These academic word list collocations can be used to improve your usage of words from the AWL.
Try doing these AWL quizzes first to make sure that you know the actual words from the word list.
When you are sure you know them, you can use these exercises to help you build up some useful collocations.
I can't stress how important it is when you learn a new word to learn the words it commonly collocates with.
This is how to develop excellent writing and speaking skills in English - not by learning words on their own with no idea of what to place it with.
There may be many different words that collocate together, but on this page I have tried to pick some common ones. You should check online though to find other collocations.
These are taken from the first 10 words of sublist 1. Learning them in chunks of 10 will give you a good method to organise your learning.
These are the words:
Click below to see definitions of some of the more difficult academic word list collocations:
Built-up area
Usually refers to an urban / inner-city area with a high density of population, buildings, and infrastructure, in contrast to the countryside.
Alien concept
A completely new idea
Safely assume
Be very confident that what you think to be true, is true
Wrong approach
Not doing something in the best or right way
Leading authority
Principal or main expert in something
Widely available
Easy to get
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