in both Body Para?

Please reply. Appreciate in advance!

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May 16, 2018
Can we write about both sides?
by: IELTS buddy

You can do either. You can take one stand point or write about both sides.

What you suggested in your plan is fine, though I would swap body 1 for body 2.

It looks more coherent and logical to first put the other side across. So..."Some people say that...."

And then to give your view..."However, I think that..."

Or something similar. You don't have to use those words, that's just to show you.

It's common when writing as you suggest to put the counter-argument first. Then you dispute it.

May 17, 2018
Can we write about both sides?
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much.

I read somewhere for this essay and they wrote 2 Body paragraphs one with Culture and another with character along with INTRODUCTION AND conclusion. Please advise if this approach is also fine?

May 27, 2018
Can we write about both sides?
by: IELTS buddy

Yes that would be another way to organise it which would be ok.

Jun 17, 2018
Can I write about the following approach?
by: Anonymous

In the introduction, both side as agree and disagree of the statement, Then in Body paragraph 1 will agree on that and Body paragraph 2 will disagree, in conclusion, it will be both sides.

Many thanks!

Jun 19, 2018
Can I write about the following approach?
by: IELTS buddy

It's really impossible to say for sure if your suggestions will work without seeing a full essay where you demonstrate it.

But yes, you can say that you can see pros on both sides of the argument, present each side in a separate body paragraph, then at the end have a balanced opinion where you neither fully agree or disagree.

But as I say, it's all in the wording and phrasing you use, so I'd have to see a sample essay.

Feb 11, 2019
Agree/ Disagrre
by: Anonymous

For agree/disagree type of question, should I include my side in the introduction or at the conclusion?

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Completely Disagreeing

by Brendon

I appeared in my IELTS exam 2 days ago. There i got an agree disagree essay:

Some people believe that shops should sell local food products whenever possible rather than selling imported products from other countries.

Do you agree or disagree.

In response to this essay i wrote that i disagree because importing food products from different countries produces new job positions, provides a variety of food options to customers and strengthens the bond between countries.

I want to ask if it is okay that i completely disagreed with this essay topic? And are my reasons fine?

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Jul 11, 2019
Completely Disagreeing
by: IELTS buddy

It's ok to completely disagree then give your reasons.

It's difficult to say for sure though how relevant your reasons are without actually seeing how you supported them.

Jul 11, 2019
by: Anonymous

I have mentioned my reasons of disagreement above in the question. Are these reasons fine?

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Task 2 task achievement possibly not met

by Norma


Wrote my Ielts academic test today. Just realised i did not answer task 2 correctly. The question asked do you agree or disagree and in the introduction and conclusion i stated that i did not agree.

But then in body paragraph 1 I went on to talk about the side i did not agree with and in paragraph 2 wrote the points about not agreeing.

Will this greatly affect my score?

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Feb 15, 2022
Task 2 task achievement possibly not met
by: IELTS buddy

You have said that your opinion was that you did not agree and then in your body paragraphs you gave reasons why you did not agree, so I'm not sure what your concern is as your body paragraphs support your opinion.

Feb 15, 2022
Task 2 agree/disagree
by: Norma

Hello.I meant that i approached the question like this...Introduction i stated that i disagreed.Then Body paragraph 1 i started by stating points about why educationalists would say every child should be taught how to play an instrument.In Body paragraph 2 i went on to say the reasons i did not the conclusion i stated that although teaching every child to play an instrument may be beneficial,i disagreed.So im worried about Task achievement.The question only said do you agree or diagree.

Feb 17, 2022
Task 2 agree/disagree
by: IELTS buddy

It's fine to present both sides of the argument which I think you are saying you did.

You can then either agree or disagree - in other words you are stating that you are siding with one of the views.

It's common for essays, and good practice, to present the opposing view to yourself.

You should really make it clear in the essay that one of the views is the one you don't agree with but you are just presenting it to show balance.

Obviously without seeing your whole essay it's impossible to know if you worded it in the best way.

If you look on my 'sample essay' pages then go to the 'agree/disagree' essays you can see plenty of examples essays where both sides are presented.

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Misunderstood Question

by bhujaaa

hello ielts buddy

Yesterday was my ielts test and in writing task 2. i wrote agree disagree essay instead of discuss both views with your opinion

Question told me to wrote discuss both views but i wrote agree disagree.

Please can you tell me how much it will effect my band score.

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Apr 04, 2022
Misunderstood Question
by: IELTS buddy

It's impossible to know that without seeing the question and seeing your answer. You are marked on many things in the exam as well, not just how you answered the question.

Sometimes those types of question are similar in the way you can answer them because for agree/disagree questions you can still discuss both sides of the issue.

So you may have still answered it better than you think.

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